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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. It's a money pit so be warned. My GF got me the mudhole small business starting kit or something or other it ran her $175 it came with just about everything. I know they have cheaper kits and you can easily make one also with some basic knowledge of tools and how to read a tape measure. Guide spacing there are charts for to get you close then you can test it and move them or go off the guide chart I've done it both ways. I would go with s MHX blank for your build they are cheap but are great rod blanks I've built two 7' light spinning ones and 3 ice rods from MHX the fly rod I got going now is a rodgeeks blank(don't look them up if you like flashy shiny things). There are a lot of threads here and other site forums just for building.
  2. Any thing really I already make all my other rods I got a 7wt fly rod build going currently and a 3wt on the way for panfish and pond hoping. I even considered going out back in my woods and looking for some trees to fashion something up. I do have some bamboo growing on the side of the house idk if I could use that.
  3. I kinda want to make one
  4. I've been thinking bout getting one for when I hit the quarry with the kids just for fun while they fish I can use that. Probably pick one up from Wally World
  5. WNY. Holley to be specific it's between buffalo and Rochester right on Lake Ontario
  6. The smallie bite has come to a screeching halt here for me. It's been almost two weeks since I caught one. Before I was going every day after work and could almost call it with each cast now I just look like an idiot waving a fly rod around im the creeks.
  7. It was in the barn flying around in some boxes so we caught it and took it upfront the eggs came with. I get a ton in my office as I call it which is just a little room in the barn that's heated and kept as dust free as possible where I buff parts before shipping. We usually catch the smaller brown rather blah looking ones and feed them to all the giant spiders at the place also. Toss a moth or any bug we grab onto the web and watch giant spiders come out and wrap em up.
  8. My mistake we called that first one a effen pterodactyl lol
  9. I forgot to update when finished but the rod has been delivered and put to use. I got these pics yesterday I wish he would have had the rod in the pics but he was thrilled and loved the rod. Said the catfish took a while to land had to jump in the boat and chase it since it's a light action rod with only 6lb test he said he has on it. I'm happy he's happy how the rod came out and fishes. And some shots k took before delivering it to him.
  10. Or I could unscrew the lights to keep em out too
  11. Can't really do either it's on the only flat ground and then fire pit is at the other side It's all over the side of that tree and the old play house And the pit in the rest of the yard
  12. How do I get rid of the crap there's a bunch all over by the trampoline and I don't want the kids to get it. I'm already covered but I don't want to get it anymore either otherwise I'd just grab it and toss it. My 6 year old pointed it out and said you can make a spray with "sugar and stuff" I'm guessing my ex father Inlaw said something to him about it any clue guys?
  13. I'm going to agree with slo on this one I think you guys are thinking he's after women it's just them type of people in the work place man or women. We had the same thing going on at work people whining and causing drama and it's a shop with 20 people 19 guys 1 girl and it's the guys who do the whining and crying. Pranks started and that just made things worse but it amused us(super glued key holes on locks to toolbox, dead mice smoking a cigarette on tool boxes, pen15 drawn in the dust in people's work station stupid stuff like that). People just complained about everything who had better tools why is on third shift keep getting raises and get the bonus when others don't. They would tell the management how to do things or tell them no when asked to do something. Got to the point the owner got fed up hearing about this and said exactly what slo did. Don't like it can't come in and work do your job in a reasonable manner and not get butt hurt over the smallest things then there's the door. He used a lot of colorful French words though. 3 people have been canned since then and all were office staff and the slackers on the floor have straightened up a little the owner now comes twice a week instead of only at Christmas maybe to give us cards. It's not about women it's just who happens to be doing it at slo work place. I say keep the prank war going personal fav of mine is like the air horn on the chair but instead under the toilet seat. Tape a pencil or dowel to the button long enough to just raise the seat a little and enough to press the button. Scare the crap out of them litterly and being its women it will work every time they sit we stand haha.
  14. Working the night shift now I get to see all the creatures of the night that are attracted to the lights in my "office" out in the barn that and they are attracted to the resin and gel coat for some reason. Anyways I've been seeing some sweet looking moths
  15. Nope they don't want anything I've been trying to get one on the fly I see them daily when I stop at the river always popping on the surface I assume for bugs and small minnows. I've never got one to chase and maybe a few times wen I put a fluke jr on their nose they will bite then spit out instantly.
  16. I stopped on my way home and to the lake to get my daily morning fishing in after work and took some pics. Don't let the grass fool you it wasn't stored outside but they are tearing down part of the barn so the boat got pulled out. This is going lol Biggest thing I wanna modify the rod locker is to small.
  17. My buddy has a older bass boat he's been trying to sell but needs some work. Yesterday he told me to just come and take and toss him $100 and help with the farm when he needs it. So I'm gonna tow it home this weekend and get to work. It's a '86 bass cat I think he said. It's 16' been stored in his dairy barn for years. Boat is solid and the motor was on a different boat last year and had a little over $1000 put into it from the quick math I did when I looked at the receipts. It mostly needs the motor hooked back up its just setting on the transom but the steering, wires, fuel hoses aren't hooked up. The lights and wiring have been gutted also to put on his whaler. He has a bow trolling motor for it if he can find it along with the gas tanks that are in the whaler but he said I can take them out. It's gonna be a project that's for sure but for practically nothing for the boat and if I gotta invest some time and money in it I don't mind it gets me on bigger water then the kayak. Doubt it will be ready this summer maybe mid fall but doubt that just for the fact I'll have to re winterize it shortly after. I wanna tear up the floor and do a new lay out for storage I don't like how some of the compartments are. I work in a fiber glass shop and they let us take scrap raw materials if we ask so I'll probably do that to do my remodeling of the floor plans. I'll get some pics when I pick it up. I know his horse trailer is blocking it in now so hopefully he moves that out of my way so I can get it Saturday
  18. Some better pics in the sunlight. Just gotta decide what I want to do as a wrap probably a simple chevron. Start that tomorrow maybe.
  19. Next time ya venture the Oak let me know the oak to me is silver to you. I fish both sections almost daily great for walleye, northerns, both large and small mouth, perch, and the cold water species if that's your thing trout and salmon. Even ice fishing that place becomes tent city once it gets safe ice guys hammering perch.
  20. The kids and I visited my dad for a bit. They got me the usual kindergarten and pre K crafts a rock painted with their pic on it that says "you rock dad". The GF bought me a hoodie that says "dad the man the myth the fishing legend" and a T that says " some people wait their whole life's to meet a fishing partner I raised mine"
  21. Cool. What ya catch it on we have them all over here but they won't bite anything
  22. Well double foot guides are a real bummer like Scott said on my FB post it's like two rods in one. I got 7 of the 10 guides wrapped so far. The lighting sucks I'll try to get better pics tomorrow when I finish the last three and move onto the ferrule wraps then butt wrap.
  23. Awesome
  24. That's sweet. So did you print it yourself on the vinyl?
  25. Kinda old news too the 7rnd thing
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