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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. No more kids other then the 4 legged kind.
  2. I've been wanting to go out but have been so focused on hunting I made it out maybe 3 times now
  3. She's been a great puppy loves the kids and being outside with me in the woods or helping process deer aka napping on my tailgate.
  4. I told the GM yesterday I was looking for new work he said "good luck with that " but then he told me I'm supposed to start a off site job fixing pillars at some Walmart a hour and a half a way I told him not if I gotta drive my truck there I barely can afford the gas just to make it to the shop let alone another hour and half farther. He told me he's getting me a rental and it's a $5hr increase while on that job and it's supposed to last a week possibly two. I'll put my job search on hold till this job is done and make some bank in the mean time. And I didn't necessarily mean I wanted a management job when I had this talk with him but just to know there is room for advancing even if it's like a foreman or something as the company grows. We used to do 30k a month in sales and shipping now we pull 100-250k a WEEK in shipping and sales we are buried in orders and the shop is to small for the amount of stuff we're taking orders for. The potential with the company is there but they seem to do a lot of talking about making it better for the empoyees like better ventilation, pay, profit sharing, better health plan, bonuses. Instead the building got painted and the drive way paved oh and they put a dish washer in the break room because people are dirty slobs and leave dirty dishes around. I think the other day when me and the GM had it out a little was also in part to me sticking up for myself and proving him and another person there wrong. Normally people just take it but not me not when it affects my paycheck and ability to put food on the table. When I said the new bonus structure created a hostile work environment so to speak it's because it went from a group bonus we ship our goal everyone gets $125 extra in their check even if they did nothing but screw off all week and relied on others to carry the work load. Now it's "individual" you show up on time have a good attitude and get your list done and out the door you get a $100 bonus every week. HOWEVER if some one finds some thing wrong with your part you loose the bonus and it has caused people to sabotage your work or when you leave they take over the work area, hide tools, move and break the product your working on. It's basically become a popularity contest because some stuff that ships looks like garbage but passes QC and we charge several thousand dollars for it. Other stuff gets rejected for I kid you not a spec of dust in the gel coat or clear coat and it's a $200 fiberglass sports bench some kid in football pads in gonna scratch all up. Because of who makes it they nit pick it and keep rejecting it so it don't ship costing you $100 and once Thursday shipping comes and goes and you loose your numbers it becomes ok on Friday or Monday and ships but doesn't count towards your numbers. I understand the need to put out good product but when one persons hack job is acceptable and another persons hard work and honestly the best your gonna get and probably some of the best looking parts in the place is not just because you don't like the guy is not is extremely messed up. It's been called out by so many people the favoriting in the place and it's obvious. I got lucky I build and repair molds now I don't really do to much production except when train parts come threw but they owe us a huge bill and I'm not making more parts till they pay it. Guys will pick apart my train parts trying to get stuff rejected but luckily for me the company that we sell them to sends a guy from Italy to inspect my parts when I get a whole car set done and he's always thrilled and praising my work so I don't sweat it often and it's the hardest most difficult production line to get out the door or at least used to be. Since I took it over and did the lay up machining and finish work all myself start to finish it's been better because I took what I knew from finishing them and the problem areas and changed the lay up pattern and now there are no issues. The other week I had to put a second coat of paint on a box that was built and got chewed out I did a poor job and was gonna loose my bonus and I lost it. I knew the issues they were pointing out weren't caused by me and then I proceeded to prove it with picture documentation like they did to me when I came in. They said I had runs all over in my paint and I knew it was impossible that it was there and he argued it wasn't and showed me pictures of these runs. I argued they were there and it was runs in resin because they never ground down the box before painting it. He said he looked it over when he went over it with me showing me what to paint and what not to I seen the runs then but when the GM is saying put a second coat on this it's good to go I assumed that it was "good to go" after all he put the first coat on it and prepped it. Well after being accused and being told some one else had to fix my screw up I accepted it said won't happen again even though I know I didn't do it. I then went and looked at said box and seen all the runs in fact weren't fixed and also what direction they ran which was up opposite of gravity. Which when o painted it I had it on the legs not flipped over. So I took pictures then sanded it took more pictures showing it was resin not paint that was running then repainted it again and took finished photos. They didn't like that when I brought that to them but said I should have taken the initiative to see it was wrong and fix it but because I was told t was good to go so I did not. Ok rant over sorry it's a pain to read my thumb fury posting on the forums from a phone isn't always the best. Oh and the vasectomy comment way ahead of ya the women got snipped and I'm still trying to grow the courage to let the VA handle that they arnt exactly the best on health care they would end up cutting the wrong thing........but I am done having kids three I fathered one I adopted and now a step son pretty much yup done done done but I wouldn't trade them for the world....ok maybe the bratty 6 year old for like a boat but that's it haha joking.
  5. Well time to looks for a new job. Thought things would look up at the job I have now but seems I was wrong. They have been throwing money at us like crazy which is nice but the new bonus structure has ruined it and made it hostile pretty much. I had a talk with the new GM and asked what the future of the company was and what my future was. I got the I'm a great asset to the company the third shift couldn't run with out me I put a lot of good product out the door blah blah blah. Maybe it was the truth but his following statement set me off and now I'm gonna look for a new job while riding it out where I am now. When I asked what my future was asking about moving up threw the ranks over time. I was told " we're not going to hire within we want to pay everyone 20 plus an hour but with out college no one will be hired for anything but shop work" I expressed my feelings on that saying the production manager should be the senor most guy and the GM that just left once started on the floor. I have been to college and graduated at the top my class even being a tech school I still have the credits and took the extra classes to get an associates with it. The GM said didn't matter what the degree or school it was they just want to see some one better them selfs and have the commitment. I brought in my transcripts and diploma the next day along with my dd214 showing all my military service and rewards. It was received with sarcasm and idk even. I've never had a job I haven't risen to the top of quickly or had a employer look down upon some one wanting to do better and stay with a company it just blows my mind. So I've had a few other offers come across from other places some making a large amount of more money an hour with no benefits, same pay farther drive same benefits, lower pay same drive but better benefits and great potential to go places in the company. Definitely some tough decisions especially with all these kids I have lol.
  6. WNY has little to none upland bird hunting. Pheasants are extremely rare and all we have sadly. I hunted them a few times but it wasn't much fun they release them on state land everyone goes out blasts them to oblivion and the Hawks pick off what everyone else misses. Last time I went I was 13 I think so 16 years ago.
  7. Yeah "we" got two geese and a woody as well. First shot of shooting hours was us at 707 we stood up and blasted a goose that landed in our set at dark. Few short moments later a woody landed in the set well we were focused on some geese coming in my buddy nailed the woody drake as it took back off right in front of us. The goose I missed my buddy who got the woody nailed. The ducks didn't seem to interested mostly woodies coming threw real high and a pair of mergansers.the geese when in large flocks didn't care for us but the occasional loner or pair argot to come in almost every time we(I) suck at shooting lol.
  8. Went duck hunting this morning for the first time ever and while I didn't hit anything not even the goose that came into our spread perfect and right at me bout to land I missed it but still had a blast. I told the guys going into it I haven't even shot bird shot out of a gun in over 15 years been nothing but slugs. Still had a blast and now have the idea of going in the kayak down some of the creeks near me where I see tons of wood ducks when fishing and seeing if I can't jump some ducks from the kayak. Any other duck hunters here
  9. http://s1106.photobucket.com/user/acgeorge1025/media/1763C437-0954-4F58-AB8D-B999D5B6CC88_zps7bstsbgn.mp4.html
  10. Rattled a 4pt this morning then stalked this guy this evening. Spotted him 200 yards out so I speed walked down the hedgerow at him he was walking away same direction as me. I grunted to get his attention didn't think he could hear me then he spun 180 and ran at me so I jumped in the weeds and waited for him and videoed him at maybe 5yds if that. <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf"flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid1106.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fh367%2Facgeorge1025%2F1763C437-0954-4F58-AB8D-B999D5B6CC88_zps7bstsbgn.mp4">
  11. Took her shooting today just the little stuff to start .22 and 17hmr she didn't flinch a muscle only thing I'm finding is she hates the leash as most puppies do but she's never been on one she just follows me around and comes when I call her if she wanders off. She kept going in the shed nose going crazy. I've processed a few deer in there already this season and a few raccoons got skinned out and hung in there last year but I doubt she smells the raccoons.
  12. Good thing you put skilled infront of trades other wise raider would chime in..... I went to school for automotive did that for several years and then taught as a teachers aide in a vocational school diesel and agricultural mechanics. Then I deployed and came back and said k couldn't go back to making that little as a aide and did commercial roofing which lasted maybe 6 months before I decided I didn't want the weather forecast to determine my paycheck. Now I work in a fiberglass shop making generator huts, ADA stairs, sports benches, metering manholes, flumes, car and train parts.
  13. Been wanting to get a puppy for some time I never had one growing up mom never let me. Had a few with the ex wife that never lasted because she wouldn't stick to training and got sick of them fast the one I did manage to train and train well we got rid of to keep the over hyper and poorly trained Weimaraner that she babied. The other day my best friends fiancé shared a post on FB that her brother has puppies he wanted to get rid of but had to go to a good home. So I inquired about said puppies and was told two were left. So I told her I wanted a female and asked what the breed was even though looking at the pic I knew they were mixed with walker coon hound. She told me she was mine and they were walker/blue tick/pit bull I said perfect I wanted her. I work with blue ticks all year training them for running coons and fox/coyote. I'm way better with animals then I am people trained dogs and horses and get along with all animals even ones people say don't like any one or are mean or unrideable all seem to take a liking to me. I got a name all picked out went and bought some puppy chow, leash collar everything I would need. Then I got a phone call that she was gone that the guy was offered money for her when I was getting her for free so he obviously took the money. So feeling defeated and saying it must not have been time not meant to be I brushed it off and returned the stuff I bought. All this was Friday fast forward to Sunday today and getting ready to go to my buddy's house warming, birthday, Halloween party all wrapped into one I get a phone call that he has some thing for me when I get there. I assumed he got a nice deer this morning and wanted to show it off. Pulled in went in the garage and this cutie was on the couch he drove all the way from NC to deliver her to me when the original buyer fell threw not wanting a hound in a apartment or something. He called my best friend and asked if I was still interested and with out asking me told him yes knowing that if I said it once I was still. Needless to say I'm happy the kids are happy the GF is happy I'm happy I finally got my dog. Told him no apartment living here(like with the ex wife and all our dogs) told him she's got a good home I have a 2 acre yard and 3 acres of woods behind that and ponds just down the road for her. Still don't know if I'm gonna train her to hunt coon or coyotes/fox she might just be a house dog(yeah I know walker/tick in a house) but I've been wanting a dog that is mine and I can take fishing and just out heck get me off my arse and running with. I'm thinking I'm gonna train her for shed hunting to give her nose something to do and curve her will to hunt maybe try and get her into the DEC wounded deer recovery program. She's a cuddler and is very good and comes to her name already no leash she runs the yard letting her nose lead the way but soon as I holler Zoey she comes running ears a flapping. Worked on sit and shake just real basic stuff and she took to it right away. Anyways enough of me rambling here's some pics She almost looks like she's mixed with beagle
  14. I thought today would be perfect keep hearing guys say bucks are starting to fight and respond to grunts add in it was 34* out and had snow on the ground I was up and headed to the woods at 530am. Got in stand and settled in had a deer come threw at 645 couldn't see what it was just the outline of a deer but considering for the last two weeks I have nothing but bucks on camera in that spot I'm confident it was a buck just not a big one as I have none on camera. Morning wore on heard lots of ducks some geese seen some squirrels as usual didn't shoot any lol. Heard some turkey freaking out about 100 yards west of my position and season opened yesterday so I got ready to smoke a turkey with the bow only to have two of the biggest fox I have ever seen come running threw after the turkey I lip squeaked the male into 20 yards as the female hung up in the brush. Fox opens next Sunday though so free pass to them but better believe I'll have my foxpro caller next Sunday with me fox and coyote with a bow would be cooler then a deer to me. Seen and heard a barred owl as well it kept the squirrels hidden thankfully. Then the turkeys started sounding off again this time in the corn and I caught a coyote sneaking threw behind me just saw his bottom half and what little bit of tail hanging down below the brush. Tried squeaking him in but wasn't having it kept circling downwind to the turkeys. Not a single deer though during shooting hours and I sat from 620-1045. Hope to make it out this evening but my best friend is having his daughters b day party and house warming party slash Halloween party but he's a big hunter also so he should understand when I duck out after a hour to hit the stand lol his fiancé not so much but that's his problem lol.
  15. Looking good! I just started tying a few weeks ago caught a few bass and pike on some of my flys and had a giant salmon hit one also but he broke me off a minute into the fight. Nothing to fancy or intricate buggers some streamers and glow bugs. Before After
  16. I shoot every day from mid August threw out the season even now with bow season upon us. I shot the other day in 30mph winds at 30 and 40 yards this was the results. 30yds 40yds and my poa was the center dot so I drifted 1-2" left with the wind at 40yds steadily blowing 30mph. Practice practice practice I gotta get my lane mowed again so I can go back to shooting 80yards
  17. Went out Friday morning heard some bucks fighting off in the small triangle piece by my stand and some grunting in my piece o have my stands but didn't see a thing but squirrels. I tried some grunting and light rattling but nothing showed. I do have some fresh rubs and scrapes in the area though. Gonna go out in the morning and hopefully the afternoon as well but the kids have a birthday party to go to at 2 I'm hoping to duck out and head to the woods around 330 4. I did stick this guy sense he wanted to sound like a deer all morning lol.
  18. I'm like that I'm right handed shoot righty but left eye dominant. My oldest boy who is 6 is the same way cub scouts picked it up last weekend when he was shooting there. For being 6 the kid is scary good with his 22 and bbgun takes after his old man...... I can shoot lefty with a gun and am more accurate but painfully slower it's not as bad with my issued m4 but home with my shotguns and bolt guns I look half retarded lol. Never even thought or attempted with a bow to try lefty.
  19. There is no way the powermax is listed for 800 and the Chargers replacement. You can get the Nitruim for $750-850. I think from when I was looking at the ruckus jr for my boy Abby's had it for 400 and it's a 200 combo all day long and they were located in Australia.
  20. I'm a die hard Hoyt fan I was checking their FB page every hour got updates and releases on the 13th. Normally I'm not a fan of the carbon bows but the new carbon FX with 28" ata and the new cam and limb system that thing will make a sweet blind bow. The defiant also really has me drooling to last year it was the nitrum this year the defiant. I talked it out with the old lady in putting $20 a week minimum away that way every year I can buy the latest and greatest Hoyt bow or every other and use that fund to buy guns or tree stands each year. Depending how my tax return is this year and the new profit sharing plan at work I might get one sooner idk yet. It will be tough putting my rampage down as I have become one with that bow.
  21. I've been getting reports of deer sparing and chasing. I do have a lot of buck movement though on camera all small bucks but they seem to be coming threw within 10-30min after the does. I just redneck engineered my climber to get off the ground in my sweet spot. No straps to hold it together and carry it out with they rotted off so it's got some quickly weaved 550 cord braclet style straps now and some bungees and a ratchet strap to hold it all together. Might be a pain to get it all out in the woods at 6am but I'm ok with it.
  22. Very true statement right there haha. That's why I go during the week since I figure most people should be at work I stop after work sosnce I work over nights and that place is still packed.
  23. Gotta hit Oak Orchard here in WNY they are running nice and thick with Browns and steelhead mixed in. I've been meaning to get out after them with the 7wt I built but I can't seem to stop chasing deer on this new 500 acre piece I have to myself. Maybe Sunday I'll get out after some salmon.
  24. I went out last night checked my trail cam had 41 new pics in a matter of 4 days several small bucks tons of does all coming threw at 6-9am and 3-6 pm. I got there at 445pm seen the pics and time looked around and decided to move the camera to another crossing deeper in the property in hopes to get the big boys on camera. Took me maybe 20 minutes to get down the property set up the cam and get back to where I just removed it from. As I'm making my way in I kicked 3 deer out that were standing around my stool I left there to sit on. Should of just stayed put and moved the camera later. Tried this morning in monsoon rains and winds packed up when it really started coming down in buckets. First time hunting that block and not seeing a deer.
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