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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. My 870 is next to my bed as is every gun I own actually but all in cases besides the 12.
  2. Hmmm haven't seen any bats but it's pretty thick woods where I'm set up.
  3. Do fire flys/lighting bugs eat Mosquitos? I ask because during the day here we are over run with the little blood suckers no bug sprays seem to work not 100% deet, repel, thermacell, dryer sheet trick nothing at all I think it's because they are army engineered skeeters to be impervious to all bug repellents just to annoy us. Anyways back to the question. At night this place lights up like you would not believe with fire flys. Now I'm born and raised in the sticks I'm used to ire flys and and catching them in jars and all that fun stuff but this is the most fire flys it have ever seen gotta be thousands and thousands of them. Now when the fire flys show up all the Mosquitos like disappear none to be found it's a nice break. I know dragon flys eat the little scoundrels but do fire flys also?
  4. It's calling for mid to high 70s here all week while I'm doing my annual 2 week training for the guard. I'm not complaining I've had much much worse in The last 7 years I'll take the mild temps.
  5. If I could figure out how to email the files I have P90x one and two, insanity, insanity:asylum and T25 all on my laptop the full series the diets everything. I would be more then happy to share them with who ever wanted them.
  6. Yeah we weren't bashing I was 135 when I graduated and up till I got married at 21 I'm now 27 got three kids and weigh 195. I was at 175 when over seas in would love to see that again but I don't have 24/7 access to a gym and tons of time on my hands anymore.
  7. Boy you need a sandwich and to sit down at 6'2 and 120
  8. Don't do it it's trick
  9. Yeah it's how I keep up with all the guys I've served with
  10. I still can't picture you on face book
  11. That is pretty sweet. Back when I wrenched for a living I used to love when nicer cars came in and I got to work on then and then do test drives after the job was done. My first day working for Nissan/infinity I got to take out the owners sons twin turbod 2006 350z that was all decked out because daddy was rich and jr liked the fast and furious movies to much. It was still a pretty sweet and fast ride.
  12. I went to college outside of Hartford, CT absolutely hated it. I used to get so excited driving home on a weekend and smelling cow **** when getting close to home lol. Even now I smell manure being spread and it brings back memories of living in a city and how much I missed the country.
  13. Lyndonville is the same one store no traffic lights one doc one gas station but 2 bars lol it's a drinking town with a farming problem as many put it.
  14. Who else here is from a small town? I've just been thinking lately about everything I've done and places I've been so far and how I'm glad I came from the sticks. My home town is a ink spill on some map where the cows out number the people 10:1 lol. My graduating class in 2005 was a mere 47 people this years I just read was 32 I believe. Small towns seem to have a death grip on most in that people seldom leave lol. I went to college out of state but came back home afterwards as did my younger sister. I have noticed lately it seems as if most the people from my home town or area are all leaving for Texas I'm hoping to make the move also eventually. Who else is born and raised in small towns miles from no where. I'm 20 minutes from the nearest fast food joint and 30 from a Walmart.
  15. Thanks Here's some coons we got with the blue ticks And these two were called in with the foxpro Got this guy well bored waiting for some deer Another critter in the wrong place at the wrong time well boredom had set in during deer season lol
  16. That's what I thought
  17. Got this guy last year shot it the evening on Sunday found it on my b day Monday morning. First bow buck also
  18. Ok that confused me d**n shakespear
  19. Be sure to wear safety glasses when using a wire wheel
  20. Wire wheel unless you have access to a sand blaster. Just be carefully it's not rotted threw.
  21. Try standing in formation after 90day reintegration when the whole company was out on the town drinking. Pretty sure guys were puking from the smell not the hang over or still being drunk.
  22. It's just my .02 I have buddy's who smoke and drink in the stand and kill monsters every year. I think I pay more attention to the wind for shot placement then anything else.
  23. I do my best but in all honesty I've killed more deer and predators standing in my footsteps down wind from my stands. The last 5 fox I shot came from where my truck was parked and I just walked threw. My big 8 I shot followed my path in from the cow pasture as well down wind.
  24. My 6mo my 3yo and 5yo all will clear out a room. The two youngest are still in diapers well jack is alsmost potty trained he has a drunk college kid trapped in him I swear cause te kid will pee in the closet or the plant in the corner before the potty. When either go number 2 it's usually pretty bad and I'm sure they swallow food whole lol
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