Didn't think plastic tackle boxes smelled like fish and you would think they would try to eat it not tick on it I mean I don't tick on stuff that smells like food.
Great idea!!
I like dogs more but I do have my ex wife's cat I got her but he's a bangal and bad A built like a pit bull he's buff lol only cat I like but he's fixed a indoor cat that don't spray!
I really hate cats right now. I went to my moms to get all my lures and tackle to organize for the spring. A little back story my mom and sister are crazy cat ladies lol. They have 5 cats of their own and also feed all the strays. Strays that live in the barn that I store my gear and kayak in.
I grabbed my milk crate with all my trays and tackle in it and threw it in my truck and drove off. Couple miles down the road all I can smell is cat tick!!!! They sprayed all over my crate and tackle. I'm so mad now. I can't bring it inside to work on I don't want that smell so I left it outside under the leanto at my house hoping the snow and fresh air will kill some of the smell so I can bring it inside.
2.75 today in wny. I'll swing by the rez after drill Sunday to fill up where it's tax free and watered down lol. They are usually 30-50 cents cheaper depending which one you go to.
Is he a rep for MHX or some one at mud hole?
Also my good buddy asked if I can fix one of his veritas rods that's not under warranty anymore. It's missing a eye I think third from tip broke off when he fell on some rocks. Was thinking carefully sand off the old guide and wrap then put a new one in its place.
Things work backwards here must be. Yesterday on way to work it was 2.78 cheapest I've seen yet same gas station today on my way to work and it was 2.89 we went up!!!
I'm gonna be ordering a few blanks this week hopefully to start working on. I don't have to pay child support anymore now that I have custody which freed up 200 a week.....hello fishing gear lol
I should have clarified I ment for common cold and flu what most people go to the doctors office for this time of year. Every single person in my family has diabetes except me it took my dads leg 4 years ago. Both my sisters and mother are cancer survivors, my father and grand father both have heart issues as well. With all the health issues my family has I should go to the doctor often but I choose not to. I check my blood sugar regularly as request of my dad and it's always normal.
My ex wife and her family run to the docs at the sign of anything the whole family is hypochondriacs I hated it. My kids were rushed off to the doctor for anything over 98.5 temp and drugged with fever reducer and cough medicine. Every time the doctor told us " it's going around every kid is sick all you can do is ride it out and give them Motrin if they spike a fever" so many arguments over me not calling off work cuz I said kids where fine and they insisted they had cancer or something because the kid coughed or said his head hurts just to have the doctor say it's a bug and two days later my kids were fine bouncing off the walls again.
Now that the whole house has had the puking and pooping non stop flu my three year old looks like he's coming down with pink eye in his left eye it's super puffy and pink oozing goop. Kid in his pre school class just got over it his mom said over break so I wouldn't be surprised if my Jack has it to.
This is why I don't do the doctor thing never have not because I don't have insurance but because most medicines just suppress symptoms and mask the issue and do nothing to cure you. Nothing staying hydrated and rest can't cure. I've been stuffing my face all day now that the bug is gone still got a slight cough but I always do year round just about.
Think it may be gone knock on wood. The girl friend forced me to stay in bed all day yesterday missing work. She kept feeding me soup and crackers in bed taking care of me. Woke up this morning feeling like a million Bucks no stomach ache nothing I've had some toast and pasta today with out a problem and playing with my brat kids just fine.
Holy crap it's like everyone I know seems to have it every one at work has it or had it the past month. I've been sick for two weeks now coughing up a lung and last night I woke up at 130am and have been hugging the toilet since. I can't even remember the last time I was this sick. I called into work today for the first time in my life. I had perfect attendance at school and every job I've ever had till now. I hate it but the girlfriend is making me stay home and rest despite me trying to leave for work when she ran to the store for some ginger ale I didn't get out quick enough.
Thinkim gonna go with one of the MHX kits for my first build since its all included.
Think im gonna go with the 7' light rod from thr white line up. Says its for finesse and walleye i want to use it for river bank fishing for smallies. I usually just use small grubs,tubes,jigs,small craw cranks.
I warned her it was gonna be bad I showed her all the stuff on mud hole. And I've already got the how many poles line when she seen all my current set ups.
Thanks, and we both gotta get rid of our first spouse before we take that leap again maybe in the future. She loves to fish though maybe I'll build her a rod too.
Came in the mail today
Now to decided on what to do for a build first. Was thinking something for wading the river for smallies I need a good two piece travel rod for when I stop at the creek and walk the banks for small mouth.
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