Thinking about getting the HHA single pin for my bow. I run one pin now but it's a cheap plastic walmart sight on my fancy hoyt bow. Like the HHA and it's on sale at the local DSG for $119
Yeah I told her today that I didn't know how much more I could take and that checking me over was ridiculous and had to stop. I'm now a POS and apparently have a gf which is news to me because I don't know who she is lol.
I just want to fish once a week with out hassle and a headache caused by anything but non biting fish is that to much to ask.
We were separated for 8 months after the whole ordeal and I had the boys. I picked up 2 months of extra/active duty since I wasn't making money roofing in the rain and the extra mission was available. Well since I was gone for 2 months the kids went back to her and we worked things out and have been back together since. Things were better for maybe 2 months and now it's just me fighting to keep a marriage together for the kids.
There's no gut feeling about her doing anything I'm just fed up with being miserable and accused of cheating when well my youngest kid isn't even mine lol.
When you find that special some one who knows how to make your life complete hell sucking the life right out of you. I married said person and had kids with her.
Many of you know the situation from my deployment and my wife cheating. Well we split when I got home after a few weeks of trying to work threw it. Few months went by she got knocked up the father bounced back to Puerto Rico never to be heard from again and I took my wife and my then unborn daughter that I now love and treat like one of my own.
Well I've finally about had enough she has made my life compete hell. I don't enjoy anything I used to love like fishing for example I can't go with out getting accused of being else where. I've been trying to work things out for the kids and "do the right thing" but a man can only take so much. I came home from kayaking today and the women came right up and started inspecting my neck and chest for hickys and my back for scratch marks. It's just getting ridiculous and this is the women who had another mans kid while married to me and she is accusing me.
We fight and argue daily about getting divorced I'm always the one fighting to hold it together but honestly I have forgot why now. I have never felt so dead inside like I find enjoyment in nothing anymore I have become a ***** to everyone. Today I think was the last straw being examined for marks and called home after 3 hours of fishing to clean the litter box and told I could go back out and then we know how that goes I never got back out. There are a million other things but I won't get into that here but I'm seriously about had enough and want to pack my bags and move out and figure out the custody of the kids later as much as I want to just pack them and take with me.
That's it basically. I have several thousand acres I can coyote hunt and I got it all by knocking on doors and simply explaining what I would be doing and shaking their hands. Most are good for coyotes and such but are no goes on deer. A lot of quarry's and ponds that used to be fish able have been shut down also because people would trash the place leaving garbage and burn piles from camp fires all over.
I miss it it seems like it's more like fishinfiend said though everyone is posting property. Heck I'm only 27 and I can remember so many spots I used to be able to just walk threw hunt fish do what ever as long as I picked up after my self it was all good. Now every one is up tight I fear for my sons who love the out doors as well won't have the experiences I did because land is disappearing.
Nothing beats emailing your mom when she is on a cruise of after pictures from an emergency gal bladder surgery stating you were car jacked/mugged and stabbed.
My son is 5 and is the same way wants to use lures like daddy. I usually give him a grub or hair jig but still put a bobber on it for him and me to see his strikes and keep it up out of the snags we fish mostly rivers. He kills the smallies this way kind of like the float and fly technique.
They are only offered in auto
Sounds like it may be a tune up issue but them engines are known for sucking the intake gasket it's a easy fix but ever chevy 3200,3400,3600 series engine does it at some point.
I have this "problem" I just became ambidextrous shooter I do everything right handed as even shoot but I'm left eye dominant. I shoot left handed better then I do right handed it's just slower but more accurate. The only time it really throws me off is doing night ops wearing night vision PVS14. It shouldn't because it's over my left eye my dominant eye but your supposed to put it over your non dominant non shooting eye.
Listen get married give her power of attorney go on a deployment and leave your credit cards state side with her. You will have AMAZING credit when you get back........
One of the guys I work with is who got me into it. I wanna hide one once I get out on the kayak I got some nice spots way out in the back woods of a creek that would be a great spot to hide one. There are a bunch around me in te popular kayaking and tubing rivers just not the one I hit, it's kind of my secrete spot that's hidden in plain sight.
Any one else do it? I just started over the weekend it's kinda addicting. I've been putting mini grubs in all the ones I find kinda like a signature all the ones I find get a grub out of my bps crappie kit.
Lake Alice wasn't bad this morning and that's about 30-45 minutes from you. Bass are sitting on beds I picked off a few then had a PB northern on got it all the way in after he made a few runs stripping drag off my reel like nothing. Got it to the bank and went to get him and he flopped under a log back into the water made another run and broke my line with my last spinnerbait.
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