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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. Congrats!
  2. What do you guys use as a trailer for those who trailer there kayaks. I'm without a truck and looks like I won't be getting one anytime soon so now I'm thinking I will just get a trailer for the buick and tow the kayaks to where ever. I googled it and they seem expensive. Cheapest I seen was $700 I could probably make one or just buy a small trailer for less then one specifically sold for kayaks.
  3. Used to be the only lure I owned and used it year round. Then I discovered this site and I now have more rods and lures then I know what to do with.
  4. She just turned 4 months I think she's the oldest I've waited to get my kids fishing with me but my two boys were summer babies(May and August) so they tagged along right away. We ran to Walmart afterwards and I picked up the princess rod and handed it to her and she got all smiles so I know I got her hooked. Can't wait to pull my hair out taking all three of my kids out fishing considering there all two years apart. 3 toddlers fishing oh boy I'm asking for trouble
  5. Finally got out fishing and the wife and daughter tagged along with me. I didn't hit as many spots as I had hoped to basically just worked one little section of bank for about an hour and caught 3 nice smallies 2 of which didn't really put up the typical smallies fight but the last one hit like a freight train it was also the biggest of the evening but only maybe 2-2.5#. Charlotte absolutely loved it she got excited over every one I caught.
  6. Army has taught me some and I've taught my self some but always willing for more knowledge. What ya got!?
  7. Oh I understand hard times also heck I'm having them this month is killing me with my boys Bday party, Mother's Day, two weddings my boys are both in(tuxes for a 2 and 4 year old are ridiculous but that could be a whole new rant lol) plus all other bills things are just right this month. I don't care if you need help and get it but do t be a low life about it. I used to get assistance when I was working for the school I didn't make enough but now they say I do even though 75% of my check goes to daycare alone it's almost pointless for my wife to work honestly cuz daycare is almost her entire check of she was to pay it but I told her I would cover it since I get paid weekly.
  8. Report what that I seen some one I have no clue who they were or where they are from. Yeah sure could ran out got a plate number off the vehicle but I had a screaming 4 month old I just wanted to get home.
  9. So today I stoped to fill up the wife's truck after I filled it up I moved the truck out of the pumping lanes and went in the store to buy something to drink. I got stuck behind a lady who was playing the lotto....well after a few minutes I noticed she was using her welfare card to take cash out to buy said lottery tickets. I almost lost it I was so glad to see my tax dollars going to some one who really needed it. She finished after spending $600 on scratch off and her "numbers" and then bought a package of Philly blunts. Her son I'm assuming came in probably 4 times during all this to give her numbers to play. He had more chains then I've ever seen hanging off his neck and a mouth full of gold and diamonds. They were driving a minivan a Mercedes with big ole rims on it. Did I mention they were on welfare!!!!!!! Here I am busting my azz workin all the hours I can just to make ends meet and then I got these low life's . I'm sure it would be more common in the city to see this thing but I live and was out in the sticks only gas station for miles and miles. We normally don't have the "thug" type in the area other then turkey thugs considering it is spring turkey season. I wanted to say something so bad but I bit my tongue and just thought to my self that I make "to much money" for any help when I tried getting help to at least cover day care for three kids but I make to much money according the the state and then there's these yahoos that probably haven't worked a day and are bottom feeders on society. Ugh rant over I guess I could keep going but I have fat thumbs and am getting sick of going back to fix errors on my phone.
  10. I like nymphetamine fix. I listened to them a lot over seas in the gym
  11. Because it was raider in tipps dirty underwear and no one wants to see that
  12. No we're not it's been discussed in my unit we will not enforce SAFE act or any other law put forth going against the constitution.
  13. Probably as he puts on your stank underwear
  14. Love the new dodges
  15. Is there a way to turn one of cork and put it on there? I got a guy I turn wooden mouth calls for coyotes along with wine toppers. I could easily make a knob but what kind of sleeve would I need or could I use the old one looks like there's a plastic sleeve of sorts under the foam
  16. Any one make aftermarket ones
  17. Where can I get an extra/replacement knob for the stradic? I got mine out of storage today and well mice had a buffet on the knob. Of all my reels in storage this is the only one mice got to but this one was in the shed at my apt the rest were in my moms barn they were all untouched.
  18. It's making me cringe something fierce ugh
  19. It's definitely 5.56/223 that's a m249 SAW drum
  20. That's just sad
  21. clayton86

    For Raider

  22. I haven't been a saw gunner in 4 years now I carry a 240L now that's a bad B right there. I still play with saws when the new guys jam her up. Im in weapons squad so we get all the big toys.
  23. I'll still take a SAW
  24. Yes this is true
  25. If your referring to me being a teachers aide that job has long come and gone
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