I read that article but found it confusing when it said start the wrap then back spool the one thread.
Step 1: The Base Wrap
With the spool running through the thread tensioner under light tension, start the wrap with the chosen color for the base and wrap to about an 1/8”, with the wrap direction going to the right. Tuck the chosen base inlay thread direct from its spool into the last turn of thread on the base wrap and do three or four more turns on the base wrap to secure it in place (1). Reverse the inlay thread spool back around the rod the same amount of turns until it is back to its starting point. Holding the base thread and the inlay thread side by side, with the inlay thread on the right side, begin to wrap both threads si- multaneously, being careful not to allow the threads to cross each-other and back-wind over themselves (2)Once the desired length is reached, back-wind the inlay thread spool around the rod one turn and pass it under the tensioned base wrap thread so it tucks securely under the last base wrap turn. Trim the inlay thread close and wrap the base thread until it mirrors the other end of the wrap. Tie off and trim as usual.
I get the second part it's just saying to finish the wrap basically but the first part is confusing me I'm probably over thinking it