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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. http://www.uhaul.com
  2. Truck has been starting slow these past few mornings -6 this morning when I went to work. Snow is deep and ice is thick my favorite lake had 3 full size trucks and a suv on them over the weekend. When i ice fished the same lake 4 weeks ago it had 9" of black ice on it I can imagine it's probly twice that now
  3. Me nah I was in a fox contest we called it quits after5 sets. Only 4 where taken out of the whole contest of 34 people. 2 fox won it $240.
  4. Yeah it was pretty simple I just used rustoleum primer in whiteness drops of paint in a bucket of water a few swirrels of a stick and bam. I tried black primer but as you can see it didn't work. It has like a "ghost" swirl to it you can see it in certain light or angle.
  5. Will do! Just dipped some sample parts to see how that Magic marble works out. Came out sweet I think I dipped the cork I cut off and some tackle box lids. Black primer didn't work but white really makes it pop. I'm gonna tape off and prime the rods tomorrow letting the epoxy sit a day
  6. Well I finally got to starting my first rod builds. I went for a ice rod for my first one actually two ice rods one for myself one for a army buddy of mine. I went with a 24" ul his is a 17" bream buster. His is super short I was gonna order a different blank or handle but he opted for cutting a inch off the butt section and leaving it goofy looking. He said he wanted it short like that for being in the hut his other rods all hit the side when he sets the hook. Then I grabbed a old aluminum arrow shaft and practiced some wraps while I wait for the epoxy to set on the handles. Was a lot easier then I thought I just used regular sewing thread to practice with.
  7. Thats a heat wave and a dusting
  8. Go fox hunting a ball deep snow. Only made 5 sets last night one of which was down a hill which ment up hill climb back to the truck. My legs are more sore today then any leg day at the gym.
  9. my ex would argue that statement
  10. reds not my color
  11. I drink them for the taste basically idk. It doesn't keep me awake or anything or make my heart race. When I was in college I used to drink the sobe no fear or NOS as 4 pack a day and my passenger side of my car floor was covered in empty bottles of no doze. My caffeine intake used to be insane my heart should have exploded a long time ago. I used to drive from Hartford Connecticut to buffalo New York on the weekends to see me gf in college. Sunday's I would leave buffalo around 11pm drive to my dorm and be at class by 7am Monday. I would pound a case of red bull and a bottle of no doze on the drive and smoke a pack of cigarettes. Back then I was a twig 5'9" 130lbs probably from the insane caffeine intakes.
  12. I got the same amount as J and farmer pretty much. I spend every morning pushing my gf out of the drive way because she drives a tiny little civic with skinny tires. It was funny the other day my 5 year old and I were in Walmart and in the fishing section and he asked for a new lure. I told him not now wait till closer to spring. His reply was that the ground hog said only 6 more days of winter. I corrected him to 6 weeks not days and with out skipping a beat he says " ugh stupid ground hog we should shoot it 6 weeks is way to long" I almost died.
  13. When deployed I lived on rip it's and monster rehabs. Since being home I drink monster ultra white from time to time I used to drink two a day but have cut back to Friday's only now.
  14. Thanks for the well wishes guys. Looks like finally able to go home some time today. Have to take her to occupational therapy and to the burn clinic every week. She ended up having third degree burns in areas and may require grafts but we hope not obviously. She's been a trooper threw it all though. It's been a rough ride that's for sure.
  15. My daughter had a mini mouse doll that sings "it's all about the bows" yeah heard it a million times this weekend. Stuck in my head.
  16. Think this is more like it
  17. Only one I'm against really is that dumb flu shot. They wanted to give it to my daughter this weekend since were in the hospital for her hands. I told them hell no I got it and got the flu twice now she's been around the flu and been just fine I'm not giving my little girl that shot. Everything else she's up to date
  18. They are resilent my ex and I did her last bandage change and cleaning with out her being on any pain meds she sat there and watched and never flinched just kept trying to eat her hands lol. She is a tough little bugger that's for sure.
  19. Still in the hospital they want to keep her till Monday at least to monitor her eating. This girl does nothing but eat! She takes the cleanings like a champ they have us do the cleaning and rebandage in the bathtub she just plays and does it herself pretty much then we re wrap her bandages. She's her normal self for the most part laughing and playing always on the go she's made friends with all the other patients and the nurses. She has the nick name boo now because some one said she looks like boo from monsters inc.
  20. MHX has one I believe on the mud hole site. Maybe it's just the blanks I can't remember which is sad because I was looking this morning
  21. I say we feed him this http://aht.seriouseats.com/archives/2009/10/the-burger-lab-bacon-attack-pork-butt-bacon-burger.html
  22. We're just hanging out as she comes down off the narcotics they gave her
  23. She has to stay another night to monitor her pain during bandage changes. Her mother and her gf came up for the changing and to talk to the surgeon. She was fine then when they took the bandages off she flipped whipped her phone out to "document" it so she can get the kids taken from me made a big scene and left.
  24. I usually see pics of sushi
  25. Charger is a good bow. I have the older(better built imo) version the rampage xt absolutly love it but am upgrading this year to the new nitrum turbo or nitrum 30 I haven't decided yet. I'm on the fence about selling it to put down on the new bow or keeping for back up.
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