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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. So I had frog legs for the first time yesterday at thanksgiving dinner at the new gfs dad's house. We had turkey, duck and frog legs all which were taken on the property. Now I'm hooked on frog legs and want more. Who hunts for frogs how do you go about doing it. Catch em, shoot em, spear em??? Need warm weather and to go frogging.
  2. Usually it's the girls who have it for well this is a family site like I said lol
  3. Could make some comments but this is a family site...
  4. To many little towns and lights. Once out of rochester it's all 55 and straight shot to the fallsAnd 31 was in the snow belt for the most part. My gf in Holley has like 2" go a mile north to 104 and nothing, mile south to 31 and there is about 12"
  5. All the semis are taking 104 since the 90 is closed takes me 15 min longer to get to work just due to the convoy of semis still trying to move their shipment.
  6. Looks like it's finally over for the most part. I got called and asked if I wanted to go on state active duty to go dig people out I declined that offer fast lol.
  7. Gonna be 60 Sunday and Monday and melt it all
  8. I could see the wall of snow to my west when hunting last night but never saw a single flake. The snow belt is about 15 minutes from me but we got nothing
  9. Had to put my tracking skills to work tonight for a good buddy who's wife shot her first buck ever. I was texting him at 429pm about a stand and heard a shot from their direction across the road in a differnt block of woods. 12 minutes later got a text saying it was wifey that she got the big 8 and he dropped but got up and ran. So I was having a coughing fit in my stand and offered to help since hacking up a lung isn't the best sound for deer to come to. Drove over to the other block met up with them and got the run down that it was a head on shot in this spot ran south. No blood no hair nothing just some kicked up leaves. Started following the path I thought he would take and sure enough 60yards later I see the reflection if a eye and nothing but rack. Was happy to end my hunt early to help track a trophy let alone a first buck. The omg I hate but love you look upon first walking up on him Not the big 8 he's a 10 with a broken g3 so woulda been at least a 11 if the g3 was there
  10. It's hunting season now up in NY I'm busy
  11. Openin day of gun season was yesterday I sat in the AM lots of shooting close to me on the other side of the creek but I never saw any. Then we did some drives in the late morning early afternoon I kicked up 6 coulda shot the first two but they were headed for our sitters who haven't gotten a deer yet during bow so I let them go. No one shot at any we pushed out either no shots and the ones that did were button bucks.
  12. Hoah
  13. I use the open country dehydrator
  14. Army 2008- present
  15. You get better with the more deer you do just as with anything else. I don't soak mine in water some people do I prefer not to. I let my deer hang a day or two or 3 depending on the temp. Tenderloins come out first like when I'm gutting the deer. It's a small piece of meat so leaving it in it gets all dry and you end up throwing most of it away. The white is ok to leave some but the silver shiny stuff try your best to get that all off that's what gives it the "gamy" taste. I use three knifes when I process a deer start to finish, my small buck knife for field dressing, a little bit bigger buck knife for quartering, and fillet knife for doing all my cuts of meat and triming. All are razor sharp. Outdoor edge makes a butcher kit that comes with a video and instructions of I'm not mistaken might be worth looking into.
  16. Couldn't get a nice 6 to come in the am so I shot this hoss just before climbing outa my stand. Only 10yd shot as he was running across a log. Gonna shoot one of the black ones next and get them mounted. This ones in the freezer now.
  17. Skunk will still spray when shot in the heart or even head....I speak from experience. A regular scope works fine in low light conditions also. My predator hunting guns and my coon guns all have 3x9 scopes most are 40 objectives but my coon gun is a 32obj a typical rimfire scope I see fine with it in low light and night shooting(with a scope mounted light) but I have killed fox on full moon nights without a light. Red dots are more for quick acquisition shots moving targets and such not really precision. Most red dots I see are 5moa that's a big dot and big area. If you get a red dot keep it on the lowest power setting possible keep the dot dim and small it's the most accurate that way. I think you would like a illuminated reticle scope. Walmart had some cheap ones that would be fine for a .22
  18. I seen 4 doe this morning and one messed up buck none gave me a shot. For came in hard and fast being chased by the big 8 on the property but he ended up taking the trail and going between me and my buddy we never saw him but our third guy sitting the adjacent property watched him chase the does around the field and over to us. Then I seen the messed. 1 point that needs to be culled out. Thought it was a doe till I seen his left antler comes out then straight down the side of it's head. No antler on the other side just the one. He went by my buddy never gave him a shot then cruised by me hit the tracks them 4 doe left and he turned around and came back at me this time on the creek bed and crossed after the does.
  19. Did your boats even see water this year john?
  20. I use a norelco 6100 Series for when I'm on active duty and drill weekends other wise it's no shave November
  21. Hope so I'm like their golden boy right now the machining guys are hating me but the sales guys and managers are loving it. I got a system I came up with cranking out two weeks worth of product in 1 week with out a problem and haven't had one part be bad. After being handed the card I was asked me hourly wage again and he said he was gonna fire out a email to get me more for all I'm doing. I'm gonna email the owner as well but thanking him for the card not asking for money let the managment do that in his email.
  22. Hope so I'm like their golden boy right now the machining guys are hating me but the sales guys and managers are loving it. I got a system I came up with cranking out two weeks worth of product in 1 week with out a problem and haven't had one part be bad. After being handed the card I was asked me hourly wage again and he said he was gonna fire out a email to get me more for all I'm doing. I'm gonna email the owner as well but thanking him for the card not asking for money let the managment do that in his email.
  23. I'll keep the 50 lol I'm sure it's providing also.
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