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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. That can't be providing it makes sense but to short of a word. Yeah $50 was a nice bonus
  2. In spirit of the already cursive thread here's another lol. The owner of the company gave me a b day card over time I've figured out more and more of what it said. So far I got " thanks for all the help you are ????? At VPC. Next January you will be a one year ?veteran? And hopefully we will keep you with us for years to come" At first I was probably blinded by the 50 falling out of the card but it's taken me most the afternoon to figure out what it says
  3. clayton86


    Just got done voting on my lunch break. Had to do a affidavit to vote since it was my first time in 10 years. They were saying it's the most affidavit ballots they have very done because so many people are voting this election.
  4. I'm a hoyt man myself I have a older rampage XT('11) they all kill deer though just practice practice practice
  5. Bucks are moving good here in western New York also according to all my buddies who have been out while I'm racking up over time :-( lol tonight though I'm going for that Halloween monster
  6. My main one went coon calling with me last night behind her house. Was going good her cat fallowed us and then attacked my foxpro call and decoy so I let some coyote howls go to scare it off but didn't work. We heard a coon coming down a tree and across the woods and I whispered to her " your cats about to get messed up" ticked off coon coming to te call of distressed coon pups and finds a big tabby cat at te source of the sound, if put money on the coon. She freaked and screamed at the cat hunt was over lol.
  7. Wind actually isn't bad out here thought it would be worse this afternoon
  8. My kayak and gear is buried in the barn and with hunting season in full swing for evey critter that I hunt mainly fox and coon opening yesterday I'm done fishing till I start bugging farmer about the ice on silver lol. I'm def making it out for ice fishing this year and now that I live in holly with my gf right on the hulberton stone quarry's I'll be hitting them as well for big gills I see swimming in there.
  9. We have a don't read thread so I made a read thread .....I'm bored the deer arnt moving I'm going home lol
  10. Not much better 20' up a tree either
  11. I don't have a wife anymore just a few gfs lol
  12. I always got a kick out of the depression meds commercials at the end wen they rattle off all the side effects. "Side effects include but not limited to depression, suicide, loss of sleep, loss of appetite....." Lol just what some one depressed needs I sense Irene coming as well
  13. Most 'Merica thing I've seen
  14. Don't you have a wife? Lol
  15. Dang your on a roll. I've been working late every day and now Saturday also my hunting is coming to a close I'm afraid. Gonn try and get out this afternoon but not looking good.
  16. Don't even have to go back 100 years. Ive been out of school for 9 years I used to come to school late once deer season started and always had my gun in the back rack of my pick up and usually a dead deer in the bed. I also live in a very country community wasn't unusual to drive a tractor to school. The whole situation is sad and tragic the whole world is going down the drains.
  17. I did
  18. I get a few every year with the bow. Wanna get a black one again with the bow and then coyote with the bow and get it mounted together
  19. Nice preach, I seen a little 4pt Saturday at 645am to dark to shoot he hung around for a bit before walking off. Haven't seen a deer since other then ones out in the middle of the fields as I walk out at dark they just look at me and laugh that they came out from a different spot then I was sitting. Stuck a squirrel Sunday big ole thing thought I killed him it laid there in the trail for 45 min arrow right threw him didn't twitch then it and my arrow jumped up it chewed my fletching off and ran off with the arrow still in it!!! I ran down and caught up to it stepped on the arrow and he just turned looked at me and popped off the arrow and ran up the tree and barked at me. Tough little bugger.
  20. This season I've seen deer every time but on 3 occasions. Them 3 times were when I was playing the wind so that it wasn't blowing over bedding and feeding areas along wth known travel routes. The rest if the times around 7 I hunted stands where the wind was blowing my stink at the deer each time I had them come in and within petting distance. I spray and wash with dead down wind products.
  21. My buddy did that.....didn't work out for him because he started stealing cars on base after 6months. Haven't talked to him in almost 10years.
  22. A soy and corn fed yearling in the crockpot with some carrots, potatoes, garlic cloves, onion, Lipton soup mix packet. Oh and some jerky as well with help from my three year old
  23. No one cares
  24. Personally I'm a Hoyt fan great bows and they won't break the bank unless you want them to.
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