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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. Anyone frog gig/hunt? Fiancé and daughter saw a huge bull frog on way home this evening and grabbed it from the road. It’s pretty big takes up 3/4 of a 5 gal bucket bottom. Step son wanted to keep it and try to make frog legs. She told him no need more than just the one so he asked me to go get more. Had to tell him it’s a no go season for them isn’t till June 15th. Fiancé asked how you get them when hunt them because this one was extremely easy to catch just got out of the car and grabbed it. I told her shoot them with a .22 or spear them. She was confused since this big one was easy to catch. I told her while normally they are in a swamp not the road. Could see the lightbulb in her head light up and she said “well yeah that makes sense it was right after a bridge” So now I’m thinking I need to get into it. I’ve had frog legs before and they were good.
  2. I used to go to an air show every summer with my dad. The airport it was held at is a small one a lot of the military jets couldn’t land or take off from it or something so they would do low flybys only planes on the ground were usually ww2 planes. They stopped hosting the air show like 20+ years ago. It’s back this year though which is awesome when I saw the poster that Batavia air show was back this year I instantly got flooded with memories. I’ve got pics in my dads old photo albums of us(me) looking at all the planes I was probably 6-12 years old in the span of going.
  3. When I made this post originally it got pads and rotors. she wants to trade it in for something different says to many people have her car(Mazda CX-9) hate to break it to her but unless we sell the house and live out of the car she’s not gonna get a rare car lol.
  4. I’m not sure she is constantly loaning her car out to her sister. I remember like back in late February looking at the back of the inspection sticker seeing the mileage when she got the inspection early January vs how many mile it had at the time and she put like 12k on it in a little over a month. Which blows my mind because they both work together at the college not 5 miles from where we live and the sister lives closer. I said something at the time about it and got the “idk we both just drive the kids around to friends houses it’s just mileage what’s the big deal”. Had one of the wheels off last night since it was flat putting the spare on it and checked those pads. Not the culprit of the noise but they were more than 1/2 gone.
  5. Reviving my old thread trying to remember exactly when I did her brakes last. She needs them again thought I’ve been hearing the squealer when she pulls into the driveway. I had to drive it last night and yup needs brakes again it’s not metal on metal again with the pad sheared off but it’s getting close. At least the weather is finally better to be under car for brakes and oil change.
  6. clayton86


    I’m on a seafood diet well it’s see food and eat it
  7. Had mine removed 12 years ago. Mine bursts from the stone being so big or something. Was in a ton of pain one night bad stomach pains I chalked it up to finally being state side after being gone a year on deployment to just food change and all the alcohol I was consuming. Was so bad my wife at the time and her boyfriend(yeah….see alcohol consumption above haha) ended up coming to get me and took me to the hospital. Gave me some good drugs did some scans and came in and prepped me for emergency surgery or something. All that went down between 2am and 6am I was home later that night all in the same day.
  8. I was out yesterday fishing and geese on nests all over the creeks I fish. I usually fish near the mouth of Lake Ontario so there’s tons of geese and cormorants all over. The geese are annoying and dumb I had 3 that were fighting or what ever they are doing chasing eachother right infront of my kayak. Get like 2 feet from them and they squawk and try and fly go like 20’ and just go on about till I almost bump them again. Can’t cast infront some times because of them. Creeks big enough to go around me but noooooooo let’s play defense. I’d try and just go around and they would swim ahead so I can’t. A spot I hit a lot has swans but they are friendly I suppose. Never used to be but I think they’ve gotten used to people. They don’t puff out wings and try and intimidate anymore. Lots of times the one will swim along side the kayak almost petting distance at times literally touching along side the kayak. I’ll actually probably fish this spot today in a little bit. Geese thought we used to be able to shoot like 6 I think the limit was a day now it’s 1 it’s not even worth setting up for geese. If we get a loner into our duck spread we will whack it but not often we get loaners or they are spread out enough to single out just 1. They say numbers are down but sure don’t seem it fields will be covered with em can’t even see the ground there’s so many geese.
  9. I’ve always wondered. My aunt knows the family tree a little I guess I always ask her about people when I run into some one else with same last name. Not a lot of George’s out there so when I meet some one with same last name it’s always “maybe cousins” haha. My grandma on moms side always said she was the lost princess of Russia or what ever. Anastasia or something my younger sister believed her for a bit but time frames don’t match my grandma was just crazy. I've thought about doing the DNA thing but I don’t exactly trust who ever it goes to. Kinda like the bill Burr thing. I just say I’m a mutt if subject comes up.
  10. I do the Exxon Mobil rewards I’ve got $23 earned so far. I’ve already cashed it in once a few months ago when I had $50 earned filled my tank for nothing out of pocket at the time. I’ve gotten “lunch” with it a few times and by lunch I mean a can of monster and Reese’s big cup.
  11. When fueling up your vehicle are you a fill it up till it stops or just do said amount at a time? My fiancé only ever puts in $10-20 at a time. Where as I fill it up, like this time of year with no fishing and no hunting I fill my truck once a week. Once fishing rolls around and then hunting it’s like 2x a week I fill up. I get about a month of 1x a week if weather isn’t playing nice like this year. Like this morning taking our daughter to school she said she needed gas her light was on. She ran her errands when I went to my doctors appointment and when we both were home I was in her car again and she didn’t even have 1/4 a tank. I made the comment to her I thought she needed gas and she replied she got some I forgot she never puts a lot in. I understand when money is tight only putting a few dollars in. When you can afford to fill up though fill up I think you spend more doing $20 every time you wanna go somewhere. She doesn’t think that though.
  12. I tried tequila once back in the day when I was in high school…yeah yeah lol. One shot and instantly puked haven’t touched the stuff since lol. When and if I drink since it’s rare that I do I stick to my whiskey and bourbons.
  13. Get called Clay a lot since the guys at work are to lazy to pronounce the ton at the end of my name haha. My grandma always called me Clay also but that was it. My best friends name is Clay so everyone else has always called us by our actual names. Shared birthdays and name known eachother since Pre K so 33 years or so. When I worked retail at runnings in the sporting good section being a big bass fisherman the manager gave me the nick name Okeechobee. Never fished there or even been there but that’s what he called me and everyone else started calling me that. Even now 3 years after I quit working there I will stop in and soon as he sees me sometimes on a camera he will get on the PA and announce that I have entered the building haha. My daughter gets called princess a lot but idk if I’d say it’s her nickname just what her spoiled butt gets called lol.
  14. Aren’t the new ones able to start with a usb or what ever. Where I work now we do the security cameras at a bunch of dealerships and one had like half dozen kias/Hyundai stolen over a weekend because you can start them with like a flash drive or something.
  15. Great night to kick off the NYS fox pro coyote hunt. Wind is supposed to die down later when I plan on heading out after this dinner thing my fiancé planned trying to hook up two of our friends is over it’s been crash and burn thing so far haha. Lots of long layers tonight when I get out.
  16. When we bought the house 3 years ago the previous owner had records of everything they had checked and serviced every year. The furnace was one of them there’s a sticker on the side of it where it’s been signed off by the tech that came and checked it over and changed the filter every year. bought the house in 2020 it was built in 1820 so it’s a old solid built house. The previous owner was a lawyer and the old police chief of the town so he had $$$ the roof was done in ‘18 water tanks(2 of em) were swapped 07/09 so they are fairly current I suppose. The furnace was new back on 07 I think it said it was installed. All the upkeep on the house was documented and done but they did nothing to update the house looks wise just the necessities roof, furnace, gas fireplace, electric heaters in the addition, hot water tanks, basement ect. But it was still rocking the old shag carpet in some rooms and ugly floral wall paper haha.
  17. M# TIX1B060A9361AB S# 6482PCA7G date of manufacture 11/2006
  18. It’s a Trane XR90 I don’t see a serial # on it but it’s the XR90 at least that’s the badge on the one door
  19. Anyone on here knowledgeable about hvac specifically furnace pressure switches? Our furnace stopped working a little while back like right when the cold weather was starting to hit us here in WNY. Been watching YouTube videos about diagnosing what’s wrong since I don’t want to pay some crazy amount of money to have a technician come out and tell us it needs a simple part and charge us like 10x as much. So I’ve done a bunch of tests and I’m pretty sure my pressure switch is bad. When the furnace started acting up I could tap on the switch with my knife or pliers and it would kick on and run for a while. Some times a week then a a few days then a few hours of that. It will run if I bypass it also just jump the two connections taking out the switch it runs but I gotta go down and take the jump off when it cycles off because it reached temp otherwise it just blows air with no heat since it won’t light unless I manually jump it when needed. So how do I know what switch to buy to replace it. I’ve searched for it by the numbers on the label and I get like 10 different switches even when I put in the long part number. Ranging from $30-$150 I mean I’m all for buying the cheap one but it looks like the WC rating is what’s different mine is 0.94”WC for the Honeywell P22. So will one close to that rating work? Any help would be greatly appreciated especially since our electric bill jumped $800 this last month with electric heat only since our house has both gas and electric heat.
  20. Been in a few growing up when I was younger I was in 7th or 8th grade I think while fishing actually. Then again when I was older a bar fight in a sense. It was right after a deployment and couple of us that deployed together from the same home town went to the only bar in our town. Was close to closing time and there was a Air Force pair of guys that were talking crap to us and we were just laughing it off basically a fire team of grunts getting crap talked by chair force guys. We went out side for a smoke and so did they then they shoved one of the McDonald brothers into the garbage can to start a fight. The other brother and I then jumped on them and were rolling around in the parking lot duking it out. The bouncer(marine vet) came and broke us up. We stood up shook hands laughed and went in and bought eachother shots and a few drinks haha. All the women there were looking as us funny since we were just brawling and then went inside and were drinking like best friends.
  21. The past week or so I’ve been listening to a lot of pod casts and videos of motivational speakers. Been listening/watching a lot of Jordan Peterson he’s by far the best and favorite. The guy cares more about me than anyone I’ve ever met and he doesn’t even know me. Then throw in some Jocko Willink, Joe Rogan, Tony Robbins, David Goggins a few others that come across Spotify but a lot of them I follow on IG for little doses quick when I scroll the gram. I want to go see Peterson in person at one of his shows or venues what ever they are called but they are all sold out I was all for driving a few states over to see him talk. Any others you guys listen to or follow?
  22. Started wearing glasses when I was around 12 or 13 then moved to contacts a few years later. Had lasik 3 years ago and best $4k I’ve ever spent.
  23. https://ibb.co/X8KFbBg
  24. Was 1 duck short of a 2 man limit today. While old squaw limit since that’s what 99.9% of what we see in this spot lately. NY bumped it from 6 to 3 starting this season and we’ve never seen as many as we did this year. I easily shot 2 boxes of black cloud today and wasn’t hitting a thing. I mean I got a few but man was I missing like crazy today. Was an expensive last day on the ammo aspect good lord I sucked today haha. We managed 5 squaw and 1 buffie today though. Was a little windier than we hoped to do the layout kayak gig but it worked well we had a lot decoy or buzz us offering shots but it worked well to bad we waited till the last day to attempt it. The coot was breasted out not expecting it to be delicious but I also just hunt divers they aren’t the tastiest birds to begin with but they do make ok jerky occasionally I’ll wrap a breast in bacon and whip something up that’s usually bufflehead though. Squaw and scoter what we shoot the most get jerky treatment.
  25. I haven’t seen it yet. My best friend and I grew up obsessed with the first one. Always said when word came out that there was going to be a second we would go see it together and held to that. When it finally dropped this year we were gonna go but life got in the way he’s a newly wed and family got it the way I suppose we made plans then he ended up going to Italy to his sister in law’s wedding and we pushed off going to see it since he wasn’t even in the same country haha. We kept trying to make plans and stuff kept coming up. Now that it’s out we still keep trying to make plans neither of us are busy to rent it and see it together still. Crazy we’re two grown men waiting to see a movie together haha.
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