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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. Just finished my third rod another ice rod hopefully my last one for a bit wanna try to focus on some bass rods something bigger. Built on a MHX a 26" ice rod kit from mudhole with blue magic marble paint and blue thread wrap.
  2. Thanks guys, she definitely handles it better then her mom and I. Yesterday she was climbing all over her toys and ripped her one hand open that still needs the bandage and she held it up and said " uh ohhhhhh" and held her mouth in the "o" position as she walked over and showed me I was freaking out she was bleeding she just stood there and let me clean and re wrap it better making faces at me laughing.
  3. Yeah it's been fun definitely a learning curve and starting with ice rods didn't help things any either. I just got my third rod on the drier for the night this one took a little longer to get the wraps done I re did a few because they weren't as nice as I liked and this one is going to a guy who is paying me not much but still money didn't make anything off it. Made my quota at work this week so I think I'm gonna order a blank or two with it for a bass rod or thinking of a nice panfish rod now that Im surrounded by rock quarry's loaded with big gills and crappie.
  4. Pretty sweet looking
  5. Nah not if you got the coin I forgot who makes it but there is a company who sells long range ML.
  6. I'm brain washing her now, her brothers wanted to go to grandmas last night so it's just me and her this morning. First we watched major league fishing then zonas awesome fishing show. Bowl of dry cocoa puffs on our lap watching fishing together. She's been pointing and yelling "ish" every time they land a fish.
  7. As most of you know my daughter got burned touching the glass on a gas fireplace three weeks ago. She was hospitalized for 4 days when it happened and since being released we have had to go back to the burn unit twice a week to have her hands looked at. For a while they thought she might need grafts but she pulled threw. Her right hand is healed up fine already and no bandages as of Friday and her left just has one small spot still open right on the crease of your thumb where it meets the palm of your hand. She handled the whole thing well and still plays and laughs and is her normal self. She is starting to talk a little though which is way sooner then my boys did but it's funny she's a mouthy little brat takes after her mother lol.
  8. Non sense lol All caught on a 7'1MH villain paired with a revo stx and 12# flours from a kayak
  9. Yeah this was a small venue also we showed up late in the first show and were able to go right up front row. The gf loved it but then I had to hear how hot Gavin rosdale is the whole ride home
  10. I normally don't like large crowds but I bought my GF tickets to go see Bush for Valentin's day. The concert was last night it was Stars in stereo which I've never heard of and then theory of a deadman and bush. I like theory and bush also but bush is her favorite band. All in all it wasn't a bad night had to have a few beers to take the edge off of the crowd and get me to relax a little bit had a good time all three bands where pretty good live bush opened with everything zen which was sweet they played a mix of older and their new stuff same with theory but they mostly did their old stuff and only one new song. Theory played Angel off their new album which I downloaded and liked it live much better then the iTunes version. This was the first concert Ive been to since I was in high school I seen 3 doors down 12 years ago. What's some of the recent concerts you guys have been to
  11. Thanks. Still pretty new to it but its fun I gotta stock up on blanks get bored with nothing to wrap or dip.
  12. That's me!!! Usually it's in my other hand haha
  13. On my third rod build now this ones on a MHX ice blank with a black and blue dipped handle. I've been dipping everything I can lately lol. Here's the new handle going on the MHX blank and a tackle box I did. The handle only has 1 coat so far and the tackle box has about 7. Here's my first two builds complete also
  14. I'm jealous considering I do all my work out of the boxes my supplies have came in. I too have to pick up and move out of the way of the lady of the house. Had plans to make the basement my man cave and rod building gun cleaning station but.... Another baby on the way quickly squashed that idea and now it's the boys playroom and bedroom.
  15. They race on my favorite lake haven't in a few years but considering the last report I heard 2 weeks ago the ice was 20+" they have been out a lot this year
  16. In all seriousness I'm gonna work some OT the next two weeks and make a road trip to where ever.
  17. Wait there's non fishing YouTube channels?!?
  18. Yeah I've considered dipping it I do hydro dipping already on my free time I got a nice predator skull patern to dip my coyote gun with just been waiting till I change the scope and do some stock work on it after season.
  19. Haha I didn't fish that much last year. This year will be a different story working third shift I can fish daily!!!!!
  20. Uhmmmm no decal sticker was with it
  21. I just got a MHX ice rod kit and it says every MHX blank comes with a serial number and warranty. Where is the SN I can't find one on my blank.
  22. This winter is to long
  23. Hey it was 23 today total heat wave I just ran to the store in jeans and a t shirt
  24. I'm about 30-45 min from Rochester in Holley we have a good lake out here at the end of the parkway in waterport. Lake Alice it's under 20+" of ice right now but its a awesome smallmouth and largemouth fishery they also started stocking it with walleye last year. I fish it a lot from the kayak. Always down to show people around the lake just takes me a bit to paddle lol
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