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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. Looks like I got the flu again. Been a zombie all day at work and spent more time in the bathroom then in the shop. I feel and smell like death. The last bout knocked me out for almost 2 or 3 weeks I just got back to "normal" now I'm back at it.
  2. Been having a rough season all around both deer and predators. Went to a co workers house last night after being asked/told for two months that I need to take care of his fox and coon problem as they have been killing his ducks and chickens. Called in two but the big one made it back into the tree because my gun jammed in the -7* weather and I couldn't get a follow up anchoring shot in it. After clearing the jam i switched sounds and this one came out and no follow up shot was needed.
  3. Yeah I'm talking to my boss tomorrow who is also my lawyer so it don't happen again
  4. I just did mine today man what a difference claiming one kid can make. My ex wife happened to be doing hers before me we were getting along lately till tonight. She called and said our tax lady had time for me if I wanted tonight so I went. Turns out she claimed all three kids and head of household and left me high and dry!!! I don't usually loose it in public but I did tonight but I got the exes stopped claimed one kid and went from owning 2300 to getting back a little bit by claiming my oldest son.
  5. What's a buck? Lol I'm having my worst season ever. Deer is over now though had been for over a month and I never had one in range during gun season and only one during bow. Now coyote/fox is full swing looked promising at first I called one in ever set but was trying to get a buddy into the sport and let him do the shooting at least that was the plan. He never pulled the trigger on several occasions of me calling fox in to about 70yards broad side he couldn't find if in his scope. I've been on a 6 week dry spell now with out seeing a thing headed up north for the foxpro NYS coyote contest today hunting non stop all weekend for coyote and hopfully a bobcat.
  6. I bought the book the other day finally haven't had a chance to read it yet, I've been passing out before my kids lately lol
  7. Not sure if he's that smart to do it intentionally
  8. You were the first one on my people I should know last night when I checked it after work.
  9. Lmao
  10. Round is a shape
  11. Hey your smarter then my old buddy who's dating my ex wife now after watching me deal with the crazy for 6 years he decided to also....poor wretched lol
  12. Judging by you being one of the common mutual friend along with Big-O, fluke, j Francho id say a good chunk.
  13. Anyone who uses face book and is friends with some one in here have you noticed a huge increase in members popping up in the "people you'd should know" section mine has been loaded with people from here judging by all the pics of guys holding bass that and I recognize some of your ugly mugs lol
  14. Been in the national guard as an infantryman for 7 years and counting I sign my extension papers tomorrow for 6 more. On the civilian side I run a spray chopper and gelcoating section in a Fiberglass manufacturing shop that makes everything fiberglass besides boats sadly lol.
  15. Red stag actually helped me some nights... Think I might do a shot of it now after spending the last hour filleting blue gill and perch
  16. My kinda week....except my luck like that has been lasting years lol
  17. What grain superfornace? I run 58gr but it's my coyote load I gotta get one for deer because there is talk of making my county rifle now as opposed to shotgun
  18. Filled for 2.67 today diesel is 3.45,
  19. Yeah not a common name
  20. You mean because I took your original one I'm sure you tried lol
  21. Clayton isn't name and I was born in 86 it's my profile name on like every forum I'm on
  22. 2.71 in Albion NY it's right between buffalo and Rochester. Cheapest I've seen yet.....
  23. He is about 25 lbs Jack is two kimchi the cat is 1 in that pic lol. Blue my ex got him when I was deployed when I was making good money cat ran us $1000
  24. Sweet. My buddy forgot to bring his rod to drill this weekend so I gotta wait to get it another time. How do you know what size guide to use if the old ones gone all together. Also Is there a way to fix I rod that say broke in two? Like my villain rod broke like 16" down from the tip
  25. My bangal last year napping with my youngest boy
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