Well looks like it’s time for another career change or at least employer at this point. I was thinking and hoping with the job I’m at now this would finally be it for me something I could stay at long term but now especially this last few weeks I can’t get out of this fast enough.
Currently I work for Loomis armored servicing ATMs, banks and commercial stops like grocery stores, gas stations various stores in the mall and casinos. Pay is meh it could be better for what we deal with especially my route but it doesn’t bother me as much as it does a lot of the other guys. I’m normally on route 14 it’s called which covers down town Rochester, NY inner city in the hood corner stores atms I gotta fill. So anywhere between $8k-$180k I’ll be standing in a isle by myself putting the cash into an ATM at a lot of places there’s drug deals going on non stop and people are getting shot or stabbed there. I haven’t had anything happen YET while doing my job but a few instances I got a funny feeling and kept my gun hand at the ready while filling the cassettes with my non gun hand one handed.
It’s not that that’s turning me away though. This place is by far the worst managed place I have ever worked. Schedules are only posted 12hrs out if that 1 day at a time. I didn’t have tomorrows schedule till 745pm today and I gotta start at 0740 tomorrow. We only do a 4 day work week and it’s completely random what day we have off. Some weeks it’s a Monday off the next it’s Thursday the following a Wednesday it’s always random. Same with start times Monday I didn’t have to go in till 11am Tuesday I was off Wednesday it was a 07 start then off again today and tomorrow is 0740.
So the schedule is my biggest issue with the place we’ve brought it up to management and they say it’s “corporate” that wants it done that way so that’s the way it’s staying. Between that and now the routes are “optimized” that says if you start at this time be on the road at this time do this stop first at this time spend x minutes there then go to this stop at this time your day should take X amount of hours. Since the started doing this 2 weeks ago not 1 person has got it done in the time the computer says it should take and we are missing some timed stops so customers are getting mad they didn’t get their money delivered in time before they close. It’s just a matter of time before enough customers complain and they change the ways back to how it was and worked just fine.
Till then though us guards are leaving at a crazy pace. 3 quit yesterday and 2 today. I’m probably be putting in my notice soon as well I’ve got 2 interviews tomorrow so depending how they go. Which brings me to the scheduling thing again. There’s a app they use for time off and time sheets etc. HR says go by what Dayforce says not the paper sheet. Well Dayforce all week said I don’t start Friday till 1430 so I made my interview appointments at 11 and noon. Well when the paper schedule came out that management says go by NOT day force I have to start at 0740. So tomorrow I’m gonna call in for the first time in my 20 some odd year working. I’ve never called in sick or punched in late at any of my jobs. It took me getting hit by a truck to miss work a few years ago.
So now I’m really looking for a change. I’ve got the 2 interviews tomorrow 1 doing security kinda like I am now just not involving all the money. The other is installing security systems in businesses and homes. Been filling out applications on indeed every night hoping something pans out. I had a interview today but I don’t think I’m gonna take it. Its a decent pay cut but 40+ hr work week and now I only get 28-35 hrs if I’m lucky. So the $3hr I’d loose wouldn’t be THAT much different come payday. It’s as a security guard at a job corp school for troubled kids but it’s non armed strict hands off policy and I can’t even carry a pocket knife on campus let alone my EDC or duty pistol.
I was hoping at this point in my life I'd have a career I could be at and retire but not looking that way bout to be 36 and have to start all over again.