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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. By the 50# bag tons of it we mix it with gelcoat or resin to make aerosol(bondo) mix it with acetone as well to make a acetone paste for removing glue and such. I had the stuff all over me today actually I was making up some aerosol. I'll have to try your trick because I now have the rash on my left fore arm in two spots, my right hand across the knuckles, my right tricep and on my back.
  2. Yeah I was the "oh I never get it" guy as a group of us looked at a tree crawling with it needing some limbs trimmed to make a shooting lane for a new tree stand. So I shimmied my way up the tree with saw in hand. It's not that bad couple quartet sized spots on my left arm probably from hugging the tree while triming the branches. I've been washing it with acetone to dry it out while I'm at work seems to be working for now it's not itchy.
  3. Ok let's hear everyone's remedy for it because I'm about to cut my d**n arm off.
  4. I actually love my job. I may not like how things are ran but it's actually a job I don't mind waking up and going to in the morning. The shift is awesome 6-230, started with 7 days of PTO, I get to make a variety of different things, always challenges, 50acres of woods in the back I/we can hunt,speaking of hunting season we are allowed to work 4 10 hr days so we get longer weekends to hunt, car troubles no problem they will let you take the company van till your car is fixed, the bonus is nice when we get it, wife kicked ya out need a place to live not a problem either the owner has aptartments he will let you stay in. It's a fiberglass shop that means I have access to everything needed to make a bass boat lol or a canoe which we have done with scraps. We have resin by the 55gal and always have left overs that get thrown out I've been making molds for pouring plastics. It's not a bad place I like it there like I said there is potential. I did get a bit of a hint of a raise possibly yesterday when I came in on Saturday to get an extra cabinet made. The GM came back to see me and asked how everything was going told him everything was good. He asked how the cabinet was looking and I just pointed to it and let my work do the talking. He commented on it and said it looked great just trim a little more off so there is less grinding to get it out of the mold. He then said Corey has been looking at the time sheets and production numbers and is taking note of the individuals who put in that extra when it's needed and don't just 8 and skate. He said some changes are being made and that if we move to the new building I will be getting my own chopper and booth and that he hopes I will stick around till the new year for the changes and that those who have been standing out in a good way will be rewarded. So wait I will it's not like there are other jobs around anyways the economy sucks as well as living in the area I do what is local pays garbage barely over min and it's all factory work assembly line style. This place is local always something different I mean if it's made of fiberglass we have, can and will make it.
  5. Exactly this. Second shift usually makes the qouta for them but they do it with poor work and if a job runs out of money so to speak priced at 10 hours but is gonna take 20 they stop at 9 leave it unfinished and start doing stock items like flumes and manhole covers. Gets them the numbers they need but leaves a product unfinished or finished but is gonna be sent back or need repair. As the one guys puts it there are people in the shop who are not hungry. They do what is on the list and that is it no more and sometimes even less. There's a project running in my department and it's capable of producing 8 "eggs" a day but because it's only scheduled for 6 that's all he does and standa at the desk playing FarmVille on his phone for a hour and a half at the end of the day. I have brought it up to the GM, foreman and even the owner in a phone conference that we start at 6 gelcoated by 7 gelcoat dry and ready at 810 then finished around 9-920. We then go to break give the "eggs" till 1030 then pop 2 and gel coat them and start over. With. Lunch I between we finish the two at 130 giving us 6. I made the suggestion that we pop all 4 giving is 8 in a day and still having time left over and putting us ahead of the shipping and production schedule so we don't rush a day before shipping. This gives us time to QC our product and not rush. It was shot down because a certain employee( the respirator thrower from befor) doesn't feel like we should work that hard. It's not hard work it's just an extra 20minutes in a spray booth with a roller in your hand. The eggs make us $500 in profit and the more we mass produce the more it's profitable. So it makes total sense to just turn around and pop the other two egg molds. It just blows my mind idk lol
  6. It's all been said in the meetings it's said twice a week we gripe about the foreman saying A and the GM coming out and saying B then the salesmen catches wind and says customer wants C. Foreman usually is the easiest way GM is the cheapest way(usually) and the salesman is what the customer wants. Like for instance this southern Connecticut gas job I'm on foreman said piano hing($30) GM says 5 door hinges( $28) customer says 3 stainless steel with tamper proof hardware spaced 6" apart. We said screw the guys up front were doing it to the blueprint what the customer wants. We were gonna go to team bonuses since just about everyone is in a 2-3 man team but not everyone was on board with that because me on the chop sprayer can crank out production and make money and some one else hand laying or stick building can't as easily and no one would help others if it was gonna help others goal and not there. It was supposed to be $50 for the individual and $75 if the whole shop met the weekly goal. The place has a ton of potential the owner says " I would love to pay everyone 20an hr and make this the best place in the county to work" but he's a lawyer and a politician he has made millions telling lies lol. But it does have potential 5 years ago they were only worth 500k in sales last year was 3mil and this year were at 5mil probably gonna hit 6 million. However the building is the same size still all old equipment and still same number of employees.
  7. I don't believe they have evaluations. From the word of everyone on the floor and even the foreman no raises have been handed out in over 4 years. Others have griped about it it in the weekly meetings and they shut us up with the bonus of 125 and say that's more then any raise which is true u would need a 3 dollar an hour raise to equal that but it's not a set thing we do t know of we get it till payday. And then they but us pizza every Wednesday to shut us up also. There's a few of us that are all discussing this at work basically the reliable group of us that care about the company and our products. We all have been calling and applying else where but the problem is the location this place is local there isn't another place close as this. The other one I mentioned before was a contract job and only 10months so it sounds good at first but then it's done
  8. The managment here does suck they have lost some good guys because of it and are on the verge of loosing more. It's a small company on the floor it's 18 people 2 of which are part time. 10 on first shift and 8 on second but the shifts over lap 6-230 and then 1130-730. Managment has no balls for a lack of a better term. I've watched a guy throw his respirator and storm out cussing and throwing stuff because the chop sprayer jammed up. Any where else he woulda been fired or at least suspended something. Nope not here he came in te next day like nothing happened nothing was said to him other then the chopper was fixed. Guys no call no show CONSTANTLY like a week at a time once or are late 4 out of 5 work days. Never get warnings or written up they come in say they over slept and Larry the foreman says ok no problem and they go to work. Guys made what we call 100s which is a small generator huts they made 20 of them over a 4 week time frame not one was correct. That's where I learned and mastered gel coat repairs because I was told to fix them but not to go over 10 hrs per mold in fixing. The part takes maybe 4 hours to spray, lay up skin layers, foam it and then put finishing layers on. So in my mine if it takes 4 hours to make one new why have me spend 10hrs fixing it driving it to a 14hr job!?!?!? If it was me take the two workers making all the bad parts and make them sweep or do something else. They pulled every hut looked at it shrugged their shoulders and brought it to me to fix. I blame it entirely on the managment being to soft. I'm gonna talk to them Tuesday after the meeting dan usually find me and talks to me in private to see how productions going anyways so I'll bring up the raise then. I told them a few weeks ago when my trainee quit that I wasnt far behind him and had my resume out and had some offers but for the extra 1.50 I was offered it was a hour each way commute and this place now I can walk to if I had to. They said they want me to have a future here and gave me more responsibility just no pay to go with the extra burden. We do weekly bonuses also like Lund was saying but it's based on the entire shop not one team or shift or individual. We got it steady for 6 weeks then it dried up and we haven't gotten it in 4 months. It's a extra 125 a week so after tax it's like 95 so it's a nice little bonus IF we get it. My production numbers as of this morning I needed 5250 for the week and I was at 6700 going into today and I'm 45 minutes ahead of schedual today letting me make an extra cabinet worth 1800 and I get 60% of the cost because I don't assemble I just gel coat and lay them up.
  9. Gang I got a question. How would you go about asking for a raise at your job. I ask because since starting my new job I have excelled greatly. I started back in January with almost no experience and within a month I was put on our biggest project and also the most scrutinizing I guess the word would be. I work in a fiberglass shop. I was put on the ansaldobreda job building train parts for sub way cars. These parts had to be absolutely perfect no air, perfect gel coat, not a scratch or blemish on it oh and not no mention done in impossible time constraints. The previous guys working on it were taking around on average 700hrs to do a complete set and we priced it at around 180hrs so we lost our arses on that job. Well I took over with one other guy and I gelcoated and layed up the parts entirely by myself then my partner cut them out and bolted certain ones together and then I buffed them and packaged them up for shipping and shipped them. We cut that job down to 230hrs was our average. So that's example 1. Since the train job I have also started doing other custom projects and jobs. I have picked up more skills and attributes to the job. I now spray chop, vacuum bag, gel coat repair, build and repair molds, and repair broken or damaged parts. I do all this faster and with better quality then honestly 90% of the guys I work with and it's known. Management says it and anything that's hard or "can't be done" goes to me and I do it and do it extremely well. I've never been late or missed a day for anything other then military obligations to the guard. So here I am doing all this work any OT they need come in every Saturday just about I now run the whole back section of te shop and am incharge of two others and am tasked with interviewing and hiring a 3rd but yet I make my entree wage of 12hr. I trained a guy that has since quit and it's come to my attention that he was making 14hr and I was training him!!! I think I've proved my self and they are giving me the responsibility and projects that demand the higher rate that the other guys get but yet I haven't seen a raise sense I have started almost 10 months ago. Part of me wants to quit but I like it im good at it plus it has great benefits and is 5.1 miles from my house. And the saying grass isn't always greener on the other side comes to mind. The shop foreman is clueless he still forgets my name and it's on my shirt and I've been gem here 10 months. The general manager is a complete tool and undermines ever gone and everything and is the biggest cheapskate you will ever meet. The owner comes but once every 3 months if were lucky he owns a major law firm the glass shop is his pet project I guess he got off a client. The only guy that seems to care about the employees is a sales guy that's the owners best friend and he has meetings with us ever Tuesday and Thursday then emails the owner what was said in the meetings. I figure he would be the best one to approach about it I just don't know how to go about doing it. Sorry if it's kinda long and rantish I'm laying in bed exhausted from working 10hrs then hanging deer stands an frustrated with this whole situation.
  10. I had three this evening with some old friends talking bout this upcoming deer season. Most I've had in one night in a while
  11. All these comments about single moms heck if that's a random act of kindness I do that every weekend and some times during the week lol heck it's thirsty Thursday.
  12. Anyone ever do random acts of kindness. Buy a homeless person a meal, coach or show a kid about fishing, buy a vets coffee or meal. I've had the last happen to me more times then I care to count so last night I decided to return the favor. Took my boys out for dinner after open house for school and there was a World War Two vet sitting across from us. I had seen him last week same time and place he alwas wears a marine corps shirt and WWII vet hat. Him and his wife get the beef on weck every week I've noticed(why I go there because it's delicious). Well I finished before they did and picked up his and his wife's tab and thanked him for his service. My kids constantly were asking who he was and why I was doing it and had to give a history lesson the whole way home lol. Anyone else do this from time to time?
  13. I was sober from 21-26 same thing people never believed me then add being in the army and infantryman on drill weekends being the only guy in the company not going to the bars lol. That and I've never been to a strip club either.
  14. No it's easy my wallet reminds me constantly lol. I honestly don't have the urge to drink that much. Ah heck who am I kidding I feel like I need a IV of red stag most the time my stress levels are threw the roof but I'm poor and I go fishing every chance I get so not to be to stressed and drink.
  15. No body likes a quiter lol I was sober for 5 years then a deployment and the cheating wife happened. I was drinking heavy for a few months now I'm down to maybe a 6 pack a month and that's a big maybe. But like hooligan said it's fall and pumpkin ales and it's hunting season probably pick up a little more now for the fall.
  16. Here's my hoyt with fresh strings
  17. They finished my strings and cables in less the a week. Gotta shoot at 60 yards and my HHA optimizer will be dialed in and ready for October 1.
  18. I got out a few times this week Monday the frog bite was amazing almost every other cast into duckweed and 2fow pike were very very active but flat out missed the frog every time but went airborn every time giving a show. Bass were all one hit wonders no secondary hits or follow up hits. So it was nice that they were at least hitting almost every where I casted. Went out Thursday and only caught a cold no bites any where it tried three different spots three different bodies of water.
  19. Jack Daniels, beer of choice, my favorite some red stag all will do the trick
  20. Thanks guys I think I'm just gonna start with a open mold for flukes. I have gallons upon gallons of resin we throw out once mixed so I'm just gonna dump the waste into my mold container to make the mold. Won't cost me a dime to make the mold.
  21. What about doing worms though I want round
  22. I have been working in a fiberglass/composites shop for the last 9 months and have access to tons of resin. I've been wanting to get into doing some hand pours of fluke like lures stuff I use a lot. How should I make the mold I've watched videos and I know how to make it but should I just leave the top of the fluke as the spot to pour or should I make a clam type design and bore a hole and then vents and pour into it that way.
  23. Sweet looking Xbows. My bow is in the shop getting new strings on it last minute before opener kinda upset bout it but it beats it blowing up in my face at full draw.
  24. One is opening up here soon in rochester. Cabelas opened last month in buffalo and bps is going in on the east side of rochester in victor all are 45min-hour from my house two due east one west.
  25. He's a migrant worker
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