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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. I seen a robin yesterday along with 4 nice fat ground hogs out grazing begging to be shot lol. Both the rivers by me that I catch my small mouth and trout in are both flowing strong right now so another week and I hope to be on the water. I'll give the ground hogs some time before I eradicate them little buggers with the .243.
  2. Brad paisley - I'm gonna miss her It's my ring back so every time my wife calls when I'm fishing she hears a song about how fishing comes first lol
  3. Just the case in general I'm talking that's the case I have is the Fre so it works with the thumbprint Id like you said. I dropped mine in a pile of General Tasso from left over Chinese the first day I had it lol. I've answered calls in the shower I dumped it in the sink just to prove/test it.
  4. Got my life jacket yesterday it was shipped to my moms house. Bout the only thing I don't like bout the case is the sound quality is crappy. It vibrates distorting the sound unless ur holding it or have it resting on something to touch the back of the case. I use mine to listen to music at work.
  5. Since using a kayak I have seen a lot more deer, weasels/mink, beavers, raccoons eagles were always common even when on foot. With the kayak I got about 10 yards from a fisher we both just sat there and stared at each other for about 10 minutes. I missed several hits in that time as I dead sticked a fluke not wanting to move admiring the fisher. It was the first one I had ever seen I didn't even know they were around my area other then knowing there was a trapping season for them.
  6. Find a car in NY and I'll drive it to you
  7. I ask for shepards pie almost every night my wife asks what I want for dinner. She changes it up some times makes it with chicken or ground turkey, venison, beef. She made it one time with ground turkey and then put corn bread batter on top of the mashed taters before putting in the oven it was the best thing I ever ate. I ask for it all the time but she refuses to make it because she like variety
  8. I had this girl friend after college She couldn't cook lol My wife bought some chicken and waffles potato chips the other day they were pretty gross. And army eggs yeah there pretty gross
  9. Def going threw the motions 2014 hasn't been much better then 2012/13 my mistake luck continues and every day is full of misery.
  10. Venison in some way shape or form come fall I will be granted my wish. The three deer I got this year lasted a little over a month.
  11. I would never pay to hunt whitetail or anything I can shoot into back yard with the exception of a paid coyote hunt. I don't have giants roaming my area I mean my buck last season was the biggest ever taken off that property and it was only a 130class. If I went on a hunt out of state and shot a 150 or better everything back home would be dinks and I would probably not enjoy it as much.
  12. Any one try one on there kayak yet. I was looking at them and thinking of saving my pennies.
  13. This time last year I had several 4+ smallmouth and countless northerns out of the tribs of Ontario. This year it's still frozen and I'm going insane. I was killing em on white spinner baits with gold willow blades.
  14. Heck I'm only 27 I've been out of school for almost 10 years now which isn't long. I remember I used to have a gun rack in my truck and would leave my shot gun in it and go to school after hunting in the morning. Was a no no then but no one cared I shot 2 doe one morning and had them hanging over my tail gate while in gym we stoped and admired my shooting lol. I went to a small school though my graduating class was 47 people and we were one of the largest. I taught diesel tech at the vocational school in my county and that class was full of farm boys and country kids. I had to warn my students to take there racks out of there pick ups or else there "maybe consequences" no one ever did or got in trouble though.
  15. http://www.wgrz.com/story/news/local/2014/03/11/parents-believe-school-over-reacted-to-nra-shirt/6306507/ I applaud him for sticking to his guns
  16. I read that in reviews that it's tough to get out of the jacket but that's kinda good it's not gonna fall out and sink anyways
  17. Ghoti that is awesome I want one now. Darren I ordered the life jacket Monday it should be here today or tomorrow not that I'll be able to use it all the lakes here are gonna be frozen into August lol
  18. So your the guy we dread in the dental trailers when mobilizing.
  19. NY is next I don't own anything needed to be rigistered anyways but I've still signed all the petitions and went on a few rally's. My county is so far the only county to officially stand up against the unSAFEACT every county has voiced they don't agree and don't want it and won't enforce it but my county is the first to file paperwork and actually put it in writing.
  20. You can ask my mother I have never been sick a day in my life till I started getting a flu shot now I seem to always be sick. Once I start feeling better and not sick for a while the army gives me another flu shot and we can't say no to it.
  21. Check out some of the spear hunting videos on YouTube. They took an elk and a deer the ones I seen.
  22. Last weekend the whole family got sick. My wife knew something was wrong when I came home from coyote hunting after just 45minutes. I got sick 5 minutes into the first stand with a coyote working into shot gun range I started spewing exorcist style all over. Got home puked some more and peed out my rear end I could of pooped threw a screen and not touched a wire lol. Hour later wife same thing hour after that my two year old pukes all over me to wake me up. I shot my mother a text joking she poisoned the cookies she sent me and she replied that's oldest boy Noah was up puking as well. That hit the whole family in one night with the exception of the baby she never got sick. We thought it might have been food poisoning but the 4 of us never ate the same thing or from the same place for a while before this. All week it's been wiping out my inlaws and co workers.
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