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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. Not even gonna get started its impossible not to go political when it comes to talking about whats going on with this state. I will say I seen a representative wants to put something on the ballet about splitting NYC and upstate into two diffrent states which would be awesome.
  2. I don't own a single semi auto firearm of any kind all mine are single shots or bolt guns. Even if I owned one of the said "evil" guns I would never register it it would have been lost in a boating accident. What's gonna really hurt us is now having to pay for a background check every time we want to buy ammo and being limited to only 3 boxs a month or something stupid. Last i heard its gonna be between $25-50 for the check single every time.
  3. Must have missed a post that was deleted lol. I to enjoy guns of all types I wish I could shoot more but being in NY greatly hinders that as ammo is next to impossible to find for the guns i have and like to shoot. Tons of .223/5.56 ammo and I found a place that has bricks of my 17 for 140 a brick of 500 I'm just shy the 140 bucks lol. I shoot a .243 99% the time and I'm running low on ammo and he last place I looked had all deer rounds other then nosler varmintgedon but at 40 a box of 20 and probably needing to rezero ill pass.
  4. As a veteran and a infantryman I can tell you that they do NOT fragment when incontact with soft tissue.
  5. I agree that an AR or any assault type rifle is not good for home defense infact it is probably the worst especially because 90% of the people out there use FMJ and surplus ammo because its cheap. FMJ will not stop some one with out a few hits even at center mass and after they poke a small hole in the assailant the round is going to go threw them then the wall and into your daughters room or out side into the neighbors house.
  6. No its scarier....a girl packing lol jk
  7. What I don't understand is all this worry about 3d printing when the ability has always been there to make guns by hand or anyone with a little machining experience can make a gun.
  8. Dodges are the best looking trucks...... The dually is cool I suppose it doesn't do much for me other then the fact its diesel.
  9. Fully auto guns need to be incredibly strong I don't for see a 3d printing machine producing one because well arnt they plastic. Fully auto guns are hard to get by the average citizen you can't just go buy one. ARs are not automatic heck the military version of the same guns the M4 isn't even auto. The M4 has burst and in my 6+ years in the army as an infantryman I think my rifle has gone on burst less then 5 times and most of them times were in a spendex to get rid of blanks and then another time to prove you cannot accurately manipulate the weapon on burst while at SDM school. Criminals will always have access to guns or explosives no matter how many laws you make. Like the saying locks only detur honest people if some one wants what you have bad enough they will get it same goes for getting a weapon.
  10. Hornady already makes a PD round with the same principle and less likely to fail as this looks like it may.
  11. I've had the similar conversation. There are plenty of people who use ARs for hunting in fact all my hunting partners for coyotes carry ARs into the field when we go calling. I'm the only one who carries a bolt gun. I only have my .243 as far as center fires are concerned. The comment about hunting rifles being like sniper rifles are correct. My coyote gun my .243 is all black and sports a 4-12x40 optic I can tell you this I shoot it enough and know it inside and out if I can see it I can kill it. I wouldn't hesitate to take a 500yd shot or farther. Regardless of what guns you fancy AR, long rifles, pistols, cowboy action, ect they are all lethal and all subject to be banned if the powers to be want.
  12. I must be boring to I've never been kicked out of anywhere other then my own home by my wife on several occasions for nonsense reasons.
  13. Oak orchard river about 45min west of Rochester will have your trout
  14. Put that Nissan engine in any old Datsun an it would be sick. Imagine that in a 510 or like you said any of the older Z models I personally like the 260z myself a little more rare then the 280 and 240.
  15. Yes that's a expandable I hit it with lol. 41 yards BTW. I've shot squirrels with my .243 and 58gr hornady superformance ammo.....red mist lol
  16. I think my bow is on the loud side and I haven't had anything jump the string. I've killed 2 deer 3 squirrels and a ground hog with it. My bow is also newer and faster as well though.
  17. Bow hands down. Buck shot i would think ruins to much meat an you can't really control where each pellet hits some might go lungs and heart while others rip threw the guts. Personally not a fan of field dressing gut shot deer if i don't have to. Just practice practice practice with the bow and don't worry bout string jumping.
  18. Annnnnd I'm hungry now
  19. I must have one of the indestructible iPhones. Been threw a deployment dropped hundreds if not thousands of times lol. Been fished out of the drink 3 times, dropped in snow banks, kicked around the floor of my truck, taken blows while in my pocket. Worst thats happened is I've had to replace the back glass once and that was when it fell off the top of a MRAP while deployed and fell onto cement flat on its back. I've never had a case for it but its almost 4 years old still ticking i do go threw screen protectors like crazy though.
  20. Yeah looks like a morning dove to me
  21. I seen this video the other weekend at drill a guy showed me. It's crazy
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