That's a much better version of a link I had posted last summer I believe I made it but it was the same concept about thanking a vet.
I actually had a similar scenario over the weekend at drill. My gunner and I went to get coffee and breakfast for the squad at the local coffee shop when a gentleman came up and bought all of our breakfast for us. After we got our order we went over and shook his hand and thanked him and told him he didn't have to. As we said our thanks a older gentleman had to be in his late 70s made the comment kinda snotty or resentful I guess but he says "I served my country to you know" and we turned and thanked him and went to shake his hand and he wouldn't.
Usually we will be offered to have our food paid for for us when we go out in uniform. We try to say our thanks and stop it and pay our own way but some times we can't stop it. The gentleman over the weekend was ahead of us inline and told the cashier that he had our order.
I'm training him but he will be a "floater" essentially and the plan is to basically do what I did with the last guy. They have noticed I'm good at training and teaching the guy they hired for me in October is now taking over for me on first. I'll train clay up and then he will be on his own.
Middle of March usually for me smallies are running in one of the rivers I grew up on. It's ablast in March I went 4 casts and caught a 4-12 smallmouth a northern pike rainbow and steelhead on 4 back to back casts to the same stump on a white boo yah spinner... Not happening this year I'm afraid
I'm gonna be dipping a few reels to match the ice rods I just did. I prep like I would anything cleaning and priming it then dip and I use a automotive clear coat I did 5 light coats on the rod handles.
My local lake has 20"+ on it it normally doesn't freeze solid enough to ice fish really. This time two years ago I was fishing almost every day already. Every water body in my county is froze over even the rivers that normally don't freeze its depressing.
So I have an idea. All of us up north are gonna be snowed in till July by the looks of it lol. So how about you southern folk complaining its 50 out link up with some of us and take us fishing down south. I'm getting in my truck and heading south my first Lon g weekend of my new shift at work and I'm driving till I find open water and I'm fishing.
Thanks guys. Everything is looking good a few changes were made to my plan but for the most part the same. I'm not going to be a supervisor because the two other guys coming from first shift to this new shift both have more time in then me and already work on their own. So now it's three senior guys we all get a two dollar an hour raise and will run our own department on the third shift. Over time they want us to interview and hire our helpers and train them which I did yesterday I hired my best friend I've known for ever we have the same name and birthdays are 5 days apart. Ive owed him for a while and he needed a job and this was the perfect fit for him and his new family. We start on the 2nd
Yeah I've had a bad habit of that. I usually only get 4-5hrs a sleep at most a night been like that since my deployment. It's 10:40 now I just got done wrapping some guides and am about to go to bed and be up at 4 for work same as every day. I do have my days I just crash and sleep for what seems like forever. I'm sure it will take some time to get into a routine but I think this shift and promotion will be good it's a nice extra chunk of money and if it also helps us make bonus every week at work it will be twice as nice.
Here's some benches I made. Nothing fancy rather easy honestly. I do the gel coating then I lay them up with chopped fiberglass once it's cured I pop the part and cut it out apply graphics and clear coat it I do every single step from start to finish except package and put on the truck.
And these are the ADA stairs they go all over YMCA, schools, you name it I made one today for some yacht club.
Right now I make sports benches, ADA pool stairs and ladders, and subway train parts. As a shop we do generator huts, man holes, man hole covers, flumes, custom enclosures, sound proof chambers for oil rigs and cadaver tanks.
At work that is. As some of you remember I was asking how to go about asking for a raise I did and got a dollar raise.
A few weeks ago during our production meeting management asked if anyone was willing to work at third shift overnight. Everyone said how dumb it was and wouldn't work. I was the only one willing to do it. Over the past few weeks I wrote up a plan on what third shift would do and what hours it would be. Laid out every thing but pay I was gonna feel that one out. Proposed it yesterday and today I had a meeting with the general manager and one of the salesmen/managers.
Everyone higher approves it and went with it only changing one thing, the number of people. I said 3 myself and and two others they said 4-5. Going to make me shift supervisor and are letting me hand pick my crew from current employees or I can hire new. They said to offer a dollar an hour shift incentive to current employees to try and get them to come aboard with it. I was a little discouraged because they didn't mention pay for me being supervisor but then the salesmen said Cory the owner said to give me the dollar for the shift differential and then a dollar for supervisor. I thought that was good considering I've been there a touch over a year and started at 11.50 and after I hire my help and start third shift I'll be at 15/hr. Not bad for 13months into a place and going up almost 4 dollars.
I'm pretty excited seems like my hard work has been noticed and they are trusting me with a lot. Plus they went for my 4 day work week idea which is huge for me. Gonna be working 730pm-6am Monday-Thursday. I'll get out at 6 Friday and be able to sleep my normal 4-5 hrs and have all Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and all morning and afternoon Monday to do what ever not to mention every other day as well but that 3.5 4dayish weekend is gonna be soooo nice plus come hunting season or even fishing get out after work go to bed around 10 or 12 sleep a few hours hunt and fish the evening then back to work.
Funnest is probably when I worked at a paintball field for two years as a ref and field manager. I played on the fields pro team then worked on the weekends as a ref and mentor to a lot of the kids wanting to be sponsored. Then got bumped up to manager like my last month there before joining the army.
Probably my brother in law he's a union roofer for Elmer W Davis he got called in last week to start work already shoveling roofs and clearing drain systems and units frozen on the roofs. He's not to happy lol
I mixed 3cc and barely used 1.5 lol I bought the fancy mixer from mud hole also.
I have a hard time starting my wraps especially on the ice blank it was so flimsy I couldn't keep enough tension to be effective without it bending the rod.
The resin really darkens the thread also and makes it transparent.
That one was the 17" bream buster blank I'm gonna do my 24" ML rod tonight should be a little easier.
Got the first one finished last night and left iron the drier overnight. Definitely a lot harder on that tiny ice blank then a arrow shaft to do the wraps.
Been looking at all these fancy weaves on some custom rods and want to try to do it but it looks super intimidating. That and the kit to start or what ever it is is expensive.
Agreed I said that when I first moved in and I sealed the doors where I could see cracks and windows got the same treatment then the ole plastic trick. It's all going out the roof though the outside of the house we have 7' icecles hanging around the entire perimeter of the house. The addition is happening either way though the house is to small for us and my credit is to crappy to use my VA loan for at least another year or two but I'm working on it.
So with this winter being a bit cold how do yall heat your houses? Oil, propain, electric, wood/pellet? We have a oil furness and its killing us lol. We just fill it with diesel and it seems like it's lasting shorter and shorter each time but then again it hasn't made it out of the negatives and single digits in like a week. I used to put 3 cans in(15gal) and that would last us 4-5 days now it's 1-2 days if that.
The gfs dad and I were discussing finishing the basement and putting an addition on the house and he wants to switch to propain guess it's pretty simple to go from oil to propain.
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