Yep the tendies or inner tenderloins. It's not alot of meat and you gotta cut them out imidiatly to make the most of them. If you let it hang then cut them out when you process it you loose probably 30-50% of that meat cut because it gets all dry and hard. I cut mine out soon as I get the deer home if not in the field I save the heart as well....mmmm I'm hungry now
Yeah not to happy about that. If its gonna be cold just stay cold i hate the roller coaster of winter one week spring the next then winter. It's screwing up ice fishing and screwing up my coyote hunting.
I shot my big 8 out of the 2 man one they make and sell at Walmart. It's a little noisey for my liking the noise wa from the cushion creaking so i took it off when I used the stand and let it hang over the side.
I just took the garbage out to the road for pick up its maybe 30yds to the end of the drive way. Pure ice plus its all up hill and in my infinite wisdom i went out in shorts my snowboarding jacket and my muck boots......can't really feel my knee caps an i think I pulled a hammy slipping on the ice lol.
I've been argueing that exact statement for years when the subject comes up about making rifles legal in my county. I'm in one of the last shotgun only counties an everyone says were to "flat" to have rifles....we can and do use them for everything else but deer you can't take a deer with a rifle but you can take any other game you want with one if so desired. I always state that about a rifle will stop or break up when it hits a branch or tree and a slug keeps on trucking.
I shoveled mine for 45minutes when I got back from hunting. About a hour later the neighbor knocked on the door and said to move my truck her husband will clear it out with loader. He plowed the drive way the whole front yard all the way to the door then dumped it across the street in the field. Wasted my time shoveling for nothing other then exercise i guess lol.
If your only looking to shoot 30-40 heck under 100 its tough to beat a plain Remington or Winchester cheap slugs from Walmart in a smoothbore barrel. My father in law and my brother in law both use bird barrels with a IC choke and a sadle mount an red dot they take deer out to 100yds regularly. I used to run this set up when I had a 12ga now I run sabots out of a 20ga and shoot 200 no problem.
Lets just simplify it...when you look at your target what do you see in the background? Skyline? Dont shoot, houses? Dont shoot, other deer? Dont shoot, trees or dirt? Let her bark and smoke that deer.
It says they normally take out the older bulls that can't breed anyways so either way one way or another some one is gonna shoot and kill a mature black rhino why not make an auction for some rich schmuck to pay almost a million to go do it. All the money is going to go to supporting these animals its win win.
No need for big clunky drums. I've shot some old Russian aks along with Chinese and every other knock off. If you take your time and know how to manipulate a weapon they all work just fine and are capable of hitting a human sized target at a reasonable range.
I personally love the AK rifles I still want to get my hands on one but being in NY I can kiss that dream goodbye. I think the AK has a lot of the German STG44 in it.
Figured some other gun nuts might be interested
Wow pegged me perfectly with Buffalo and Rochester which I live smack dab between both. Rochester is 45 min east and Buffalo is 45min west. It also said Grand Rapids must be they say "pop" instead of soda and have thru-ways the two answers that probably gave away instantly where I live.
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