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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. When I was active and deployed yeah I loved my job then and everything well most everything seemed right. Everyhing not in the army I don't seem to enjoy and hate with a passion pretty much. I've been looking into going active full time but its actually become harder for prior service.
  2. I guess the family is all backing Phil and said no Phil no show and are in talks with A&E. I personally love the show I watch it with my boys they love it they got DD posters in their room and bed sheets and pillows. I told my oldest boy the show might be a goner because Phil won't be on anymore he said " as long as Si is on I'm watching it dad"
  3. Congrats
  4. Yeah he's likes Si our DVR is loaded with all the episodes
  5. He's probably right. I just got home and had to shovel my way into the driveway and down to my front door this 20* felt nice and warm I even took off my jacket.
  6. I just spent a few days at Ft. Drum it was -21 with wind chill -8 with out it an about 3' of snow lol.......
  7. Nice work. I wanna get into duck hunting actually its more like my 4 year old is pushing me to get into duck hunting because he wants to go he's obsessed with duck dynasty lol.
  8. So what happens when your a passenger you can't use your phone? Or when like me now am on a bus coming back from FT Drum.
  9. I started strong then bombed to catching minnows.....seriously fingerling bass
  10. Wow we must have all forgot or just had a lousy year. I know I had a lousy year fishing
  11. Welcome back
  12. Bob cats are very rare here there was a sighting about 20 miles from my place a few years ago but other then that pretty rare. They are in eastern NY by te anderondacks but not out this way. Another week of deer season and ill be able to call coons when we don't run the hounds along with calling fox and coyotes i can't wait.
  13. Yeah that was the first time I ever seen nick take one on the ground was that first night and thats just where the coon went was in a hole with the dog. The ones we seen in the field the second night we let rocket tree them well the one the others disappeared down a hole we think. The second night we got a lot of den trees early on. He usually lets Rocket mouth the first coon of the night but not every one. We're going out again tomorrow night and after Tuesday deer season is over and the coyote hounds come out. He works construction as do I now so we have all winter off to run hounds. He offered to split everything with me we make on hides if i go with him nightly and help out. He said he goes every night and usually alone but controlling a dog, shooting, and carrying coons around te woods can get to be a bit much for 1 man so teaming up we can split the duties.
  14. Congrats cool looking rack
  15. Yeah they are not house dogs. The guy I go with has 8 adult blues and 4 puppies in training.
  16. Coons are pulling $20 average $32 for the XL ones fox have been averaging $40. Coyotes I have heard worthless to $80.
  17. Blue ticks we run for fox, coyotes, bear, and coon. We went out again last night took my son with us. He had a ball but as the night went on the pace slowed up it got bright out and I guess coons don't like them moon lit nights despite there being no moon idk but we didnt need lights to see. We only got 1 and that came by driving and seeing a coon in the field where we got te fox the night before. Pulled over let the dog go and he treed shortly after. My son loved it its all hes talked about all day wanting to go again he fell in love with rockets bark right off the bat. Here's some pics of the one coon we got and Noah my son playing with the new puppy they just from Kansas which is also the puppy's name.
  18. They look great. I usually make em a few times a week just some S&P brown on each side and still bleating lol.
  19. I wish I could get them in NY Ive been watching suppressed coyote hunts and I'm jealous. Them guys pick off yotes at good distances 400+ some shots
  20. Got out last night with the coon hounds and man did we have a blast. We got 6 big prime coons but boy did we have to work for them. First drop yielded a double after the dog traveled 1100yds to our east so we hopped in the truck and drove around the other side of the woods. Rocket had 2 jumbo coons way the hell up the the tree so me and the kid each got one. After that drop we went to another one that one was a bit of a hike to get to the woods about 400yds threw some sloppy corn field. Soon as we let the dog go not even 30 seconds and he was on another coon this time the coon backed into a hole and decided to fight it out with rocket. Got the dog under the leash and tied to the tree and Nick got the the job done point blank another big ole fat coon we skinned this one out on the spot and let the dog go again. Rocket doesn't go but 50 yards and and start on another track about a minute later hot on a tree bellowing at another double up in some nasty vines and prickers. Same as the first drop the kid shot one and I shot one. That second one the kid shot though was a bad hit still brought the coon down but boy was he ticked!!!!! That coon hauled off into the nastiest thickest crap it could so we sent the dog in and it was on again. Fighting like hell to get the dog back on the leash to dispatch the coon we got all cut up and charged a few times by the coon. Finaly the kid got the dog and Nick shot the coon sucker didnt want to die took a few to the skull before he stopped. That gave us 5 jumbo boars so far. So we went back to the house dropped them off and went back for a few more. We ended up doing just one more drop and it yielded 1 giant the biggest of the night I got this one thing weighed a good 30lbs easy. After the long hike we decided 6 was good for the night we made $100 easily probably more. On the way out we seen a screech owl he let us get within 5 yds before flying off. Then don't ya know we see a set of eyes by the truck!! Big ole red fox. Fox takes off across the field and we stop and and start lip squeeking it. Well here comes big ole sly or not so sly fox i should say considering we are standing in a corn field three bright lights burning this thing down Nick has a dog and a cigar in his mouth and the wind is blowing right at the fox!!! This poor fox came charging right in even stopped a few times to look at us and kept coming!! At about 60yds I put a HP threw his chest and he curled up and then bolted for the hedge row. He was hurting though ran about 20 yds then got low and walked. We couldn't find him but are certain hes dead in the hedge or the next field so Nick and his boy are looking today. I would of put another in him as he was walking off hurt but there was a house in the back ground. All in all had a great night made some money and if we find the fox made even more they are pulling $40 a hide.
  21. It happens to me alot lol. That big 8 I got this year with the bow was after getting bored and frustrated with squirrels I had a field tip nicked and at full draw about to smoke another squirrel when he came charging in. He saw me and stoped for a minute but I slowly changed arrows and he put his head back down ad came charging in like he was. Better luck next time though its tough on them slow days
  22. clayton86


    Yeah that was like the era I was born lol old to me is the Sandler, Schneider, Farley days lol
  23. clayton86


    I like the old snl stuff with Adam sandler I always liked opera man
  24. If vizslas are anything like their blue eyes brothers the Weimaraner they are hyper as all get out anyways. When we had our weim she was always clocking me in the head .
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