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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. My wedding video....
  2. At this point they are fine on their own coyotes don't hunt them really unless other food sources are scarce and or they are wounded. To much work to take down a deer when a bunny and grasshoppers are plentiful still. Deer is a lot of meat for a coyote. Come hard winter they will target then more but even then it don't seem it. I do more coyote hunting then deer and it's not uncommon to call and have deer come to coyote howls or even see them in fields together. Come gun season though them guys shoot everything hat moves doe fawn scrub buck monster buck it don't matter them guys are ruthless the if it's brown it's down crowd. I shoot a smaller doe every year usually they are like veal but only better free range if you will.
  3. seen this and thought of this thread as I'm sure there are some on these forums that fit into this category
  4. I've been out a handful of times no long hour sessions quick pre and post work hunts. Last Friday I sat for bout 45 minutes before I got down because I was falling asleep I had just worked a 13 hour shift. Got down and decided to still hunt just slowly walking the woods. Came up on mama and fawn had the fawn at about 2 yards I coulda just jabbed her with my arrow and killed her and mama was at 15-20 yards. Just stood there and watched for about 10 minutes waiting for a shot on mom but every time mom gave me a shot baby was staring me down. Eventually the fawn poked it's head more into the grass and seen or smelt me and took off they both ran maybe 50 yards tails down and stopped and continued eating acorns. Sunday same thing still huntin jumped up a young doe smoked her at 15 yards quartering away hit behind the last rib excited far shoulder she ran 10 yards and dropped. Not a big one but it's meat and nice tender meat at that. In the WMUs I hunt here it's does only unfortunately so no bucks till the 16th.
  5. Revenge of the sith and return of the Jedi
  6. Definitely sick looking. I have some stuff in the works but I can't ever show it off while the nyUNsafe act is still in effect.
  7. I'm with the go to work and get sent home thought. That's me though I had perfect attendance in school and college and have only missed three days of work in the last 10 years 2 of them three were the birth of my children and I've never been late on top of that as well. I usually fight it if try sending me home. I wouldn't worry to much about it though honestly I'm sure you will be fine at work.
  8. I live right next to Oak orchard, Johnson and Sandy creek in Orleans county. Johnson and oak both have fish running oak is pretty packed already with the tourists chasing salmon and Browns. Johnsons I've jade a few nice kings on already but it's not as strong as the oak is right now but this rain should definitely help. Sandy creek o haven't really checked even though it runs threw my back yard pretty much but it's a new creek for me I grew up on the oak and johnsons. The oak has been high all year. Chartreuse come headed wooly buggers have been my best fly pattern so far for them but a co worker and the out of towners are all tossing egg sacks and limiting out fairly quick.
  9. Bucket of water and ENAMAL spray paint spray the water every other color ya want few times each swirl with stick dip part in wipe excess paint off surface and pull out. Literally that simple.
  10. I built a few last year and got two sitting waiting to build for this year. I hydro dipped the grips last year to give them some flash. This year I'm thinking about going with some checkered cork and maybe wrapping the space on the reel seat with a small wrap. Maybe go skeleton seats and use the foam arbor then resin coat the space in the middle paint it and marble it or wrap a design on it. Here's the ones I did last year Dipped with magic marble. I've been dipping using spray paint lately doing skulls and deer sheds kayak paddles haven't tried doing a grip with the spray paint method yet but I'm sure it would work.
  11. This was the shed that was found close by. Don't mind the dip job been messing around with hydro duping skulls and such.
  12. Got a new piece of property to hunt well not new I hunted it as a kid then got permission the day before season last year and never hunted it. Started hanging stands and prepping last month started trimming last weekend and again today and found this 15 yards infront of a stand I hung last week. Not the biggest tree but he tore it up. I found a nice shed last week in that spot also. Hopefully he's big I know the property holds some monsters. Season opens the 1st then buck season starts the 15th.
  13. I seen this on the chive and on every outdoor page I follow on FB and Instagram. It's pretty awesome reminds me of how excited my daughter gets when I or her brothers catch a fish next year she can fish with us.
  14. From this To this in less then 24hrs Same fly got me a pike and a 25+lb king salmon that broke me off. Pretty cool catching something on a rod you build yourself plus a fly/lure you made yourself also.
  15. I'm switching gears to salmon and trout my buddy that got me into fly fishing called me yesterday and put me on speaker to hear the salmon crashing threw the creek telling me to get there asap. I'm headed down before work today around 4.
  16. This is my 4th two of each counting my adopted daughter I'm more then done.
  17. Oh yeah done she's getting tied and I'm gonna go get snipped if the VA will cover it if not guess the ole farmers rubber band trick will have to do lol.
  18. I was talking bout hunting Ft Drum with one of my mortar guys but I just got out in August and can't hunt it anymore.
  19. Yeah that was my plan but then they wanted me to help and I seen things things a man should never see lol. But it's over I'm done having kids this is my 4th counting my adopted daughter but I was there for that birth also but it was a section. This gives me two girls and two boys all fishing fanatics well this one will be I'm sure cuz her mama sure loved fishing everyday while pregnant.
  20. Didn't take long we got here around 730 8 and went to the triage they checked she was 6cm so they gave us a room checked again about 10ish and she was 8cm another hour went by so they broke her water and she was here about 10minutes later.
  21. Not a football fan sorry unless we're talking fat smallmouth bass
  22. Haha she's out and in my arms Lydia Grace 8-1 20.5"
  23. Have my sense of humor while your gf is in labor. I'm at the hospital with my gf who's in labor contractions every 5 min and I'm sitting here making jokes bout her breathing and taking pictures of the faces she makes. I've been told I'm going to get stabbed many times and that she hates me haha then the contraction stops and she loves me again hahahahahahaha.
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