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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B004Z7JCDA Here's the bug out bags you can find them cheaper I paid 50 even for mine but that was at a PX. Another plus to the SOC bags is they have a lifetime warranty
  2. Check out the Sand Piper of California bags I have several and they will hold everything. J Francho could probably tell ya he's seen my bag it holds 10 boxes and i have 5 one gallon bags of soft plastics i stuff in the front pocket. Then its worn like a back pack. If you have two piece rods you can even strap them to the sides for long hikes.
  3. Noah my oldest caught on but Jack my youngest son hes still clue less and just hands them over lol.
  4. I don't like to share my pb cups lol
  5. I know saving them from the pain of a dentist from eating the best candy on earth
  6. So I have convinced my two year old and four year old Reese's peanut butter cups are "medicine" they want nothing to do with them leaving more for me
  7. The jungle book is my favorite and they just brought it out on DVD though i already have a digital copy of it.
  8. Potato bread Creamy PB My moms strawberry jam With Doritos slid in as I eat it some times I throw a thick layer of fluff in the mix so its PB/Jelly/Fluff always on potato bread
  9. I forgot to mention i got her me lol at least I'm hoping......probably gonna get the headache line lol
  10. McDonalds
  11. I like The Lord of the rings version lol
  12. 8-9", 15" man I wish thats all we had lol
  13. Non Athletic Sport Centered Around Rednecks I had to lol
  14. I have a 2 year old and a 4 year old my tv is always on bubble guppies, yo gabba gabba, doc mcstuffins,.......... Occasionally I'm home alone and get to watch sons of anarchy for 5 minutes before passing out.
  15. Almost sounds like my marriage lol. Which yes guys the wife and I are back together. My marriage has been to hell and back between the cheating, being broke, and countless other things we are still together though barely. My wife hates my hobbies she says i go from fishing to deer hunting to coyote hunting back into fishing with no breaks. We now have a understanding we both work full time now and I provide for the family and help around the house if i wanna go fish or hunt I'm going to go unless the kids are sick or something then I stay and help out. Maybe his wife needs hobbies or friends I know thats what the issue was with my wife. When she started working she met some new friends and now has stuff to keep her occupied besides the kids when I take off hunting or what ever. If me and my wife can figure it out with three kids and all the crap we have gone threw any one can. I mean heck my daughter isn't even mine but the dad bounced leaving her without a father. I took my wife back and then adopted Charlotte as my own when she was born signed the birth certificate. I figured how is it fair to her that her real father is a dead beat and how would she feel if her mother and I were still separated and her brothers got to go with me and had a father in their life and she didn't. So now I have a daughter I get to teach to fish with my boys shes a little tanner then my boys and I if you catch my drift but it don't matter to me. Only your friend knows what to do I'm sure he has reasons for staying with it as bad as it sounded.
  16. If your work destroys boots like y last two jobs do just buy cheap Walmart ones no point of buying expensive boots just to shred them. When I was roofing the hot tar melted my boots and now I build fiberglass train parts so the glass coats the boots. Now on the subject of comfortable army boots you can beat the Nikes. Light weight, comfy, no break in time, wicks moisture. Also the tactical research makes an awesome boot. Then there are the danners, bellville and other standard issue boots. I wear my Nikes or TR boots most the time my Nikes are about toast though need new souls they look like racing slick tires now ive put so many mile on them being a "light" infantryman we walk everywhere.
  17. Hey round is a shape
  18. National guard infantryman for 6+ years just reenlisted this past Saturday. Started a new job about a month ago at a fiber glass company making train panels for subway cars, flumes, and some custom work. Been trying to tell the owner to get into that bass boat business.........lol
  19. Seen this on facebook earlier
  20. Tickles
  21. Been there done that
  22. I wouldn't want to be shot with anything lol
  23. Wonder what this RIP round will do when it hits a bone like if you aim center mass on a human. I've seen hunting rounds designed to do what this round does with its fragmentation and they splash on bones. Berger HPs, Vmax and some others are known for hitting shoulders of coyotes an splashing making a mere flesh wound. I would think this round would do the same if you hit the sternum of a human.
  24. You guys sayin nosler do you mean the plastic tips???? Nosler is a brand I love tipped bullets personally its all i shoot. I read an article the other week that the Army/SF are working and testing a new tipped bullet instead of FMJ. Problem with that is Geneva convention laws
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