I'm home with my family most the time it's just national guard. Other then long summer ATs and schools I've gone to and one deployment I'm home and work a civilian job just like anyone else and go train one weekend a month. With talk of a deployment in the next two years though I kinda want to stay in but I think it's my time to leave.
And yeah my story is being told by everyone it's kinda funny but it's made its way up to the battalion commander that a short timer was out bounding and assaulting with a 240. Him and a bunch of other higher ups have been bugging me this whole AT about staying in there is a $14,000 bonus to re up plus I would make sgt as soon as I re upped but it's not worth it to me anymore but is very tempting. Im definitely going to miss and and probably want to be back in a few months when I'm home all month long with no paid get aways shooting stuff.