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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. Nice! Love shooting woodchucks(groundhog) I got one a few months ago with the .17hmr out of my kitchen window lol. I've been focusing on taking them with the bow I got one last fall with the bow.
  2. Decided enough is enough and making some changes job my life. Changing my MOS in the army to blackhawk mechanic and gonna see where that takes me either crew chief or pilot. Starting a strict diet and work out regiment to get back into my deployment weight and shape of not better then that. I just moved and live across the street from the YMCA and a few miles closer to work and will be running to work till the snow starts falling. I've lawyered up and what's the saying "why are divorces so much? Because they are worth it" well at $300 an hour I sure hope so and that's with my employee discount because said lawyer owns the company I work for and happens to be ranked one of the best lawyers in NY. Gonna start fishing and hunting more along with starting some new hobbies shooting bow competitions, making lures, got some gun smithing projects and getting back into paintball. Time to finally make me happy and stop being a miserable ***** lol.
  3. Yeah just stating shoulda added to make sure they are legal in your state because some states consider them as barbed heads
  4. The T3 is illegal in NY
  5. I've shot 3 deer deer with them I've only been bow hunting 1 season though so 6 weeks. 1 I watched drop after punching the heart ran about 30 and crashed. Then the buck in above pic bad shot went 100yards or more crossed a creek and dropped in the other side soon as it made it ashore but if you were to take straight line distance he only went 50 yards just on the other side of the hill then down a ravine and across the creek. The third was another bad shot placement I shot over top of her hitting the backstrap.
  6. It's like that here also or at least I think it is either way I don't listen to it. Mine are all in individual cases with the ammo in the same case with the exception of the shot guns and my sons 22 they are either in the corner or on the rack.
  7. I shot a spike probably 15 years ago with a 12ga copper solid sabot about 130 paces out and hit it in the spine. Passed threw and hit a tree no more then 4" in diameter. Couple of the "leafs" got bent and the sabot fell to the ground and I recovered it and still have it to this day. I've pulled tons of lead slugs, even sabots both shotgun and muzzle loader out of deer that have been shot from point blank to 200yards. I process my own deer and all my buddy's so I get to see what each type of round does. Some times the pass threw some times they don't. Old style slugs seem to flatten out and stay in the body or just under the skin on the opposite side.
  8. Nothing will bring a realization of skipping and ricochets then firing tracers. Watch some machine gun night training videos on YouTube or I'll try and upload some I got a few tracers are 4 ball 1 tracer so you gotta think others are skipping g but you only see the tracer and they burn out at 900m so they keep going after what you can see.
  9. Shot this one in the arse look close you can see the blood stained hair. No pass threw with a mechanical broad head(reapers) little over 100 yard track blood everywhere. Jumped over a log soon as I hit the trigger.
  10. Weather bug here as well love it
  11. I did some talking with my PL yesterday about it during weapons maintance. He said I had a few options. Stay in my company get my 5 and then go warrent and fly. Or transfer over as E4 and wait for a 5 slot to open there and then go warrant. Another big big perk of switching to aviation is there are always AGR jobs it can hold me back promotion wise in some ways because if the slot is for E4 I can't take my E5 promotion because I would loose my Monday - Friday job or any other rank unless there is a slot open above it. Plus the way they transfer military skills now I can get a job working on helicopters outside of the army also. It just makes sense to me I went to college for auto tech and am a ASE master tech then I thought diesel and heavy mechanics in a vocational school. I've worked on boats, trucks, race cars, you name it but nothing that flies so why not knock that off the list I'm sure I'll pick it up quick with the background I have. Also I could become a crew chief if not warrant officer to fly I could be a crew chief and be a door gunner. I already know the weapons systems like the back of my hand being in weapons squad now plus my first two years in I was a 240 gunner then 249. I've been every role in a line squad but a grenadier.
  12. I might pick up the new fatal steel ones
  13. I shoot grim reapers and won't ever change
  14. Sounds about right when I deployed in 12 we got 30 to zero with then got in country and didn't even get to confirm zero till august....I was in country starting in April and left in December.
  15. Got a whole crate to burn threw today that's 1680 rounds. I thought I was going to melt my barrel. Hit the 800 standing after like 2 mags trying to find where I was hitting at that range lol. Did some good mag change drills put it on burst and drilled the 25-300 on burst that was a lot of fun. Shot out to 700m off hand. All the target practice is over now got a night run on our little training lane and then that's it for trigger time.
  16. Yes tax dollars at work and sadly this is just a small part of how much is wasted. I've been logging lots of flight time the last two weeks for nothing more then joy rides disguised as "practicing how to load and unload a helicopter" imagine all that fuel. Or we can look at it as next conflict we get into as I'm sure another will be soon. Our pilots will be good and our infantryman( like myself) will have no problem taking long shots with our M4 service rifles.
  17. Well there are a lot of ways but I was smiling pretty good today getting lots of trigger time in. We over Drew wayyyyyy to much ammo for our training lane like 40,000 to many rounds of 5.56 ammo. We can't turn it in really so we have to shoot it. Platoon Sgt came buy asking if anyone wanted to shoot some extra rounds at targets out to 800 meters. Few of us got up me being one of them grabbed my rifle and my gear and headed for the ammo point. I was handed 8 bandoliers that's 32 mags or 960 rounds how ever you want to look at it. We got to go shoot any way we wanted no body armor just as long as we had eye and ear pro we could go shoot. I was drilling my 800m target every time in the prone and probably 75% the time in the kneeling position. Standing I just controlled paired every target out to 600m then single tapped them back in to the 25m target. I then called two of my new guys up to the line gave them my M4 and let them shoot out to 800 with the ACOG. One was having trouble I got his trigger squeeze down better and he started drilling the 700 target consistently the other hit the 800 once and then just worked his way back and forth on all the targets. Also had them shooting their weapons with the CCO on it out to 500-600 pretty good. Things like this make me want to stay in the infantry I shot probably 1500 rounds myself because I was just getting tossed ammo upon ammo told not to bring any back shoot it all. Now the fact I haven't showered or sat on porcelain in two weeks makes me wanna switch to a different MOS.
  18. All depends on the type of bullet. Soft point, ballistic tip, bonded they all act differently when they hit something. I'm a big fan of vmax style bullets. While they arnt for deer hunting they are used for varmints. Prairie dogs and sized targets they explode and usually vaporize on contact transferring all energy into said target. Coyote type targets they go in and don't come out usually. Hornady has a good definition on diffrent types of ballistics like terminal and what not.
  19. Pics man
  20. Doesn't help I've been flying around in black hawks for the last week. I talked to my PSG about it yesterday about switching to the aviation unit he said he will see if there's slots open.
  21. We only have chinooks and Blackhawks in the national guard at least in NY no apaches otherwise I'd want the apache gig.
  22. Never mind I knew bout the "terrible tragedy"
  23. I'm in the field at drum guess I should get off the fishing site and check the news
  24. So I'm thinking of changing my MOS in the army I'm currently 11B(infantry). I've been in 6.5 years I was supposed to get out last February but I extended for a year and now I'm scheduled to get out in February again. I have a APFT test in a week and which point I'll be asked what my plans are for getting out or staying in. I'm seriously considering either A) staying in the infantry for an additional 6 years B ) jumping over to aviation and being a mechanic for the black hawks and trying to work my way up to crew chief C) bust my arse bust my arse bust my arse go warrent officer and try and fly Blackhawks. Either way I'm making a career of the military I just don't know what to do. Part of me wants to stay infantry till I get a "real" deployment in my last which was also my first was only to Kuwait I did get to go into Afghanistan a few times but it was just as an escort for the commander or sergeant major and we only were there for a day or two. The wars are over though deployments are pretty much done so chances of going as a grunt are slim. The aviation unit I want to transfer to if there are slots open deploys all over and all the time usually for 6months sometimes a year. Been talking it over with my chain of command and they want me to stay in and stay in the company I'm high on the list for getting my E5/Sgt and they want to keep there numbers and promote within. I got some time to think it over I may just stick infantry well working towards being a warrent officer I have 5 years before the age cut off.
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