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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. Rocks
  2. Anyone use them? I finally upgraded phones and got one to go with my new phone. So far I love it it's not big and bulky like the otter box cases plus I got the camo version which is sweet till I drop it in the woods and can't find it lol. I just ordered the lifejacket for it so when kayaking I don't have to swim for my phone again.....my last iPhone went in the drink a few times with out a case at least now it's in a waterproof case and will float.
  3. I think it maneuvers well I took it out in delta lake,NY last summer and took it threw some woods to say the least lol. I was putting it threw trails and holes I never thought I could put a kayak threw. I've had it in some small fast creeks as well and it handled just fine.
  4. He had the prowler big game, I know because I bought it off him. I love it I have used it in dang near every condition Mother Nature could throw at me and in every type of water body.
  5. There's also rumor Nissan and Toyota are gonna be introducing a diesel version late this year or 2015 in the Titan and Tundra.
  6. Yup we'll close I still like the looks of the new dodges the best but cummins paired with an Allison trans would be best. They do it with big rigs should offer it with regular sized vehicals
  7. I taught diesel/AG tech worked on and seen them all. Speaking engines only Cummins, Duramax, Powerjoke and in that order. I'm actually in the process of acquiring a 4bt to swap into my ranger got a guy with everything needed just working on price and where I'm gonna do it at. I'm a Dodge guy who owns a Ford(ranger) and a Chevy(silverado).
  8. It's been 10 since the Clinton AWB we never went back we adopted the original ban and it's been in place ever since up till this new unSAFEACT
  9. The 7 shot mag limit was over turned last I heard but the rest still stands. I'm glad Remington left NY. Yeah sucks because it's a loss of jobs but why give a state money that hates your business. Our governor is ruining this state in a hurry.
  10. Sure are purty, I'm picking up a turkey gun tomorrow and gonna get into turkey hunting.
  11. My father in law has the big daddy version sitting in his safe. He has a .357 MAX not the mag but the max that they discontinued. He has two of them one is in a contender platform he uses for deer the other is a revolver that is a safe queen. Just last weekend he was discussing with me the importance to get my permit because no one else in the family can have his pistols I'm the only one who even has a chance of obtaining a permit to boot.
  12. I'd say thats pretty accurate lol
  13. If a girl got dropped off at school in that I would try and date her just for hopes to ride in it or drive it.
  14. As with any gun not just the .50 more for not waking the neighbors. Or so you can take out a whole family of hogs with out knowing what hit them "oh look daddy hog just face planted nom nom nom" second dirt nap
  15. Needs the new 50 the M2A1 quick change barrel also lighter and no headspace and timing. The muzzle is threaded to so slap a silencer on it.
  16. I fell out but never tipped it. I was standing up in my kayak after taking a leak when a boater came flying by just plowing water. Got hit by the waves and tried sitting down and kinda fell out or got thrown out when they hit me broad side. I was only in 2fow I only lost a few jigs I couldent find and a tall boy of labbatt blue I had just cracked open first one and only one i had with me too. I got stuck last year as well at first ice out I took it out an went down stream at a spot and the current and depth was to much to get back. Kept bottoming out or gettin pushed back so I jumped out into ice cold water and had to drag it past all the shallow rapids.
  17. Geico cheese steak shuffle ad
  18. That's nuts some of them moves. My platoon leader over seas could do some of that he would do the hand stand push ups all the time or hang from the bars and do crazy crap he was a beast best leader also he did anything for us and really knew his stuff.
  19. My county is pretty quick compared to others. Takes longer to fill out lol. Gotta get 4 signatures then go get my prints done and a few pics taken ill have around $200 invested before buying my pistol just to be able to. There was a stabbing and 3 robberies within 20miles of my house Sunday night. I just bought a monster zero ultra and big cup Reese's for break also lol.
  20. Pistol permit application yesterday was my last purchase.
  21. I'd order one or two if they were offered
  22. I paid on my student loan, rent, outrageous electric bill and went grocery shoping and am out of food already does all that count lol
  23. I seen a bunch of the bucoo micro guid rods in the clearance isle all piled in a garbage can checked the price they were 99.
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