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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. Yeah the sitter is family(sister) she has one of them electric fireplaces that had the picture of the Flames you can adjust by remote and it also puts out heat. She touched the glass on it. I didn't think it got that hot I mean the thing cranks heat it will put you out of the room it gets so hot in there but I thought the glass wasn't supposed to get hot.
  2. Thanks guys were still waiting for the burn surgeon to come down I'm physically and emotionally drained how ever my bladder isn't lol but I refuse to leave her side
  3. Idk of cheese burgers will do the trick I've gone to lunch with the guy he can eat. He says he gets it from doing pull ups as I remember him stating before a Father's Day tournament a year or two ago.
  4. Yeah she is handling it very well other then not being able to eat because they may sedate her to do the second cleaning. It makes me cringe and tear up seeing her raw hands or even that first picture of it blistered up.
  5. Thanks for the well wishes. She was tossing and turning all night which actually isn't any different from any other night other then we had a packed pediatrics ER all night with people constantly in our room so it was tough to get her back asleep. Surgeon is supposed to be here between 8-9am which in hospital time that's 2-3 pm. Still trying to get ahold of her wonderful mother to let her know but can't reach her.
  6. Here's my princes when not in the ER and being her normal happy self.
  7. Thanks, wish I could say she gets her looks from me lol but she is my adopted daughter. She looks a lot like her mother other then the dark hair and skin tone she gets from her biological father. Does make it hard when they ask for fathers family history and I have to explain he's a dead beat and her mother is too.
  8. My baby girl got burned real bad today. While at the sitters my 13mo daughter touched a electric fireplace glass screen. Normally they don't get that hot but this one did a number on her. Both her hands are covered in 2nd degree burns. Went to urgent care they gave her morphine and wrapped them and gave us an ambulance ride to the city to see the burn unit. My little girl has taken it like a champ she was fine once I got to urgent care just kept showing me her hands and babbling her side of the story but no tears till the shot of morphine and bandages. Same when they did the debarment or what ever it's called cutting away the skin she wasn't drugged at all just sat on my lap and starred at me while they did it. We're staying the night to see the surgeon in the morning.
  9. Thanks guys, congrats are fine we're excited. We had discussed the matter and the plan was to try in a year or two. Someone had other plans and sped things up. The issue with her son has been resolved and things have been good.
  10. Hey we were snowed in for a while just tried to keep warm lol
  11. So not to side track another thread I'll make another one. The gf and I are expecting. Found out about two weeks ago had a sonogram last week everything is looking good. She's 7.5 weeks now so still early. We're hoping for a girl which is why we will end up with a boy lol. Totally unplanned however because she was on BC guess I just have super swimmers lol. Due date is September 24 just in time for deer season.
  12. We didn't either she's on BC and takes it everyday at the same time.....oh well another rug rat on the way lol I'm starting my own little army
  13. My couch pulls out how ever I don't and now have #4 on the way. So that's 5 now between the gf and I she has a son already and I have two boys so if this ones a boy you can have it and start fresh and not have the bad habits of my other two boys lol.
  14. I got two boys I'll give ya one lol
  15. Yeah it's not that deep I have put about 50 slugs threw it 3" Winchester super x some 00 buck as well.
  16. I picked up this 870 a little while ago used for a good price but it's seen better days. Mostly it's the slug barrel actually it's all it is other then the faded stock but that adds character. I've been debating on what to do about the barrel and possible the whole gun. Everything on the gun works and it shoots the cheap Winnie slugs the best. I just like to tinker and was thinking of re bluing or parkerizing the barrel or even cerakote or dipping the whole gun. Or just leave it who knows. It's my deer and coyote gun so it gets used and abused. Here's some pics of the slug barrel though idk of there is much I can do about it.
  17. My grandma used to bake me fresh bread when ever I came over for the weekend. Nothing better now if I only had the metabolism to burn off the bread like I used to.
  18. Congrats!!!!!
  19. Bond, James bond
  20. Probably missed this already but did Abu discontinue the premier spinning reel? It's not on the Abu site or tw. I love mine and was looking for another possibly this spring.
  21. My boys are 5 and 3 my daughter just turned 1. My three year old tells me to feel better but no hugs and kisses he says he doesn't wanna be sick.
  22. Sounds about right I gotta call my ex Inlaws and tell them to keep the boys overnight when they get off the bus. Gf will have to watch my daughter for me while I lay in bed like a vegetable lol. Last night though my daughter who is only 1 climbed in bed with me got under the cover gave me a kiss then went and got a book got back in bed babbled like a 13month old would thinking she's reading then gave another kiss and left the room. So even my 1 year old is taking care of me lol. My boys just avoid me like the plague and tell me not to get them sick and stay away lol.
  23. Called into work today feel like some one beat the crap out of me. I've become such a baby when it comes to being sick, I blame it on the gf. She takes such good care of me bringing me breakfast lunch or dinner in bed taking care of me. So now I'm a big wimp when it comes to getting sick I used to just tough it out.
  24. No that thread would be round 10000000 I never learn
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