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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. clayton86

    Jerry Miculek

  2. clayton86

    Jerry Miculek

    And has good coupon codes for handle it grips haha. Lena can shoot for sure also
  3. I had a offer from the dealership I bought my Tacoma from to trade it for a 19 4Runner. At first I was really considering it since the 4Runner was 2 years newer, and had 15k miles vs my 83k. They worded the offer email kinda deceiving or I just read it to fast. On one side of the email was all the details bout both vehicles and that they would give me $25k trade in for it and I could drive off with the 19 4Runner then is small print said “drive off for $19k”. My Taco is bought and paid for I owe nothing on it. I was considering the trade I like the 4Runners but I love my Taco then I noticed the to good to be true offer fine print. I was even thinking how bad could payments be but not having vehicle payments is nice and passed on the offer.
  4. Well like I stated above been listening to Queensryche pandora station now I’m on like this 80s hair metal kick. Been buying a bunch on iTunes so I can play when ever I feel like it. So far I’ve been jamming out to a lot of Ratt, Scorpions, Alice cooper, The Cult, Judas Priest, Night Ranger, Twisted Sister, Skid Row, Lita Ford & Ozzy. I need a better radio in my truck I’ve changed all my speakers already since I blew the stock ones last year. I need a new head unit to power then though. Probably see about doing a sub or something in it not much room in a Tacoma though.
  5. I listen to everything pretty much except the rap crap basically. Lately though I’ve been listening to queensryche. It was my dads favorite band found a few ticket stubs from when he saw them in the early 90s. Few old posters of theirs in his apartment as we were cleaning it out. Got them as my pandora station currently in his memory. I never listened to them specifically but listen to all the other bands mentioned and frequently played on their station.
  6. Love it when fiancé makes roasts in the crock pot she went to make one the other day and dropped the pot and it shattered all over our kitchen floor. So now we need a new one.
  7. I’m still on the P365 for my everyday concealed carry choice. I’ve added another 320 in 9mm for a duty gun that I carry every day as well but that’s a open carry deal. I bought a holster to conceal IWB with it but I still grab my 365 over the full size 320. I tend to appendix carry so the full size 320 would be a bit more uncomfortable than the little 365.
  8. I emailed a local lodge no reply yet I would t think people would be there during “normal business hours”
  9. 2017 Toyota Tacoma TRD sport she’s got 82k miles on it. I’ve done a small lift to it and did a intake and exhaust on it
  10. yeah I learned that when I refinished a old 22 that was my great grandfathers. Went way down in value reblueing the barrel and finishing the stock. I was shooting that today that sparked my inquiry on the old sword also. Both were passed down to me 25 years or so ago don’t shoot the 22 much maybe 100rnds since I got it and 50 of those rounds were shot today actually. The sword sits in the gun cabinet with the 22.
  11. yeah would never sell this I’ve made that mistake in the past selling my grandfathers gun when I was younger and just married. Deeply regret that plus never sell a gun especially a older hand me down over and under but that’s a different topic haha. mostly just curious on the history of it and how tied to family on that side
  12. https://ibb.co/R94bcMk https://ibb.co/zJpDBgJ https://ibb.co/BtZqdMt https://ibb.co/thgtkRY
  13. I’ve got a old sword that was passed down to me from my grandma on my dads side. It’s got some engraving on it and it says Knights Templar on the one piece. It looks like it used to be a bit fancier and chrome/stainless it’s got some tarnish on it though. Part of me wants to clean it up other part says leave it be. I’m trying to get pics of it to load but keeps saying they are to big incase anyone here might know about it or can point me in direction to find history.
  14. Yeah not much though, Henrietta stopped as part of the deal with Sportsmans buying out field and stream owned by dicks. Amchar today had a bunch of blazer 9 for 16.99 a box but can’t even walk into the store without a law enforcement or military ID.
  15. Where you looking in WNY dicks in Batavia has everything for being dicks but yeah them, Sportsmans in Henrietta has everything, runnings in brockport when I was there over the weekend has 15k rnds of 9 on the shelf plus every other caliber even a good amount of 5.7 that was extremely hard to come by when I worked there. I load my own for plinking it’s primers that are next to impossible to find. Carry ammo my 365 I do the Hornady stuff for my 2 duty guns I do gold dot in both my 9 and 45
  16. It seems like men who have best/good friends are different than women who do. It seems guys we can go months or years not talking or seeing a friend and they are still good/best friends. Women seem at least I’ve noticed with my fiancé anyways have to be like always in contact hanging out talking what not. my best friend got married yesterday and I was one of the groomsmen and she didn’t understand how because Clay and I don’t hang out anymore we’ll shoot eachother fishing pics once in a while but that’s about it. Come hunting season we’ll hang out opening day but that’s about it. She just doesn’t get it. Were just brothers from a different mothers haha. Growing up we were inseparable our birthdays are 5 days apart and we sorta share the same name haha. Anyone else notice that or have friends they don’t see or talk to in forever but if something came up would drop everything and be there for them.
  17. So my minds been going 1000 mph lately especially since Friday night/Saturday morning. I was repairing a broken guide on a friends Dobyns rod and I got a call from my aunt at 1115pm. I knew deep down when I seen it was her calling me that my dad had passed. I’ve been kinda expecting that news and trying my best to prepare myself for it but I failed….miserably. Today when one of my other aunts was visiting talking about him and everything she had mentioned my dads accident and my grandfathers. Both were in workplace accidents my dad was hit and pinned by a tow motor breaking his back and my grandfather was in a 3 semi truck accident being the middle truck and crushed. Both were about my age when I was hit by the F150 on the job 4 years when they were in their accidents. Both died at 63years old after spending 6 weeks in the hospital and both predicted their ends. I guess my grandfather said something to my aunt when visiting him that he wasn’t gonna make it through the weekend and he didn’t. My father same thing Tuesday said basically same thing more or less. So now my minds in a whirl between losing my father and now knowing all these coincidences I’m pretty much on the same path. So got 28 years left. I said this to my mom when I asked how old my dad was in his accident and she told me and I replied about my accident and how I’ve got 28 years left. She smacked me before giving me a hug but I can’t help but think about it. sorry just rambling on a few hours sleep mind racing about that.
  18. My buddy keeps telling me to start bow fishing with him I might just to use the carp as fertilizer.
  19. space isn’t really a concern our yard is 1.3 acres not huge but plenty big for a garden and expand if needed
  20. I’ve been tossing the idea around of starting a garden since moving into this house 2 years ago. My dad and grandfather had a big garden and they grew everything they needed tomatoes, corn, peppers, pumpkins stuff like that. I want one for same reason that and not having to mow the giant yard we have haha at least not a acre and a half. I know it’s to late in the season to start one now and have it produce anything this season. When’s the best time to start one and is there a way to start one without like a rototiller I don’t have any power equipment and sure as hell can’t afford stuff the way it is now a days. Gotta be some gardeners to share wisdom on gardening here.
  21. Using the load data off the guy I got the upper parts from I got it shooting one hole 5 shot groups. The 20p is still fun I like how I’ve got that gun itself set up better than the 17-223. I can’t afford a $150 trigger for the 17-223 though I could just pop the uppers off and swap but I’m to lazy to do that. I was tossing around the idea of a 38/45 clerke since I’ve got 1000s of 45 brass. I wanted to do a AR in it but it was/is going to be a expensive maybe work of a build. 1911s are usually done in it but I’ve yet to find a AR done in it.
  22. Idk if it runs in my family I know my fiancés grandmothers both had it or went through it. My dads side is cursed with diabetes and heart issues every single person has diabetes on that side the family but some how I don’t *knock on wood* all the men have heart problems also. My moms side the family everyone we’ll just about anyways has or had cancer even both my sisters but knock on wood again I don’t that I know of anyways. My accident is the worse I’ve been through and deal with still. My hips are always in pain from my pelvis being shattered. My dad seems to be doing better when talking to him on phone I haven’t been able to visit him since Father’s Day with my work schedule. This is the longest gone without the nursing home calling me reporting he fell out of bed again. When I visited him on Father’s Day the bed remote was out of reach his phone was on the table with the nurse call button all stuff he couldn’t have put there that the nurses had to have moved on him. I gave every thing to him or put in his reach. All the times he’s fallen out of bed it was while trying to reach the call button to get a nurse to his room.
  23. Probably is I visited him again today for Father’s Day and he seemed much better. Still struggled with simple stuff I ended up needing to help him eat like he was a baby but he was back to his normal self with his smart a** remarks joking about me feeding him haha. I know he’s without his insulin pump while there and they give him tons of sweets even though he’s diabetic I guess his blood sugar was over 600 the other day my aunt said. He’s got bed sores I guess he’s only been out of bed and in his chair once in the 2.5 weeks he’s been there….little back story being diabetic he’s lost both legs first one 12 years ago below the knee 2nd leg was 2 years ago above the knee. He’s had several heart attacks over the years and a stroke last winter. He’s always on lots of meds I’m sure being in the nursing home they are pumping him with even more. hopefully he can get discharged this week. They have him in a small bed and no trapeze he has the bed they have on order for him since he got there and the trapeze at home but they are on back order to get to the home they said. So he wants to get home to see his cats and have all the stuff he needs but can’t get in the nursing home/rehab. Hopefully he stays off cigarettes once home we’ve been cleaning his apartment and washing all his laundry and sheets to get the smoke smell gone. He wants to quit he hasn’t had a cigarette in over a month but this isn’t the first time heck isn’t the 5th time he’s been in a hospital or home he can’t smoke in for over a month and goes back to it.
  24. Visited my dad today original plan was to bring him home from the nursing home/rehab is been in for a month. After some talking with him my aunt the head nurse and social worker we all told him it was best if he just gave it a few more days there till we got stuff in order with aides and his apartment. After convincing him to stay a few more days just talking with him and watching him try and just drink a glass of water I started to notice a few things. I think he’s starting to get dementia or Alzheimer’s. Granted he’s in a home so I’m sure that isn’t helping but I been noticing stuff more now. Took him almost 10 minutes to get a cup of water to his mouth refusing help or a straw just to have his beard knock it out out of his hands and spill all over him. Then trouble just holding conversations. Gave him a hug and said bye he asked me to get him more water and when I got back with his water he asked where my mom was. They’ve been divorced since I was like 3 so 30+ years since he’s been with my mom and I’ve had a falling out with her so I haven’t seen or talked to my mom in years but that’s another topic. After telling him moms in California last I knew he asked about aunt Debbie that the 3 of us were just there visiting him I told him Debbie is in Florida that it’s just me visiting. At that point I was doing all I could to not cry infront of my dad gave him another hug and left. Sorry kinda rambling just venting bout my dad issues. My aunt and I are trying to get everything in order for him to get out of the home but then I started really noticing stuff today and it’s hitting that even if he goes home he will be back and for good most likely in no time.
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