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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. Anyone here have one of them worm farms for composting and keeping bait. I spend my weekend nights in the yard catching night crawlers for the kids to use when we go fishing. I started looking into the vermiculture kits and buying a couple thousand worms. Figured I could give my mom the fertilizer they make for her garden or depending how much I get out of it use it in my micro food plot I'm making next year for deer. Then when ever we need worms for fishing I can just grab a dozen or so.
  2. Won't happen she's 34 weeks pregnant and still shaves it's quite comical to watch some times trying to balance.
  3. Trail cams are what lead to the capture and kill of one of the guys that escaped here in NY two months ago
  4. I was just going to let it go all duck dynasty and not touch it at all I usually trim the neck and mouth when I had long periods between drills and could grow one out some but now I have as long as I wish I'm shooting for a year at least.
  5. I've made the decision to not shave for a whole year. The gf hates the idea of it but its my face I don't care if she threatens to bring the clippers in my sleep. Now is just trimming the neck line up considered shaving when growing out the awesomeness off a beard or just let it go free un touched for a year.
  6. I need to make the trek to silver soon with all these reports of it being on fire. Maybe Monday morning I'll load the kayak and go.
  7. Leaving this here......
  8. It was one heck of a fight I seen it in about 1.5' of water I casted out infront of it wiggled it like my buddy suggested because of their poor eye sight and he swam up and sucked it up. Soon as I set the hook he took off like a rocket for that downed tree in that pic. Let him run to my backing and then stopped him before he got under the tree. Arm was a little tired after landing and fighting him. I tried to get a few more but they wernt as Into it. I did get two rock bass though
  9. After more failed attempts to count I finally connected and landed one. What a fight my arm got a little tired with this guy I'm used to catching smallies on the fly. Had another one on but he broke me off like three minutes into the fight.
  10. I've been wanting to do a frog rod in that color for some time now but I'm getting backed up with other builds and haven't had time to order it for myself. Looking good so far
  11. 34 seconds
  12. It's the pro hunters faults in my opinion yes the dentist shot it but them guides/pro hunters do all the work and tell you what you can and cannot shoot. I haven't read up on the ordeal for all the details just heard little snippets on the radio and TV. I'm gonna end it there before it gets political and what not as I think there are some other issues that this is overshadowing and people need better priorities then to get worked up over a lion in Africa that does not affect us one bit and there are issues here in our soil that does affect us.
  13. Oak orchard and johnsons creek hands down two of the best trout streams in NY but it's usually the lake run trout so come in fall and spring. The oak can get brutal though shoulder to shoulder with guys chasing steelies and Browns. Johnsons is just as good but less known for some reason for being 5 minutes from the oak.
  14. One of the best parts of fishing with John is going to eat at Charlie's after we get off the water.
  15. Life will still be the same other then a few things that I think I will enjoy greatly actually know I will lol. Like I'm gonna grow my beard for one year untouched don't care how much the gf protests same goes for my hair but that one o may get annoyed with I've always rocked the buzz cut or high and tight since well ever. Now I don't have to worry bout going to concerts or planning something just to cancel because it's a drill weekend and they change the schedule all the time. Been sitting all day though waiting for the supply sgt to get done with inventory so I can turn all my gear in its getting boring going on 7 hrs of having it all laid out and clean just waiting to check off its all there.
  16. We do longer trips that's what Annual Training(AT) is the "2 weeks a year" part is this year it was 17 days it's what I'm currently doing we just finished it now I get to clean all my gear and give it back for good.
  17. I'm home with my family most the time it's just national guard. Other then long summer ATs and schools I've gone to and one deployment I'm home and work a civilian job just like anyone else and go train one weekend a month. With talk of a deployment in the next two years though I kinda want to stay in but I think it's my time to leave. And yeah my story is being told by everyone it's kinda funny but it's made its way up to the battalion commander that a short timer was out bounding and assaulting with a 240. Him and a bunch of other higher ups have been bugging me this whole AT about staying in there is a $14,000 bonus to re up plus I would make sgt as soon as I re upped but it's not worth it to me anymore but is very tempting. Im definitely going to miss and and probably want to be back in a few months when I'm home all month long with no paid get aways shooting stuff.
  18. Finally decided to get out of the army after 7.5 years. Just finished up my last drill/annual training other then going back to the armory and turning in my gear I am officially done. I had all intentions to do my 20 and retire out of the guard but things have gotten to soft and political in the army and my civilian life has finally gotten comfortable to the point I don't need this as an escape or extra money I'm actually loosing money on my long drills. Went out with a bang though with my final drill being a annual training prepping for JRTC. Was 17 days of force on force and I went full on Rambo lol we did our company defense the last three days and as a 240L gunner I'm normally on support by fire and not really moving a whole lot. That is till the Opfor took out all but 4 of my platoon and another platoon I heard my first sgt yell to rally the troops so I took my 240 out of the tripod slung around 200rnds around my arm and jumped out of my foxhole and went cyclic taking out the Opfor and linked up with a stud and started bounding with a 25lb machine gun. It was sweet other then it being blanks and miles gear. Everyone's been talking bout it. Then I shot off about 3000rnds on the live fire also and got to drop rounds in the 60 mortar tubes also which was a first for me. I'm definitely gonna miss it but im also sooooo glad to be getting out I'm gonna grow my beard and hair out for a year. Lots of great memories from it though.
  19. Check out the Hoyt charger it's great budget now
  20. Kids are always needing stuff for school I guess it's not really a monkey I guess but school starts in a few weeks and they need new stuff
  21. The bow hunting monkey and soon the kids school year shopping monkey.
  22. Yup I bought some new ones I really like but the bite has come to screeching halt it seems. I'll get some pics of them when I get back from training in two weeks.
  23. Sweet excited to see this new one
  24. I forgot about these guys these were about a month ago.
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