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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. Go home raider your drunk
  2. Not true we offer a free college education to inmates here in NY. So he will learn something....
  3. Yup ny sucks
  4. I thought there would be more about it with the NYunSAFE act in full effect now. Wonder if the good guy had 7 or less round magazine.
  5. http://laughingconservative.blogspot.com/2014/04/dim-crims-mugged-pizza-man-bites-back.html?m=1 Good thing he was packing
  6. Don't ever let her tell you your outa shape or need to get in shape. Last I checked round is a shape that's what I tell my wife when she asks when I'm gonna get in shape again.
  7. Didn't watch it but know what it is this is a dead give away lol "Frequent travel; minivan driving experience a plus"
  8. I like his half and half Arizona tea lol
  9. Were are not out gunned distance wise. I've made shots with my M4 and sdm M16A4 out to 800m with the ACOG optic. We have SAWs in ever squad and the 240(like the m60) which isy current issued weapon. I won't disagree that we do need to get new weapons though for light infantry but the M14 isn't it.
  10. Haven't even put my reels back only rods and the kayak is in storage.
  11. That one works
  12. http://buffalo.craigslist.org/cto/4412411564.html
  13. rochester.craigslist.org/cto/4412380436.html There we go
  14. My first year out of school working two jobs as a tech busting my arse I made 73k then joined the army getting a 20k lump sum bonus. That was the year my wife married me and we filled our taxes I alone brought in 90+ I was 21 with nothing to show for it but a liver begging to be put out of its misery. I've thought about going back to it but it's been so long.
  15. I think I just got burnt out right out of college I worked for Nissan and a local shop putting in 70+ hours a week. That's when I had my 383 in a 89 camaro. Car was down the road from the shop I bought it on my lunch break then took the flat bed to my house picked up my 383 spent the rest of the day putting it in the camaro then put a 700R4 the boss had laying around behind her and welded up the "frame" to help handle the extra power over the stock V6. Never put the car on the road though just swaped plates off my Mazda when in wanted to joy ride. I quit wrenching when I joined the army when I got out of basic I started teaching diesel tech. My yearly salary was 11.5k not enough to support two kids and a wife but some how we managed. I got deployed and went from $400 every two weeks to $2500 every two weeks. There was no way I could go back to that pay.
  16. I've also thought about building a bumble bee clone for my son, paint it yellow some racing stripes autobots badges and a built 355 twin turbo under the hood. I've always wanted to build a twin turbo V8. I'd really love a 60s or 70s F series with a 460 and side pipes cammed out crazy NA no forced induction though it would sweet to slap twins on one.
  17. Why not I have 5 to go to this summer 2 are army buddy's a week apart gonna be a blast all of Alpha Co is going. One is my nieces the others are just friends/co workers. Get to go drink on some one else's dime lol.And congrats
  18. Hey if it's your money I'll do it lol I do have my ranger sitting out front with the need of a new engine. It's solid no rust could always build a 302 and drop it in...... Problem is emissions here in NY it's to new even being a 99 has to be plugged into a computer yearly for inspection by law I can only put a 99 or newer engine in it. Gotta build a 95 or older to avoid that bs
  19. I've been getting this crazy itch to build something. I went to college for auto tech graduated at the top of my class then went on to become a diesel tech teacher. I haven't turned a wrench in years other then an occasional fix when deployed because the guys at the motor pool were clue less. I've built a 383 stroker, a few 4.0 jeep engines, a couple 5.9 cummins, a SR20, a RB25, VG30 and a few honda vtecs. Some naturally aspirated mostly the American stuff all the Jap engines got turbos and of course the cummins all had 1 or 2 turbos on them. So lately I've had this itch to build something anything truck, muscle, diesel, ricer, bike, boat you name it I wanna build it lately. Even my nitro trucks have been pulled out of storage and getting some attention. Now there is the small hiccup of money with all of this but I'm thinking buy a block and slowly put it together then heads and so on. Car or truck can always come later. I've been thinking another SBC probably a 355 I got the room to have a build going on and not be in the way. Since I need a new truck so maybe I'll buy a older chevy and have a spare engine and transmission build in the barn at my moms place. My inner gear head is coming back out it must be the warm weather.
  20. Why are wedding dresses white? All house hold appliances come in white
  21. Maybe a C17 another awesome plane I had them doing touch and go or what ever they call them across from my barracks when I was in camp Shelby Mississippi as well at the airbase in Rome I spent last summer at.
  22. Yeah that's about right. A10s are pretty sweet to I've had them buzzing the trees above me when that gun opens up it's pure awesomeness I can't remember if it was at Ft. Drum or one of the other bases that the A10 range was right next to our machine gun range so they were coming in for runs right over our heads. I think it may have been in Ft Irwin California now I think back
  23. I love war planes WW2 planes are my favorite but man are the new jets awesome. I would be drooling with that flying over my house. We had two F18s fly over on my deployment as a show of force at like 100ft like so low you could see the rivets in the thing. They came in over the mountain buzzed the village and punched the after burners I got a chub over it lol.
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