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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. Flint lock muzzle loaders and only allowed enough powder in your possession for half a a load after the initial..... The struggle is real my friends NY blows No in all seriousness the 7rnd capacity was thrown out of the safe act we can have 10.
  2. I've noticed since learning to fly fish my conventional fishing has gotten better I've slowed down
  3. I've been reading the dale Clemens book haven't really done to much practicing been fishing sleeping work fish repeat lol.
  4. I learned this year on Mother's Day and honestly it's the only fishing I do now. I fish every day litterly every day and I grab the fly rod every time. Mostly small mouth only one large mouth so far and missed a pike. I bought some 20# flouro tippet today and am gonna target pike Monday I got some monster pike streamers.
  5. Trout will bite soon as they are released I do a trout derby every year for stockers they dump Friday we fish saturday
  6. Raider were all fishing you should try it some time
  7. Today while playing with the kids my oldest asked me what fly fishing was so I showed him some flies and my fly rod and then this happens. Totally made my day smiling ear to ear which was much needed lately.
  8. Got the new guides in just waiting on some stripper guides I ordered from Scott to come in Friday and I can start this build.
  9. Must buy in bulk for a good price or have a hook up. Just ordered new guides thanks to Scott and my good buddy recommending snake brand guides.
  10. Got the rest of my stuff in to finish the build but now I think I might got with agate stripper guides and recoil guides instead of all these bent mudhole ones.
  11. That's sweet I had a similar idea this weekend at drill about in laying a bullet or 40mm grenade casing into a handle on a build. Can't wait to see how this build goes.
  12. Idk what you guys are talking about I only fish three days a week...yesterday, today and tomorrow
  13. Guy out of PA I also ordered some winding checks from him. http://www.customrodhandles.com
  14. I know ya said conesus but on Alice right along the road at the launch in that weed bed is always good to me and across from the launch to the right of the bridge that small cove with pads always has bass.
  15. If you couldn't tell by the name this build is being built for chasing bass lol smallies specifically. I've been chasing them daily for a month now with my 9wt reddington and wanted something custom and a little smaller
  16. Got my blank in today for my latest build. A 4pc 7wt fly rod. Rod geeks blank with a curly maple full wells handle. Still waiting on my mud hole order to arrive should be here Wednesday.
  17. I open the can when I get to the water toss a handful or two into the water then put a kernel or two on the hook that's it. I fish a small river though not a big lake so my chum basically stays where I throw it and it's shallow and clear I can see carp in the area and walk the bank till I find them.
  18. My buddy and I launched the kayaks at marsh creek off of point breeze. First we headed north up the oak towards point breeze I got a large mouth quick on the frog in some Lilly pads then went dry for a few hours. Got another nice bass but lost it due to cotton wood jamming my level wind and couldn't reel as it ran towards me. After the oak we went up marsh creek messed with a bunch of northerns....actually they messed with us. I had a 24"ish pike on jumping going crazy got it next to the yak and I went to grab it and it broke my line costing me my last white booyah spinner bait. I started cussing like a sailer then I noticed my spinner on the bottom so I attempted to hook it with my pole but just covered it in mud so I paddled away to let it settle. Then my buddy goes over and sees my spinner so he try's to hook it and in the process a different northern picks my spinnerbait off the bottom and swims off!!! I was still tying a new lure on when this happens nd he's laughing and telling me to come over he followed the pike. Sure enough this little 12" pike has my spinnerbait hanging out of its mouth in some cat tails. So I'm like I'll whack this thing with my paddle and get my lure back. So I jab at this baby pike it takes off and stops a few feet away and I paddle over and it swims a few feet away again this went on for a good minute or two till I started cussing like a sailer and gave up the whole time my buddy is behind me laughing hysterically. So after that whole mess we went south on the oak towards lake Alice and found a little cove loaded with bass in 2fow hammering top water. Now my legs are lobster red and I'm beat did lots of paddling today.
  19. When I was younger I used a UL for everything I caught so many fish on a cheap Walmart Shakespeare combo and probably the cheapest line I could get tons of big carp, bass, catfish, pike you name it. Now I'm all into specialized gear and more lures I know what to do with and a rod count that keeps building up lol. Everything was so much simpler back in the day.
  20. Hook size idk off the top of my head. I'd have to go look. Line is 12lb big game trilene rod at that time in them pics was a 6'6" M bps extreme combo now I have a eagle claw some thing I bought years ago for cheap just for carp it's like 8'6. Carp usually not my cup of tea targeted them maybe 3 times in the last 8 years. Been trying to get one on the fly lately though since I've picked up fly fishing.
  21. Whole kernel sweet corn I dump half the can out and chuck it out as chum then one or two piece on a circle hook. I run a barrel weight above a swivel basically a Carolina rig with a circle hook and corn. Or by hand while fighting one on the other line
  22. All my river smallies shrunk most are 16-18" at most all dinks.
  23. I've been in a heck of a slump this week fishing the oak and johnsons not a single fish since Tuesday not even seeing any other then carp. All beds are abandoned nothing it's like a ghost town. The kids have a youth fishing derby tomorrow at the Alabama swamps I probably won't be back out chasing till Monday since my weekend is booked with plans with the family the derby and fantasy island. As long as it's not windy I'll be on the kayak Monday morning think I got a good idea where to look for some large mouth even though I've only caught two LM all season.
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