If I go the 308 route it's not gonna be cheap. The whole reason I want it is for long range and cheap(cheaper) plinking. I can't hunt with a 308 where I hunt deer it's shotgun only but I can travel 30 minutes and use it. The property I do hunt though has two big fields I can shoot at. I was leaning towards a second 204 because I didn't have anywhere to really just get up and shoot when I want but talking with the land owner and his grandson my buddy from high school he's all for us shooting there. He said he's got a manhole he painted orange he can put on the end of the first field and from the porch to the edge it's 980yards!! Or we can drive threw the woods to the back lot and it's over a mile and a half alfalfa fields perfectly flat. So if I build or buy the 308 I want I can now drive 10 minutes and do all the long range shooting I want and have a old timer spotting for me and letting me use his new kabota side by side to drive down and set up targets.
Been looking at some of the higher end 700s and savages made for long range shooting or maybe the mossberg mvp-lr.
The girl friend got her settlement from her car accident and even though I keep saying no she has the kids all on her side of getting me a gun I've always wanted for Christmas this year. Part of me wants to just tell her a cheaper 204 since it will be in and out of the truck a ton chasing coyotes or go out with the 308 and nice optics.
Now before anyone says you can't shoot 1000yards with cheap optics or rifle you can. I hit the 800m e type silhouette with a beat up M4 carbine with a equally beat up 4x acog. $1000-1200 will get me the set up I need to do it affordably with out going all out crazy custom barrel, action, optics. And even at that price point I'm still half the price of the guns she was looking at for me but I don't want to feed no 338 or 300win mag as much as I'll be shooting it. 308 will still be a bit more but not expensive like the big boys plus I'm already set up to reload 308 with a old set I picked up.
About a month ago I got two 300# pigs to slaughter and keep all the meat. Gave one to my gfs dad and kept the other one we made up bacon and lots of roasts. I have the ribs all cut into different cuts of ribs and wanna pull one out to cook soon. Looking for a good dry rub recipes I'm not a fan of the messy bbq sauce ribs I like a nice dry rub for it or light sauce.
So you southern boys who bbq a lot let's hear a good recipe to try on these ribs.
Yeah I know it's just a pain to many cops don't know the rules or laws it's not worth the head ache to take out it would just sit and never get used. Main reason I never got one yet I own all hunting and target rifles something in going to use and get my money's worth. Not that I can't use a AR for hunting.
Any Pandora junkies here? I always have it streaming at work and when driving. What's everyone's station they stream.
I bounce around from papa roach, Chris Cornell, George strait, the lacs, and Elvis currently is playing. All over the spectrum of music.
I'm in the market to buy a new rifle just can't decide on what. I'm torn between getting another .204 ruger or a .308. I have a 204 already but don't like it. Love the round love how it shoots but I have a savage 11 with the tiny pencil barrel and blind mag.
I have also always wanted a bolt 308 with a medium or heavy contour barrel nice action nice optics a "tactical" tack driver built for long range shooting. Not so heavy you can't hunt with it though.
I want to sell my 204 for something with a heavier barrel and detachable magazine. I do a lot of fox and coyote hunting and the 204 fits the niche very nicely in my county that only allows centerfires smaller then 22cal during deer seasons for fur bearers. After deer season I can carry a 338 if k wanted to but from October 1 threw Christmas pretty much it's 204 or 17rem or 17 hornets only if you want to carry a centerfire.
So I'm torn between a savage 10P in 308 that's forsale at a shop set up bi pod, cabelas custom 4x12 with extra turrets, and only 80 rnds threw it. Or a savage 10 predator in 204. Or a mossberg MVP predator or varmint in either caliber.
I'm kinda leaning towards a new 204 because it's more practical and while the 308 set up would be sweet I don't have anywhere to really shoot long distance when ever o want.
I wouldn't mind a AR platform but I live in NY so it's out of the question.
Holy crap!!! Pheasants are so scarce around here almost don't want to shoot one of you see them. I went when I was younger my buddy's dad raised and released them for the state we would always go shoot 3 or 4 and call it a season! I need to take a road trip it looks like lol
Raider Rick knows his stuff I know him from another forum(coyote and fox hunting forum) I've had the pleasure of hunting with him on one occasion with another buddy but I puked all over our first set and when we got to our second something wasn't agreeing with me that night. He makes his own coyote calls as well.
Been the year of non shooters for me. I see deer bout 80% the time now but they are either does in the thick or small basket racks standing broad side in the open screaming shoot me. Last week of bow now I got till Friday to get it done. If one of the basket racks shows itself in range this week and has a big body it's getting smoked. Bought a new stand today also it's going up Tuesday in a nice prime spot.
Sighted in or more like confirmed zero on the 12 and the 20 ga today also. Both them are good to go for this weekend.
I know there's some Giants on the land I hunt just not seeing them even the trail cam can't get a clear pic. Co workers wife almost hit one and stopped and took a pic standing on the edge of the corn by my stand about 140" 10pt. I think it's the one that keeps going infront of my tail cams butt first so I can't see its whole rack.
I still have 197 acres of standing corn all around the block I hunt so they have no reason to show themselves in the woods.
Coyote won't run off the deer I'm sure he's been there you just now seen him. My woods is loaded with coyotes and fox enemies of each other and deer and turkey as well. It's 197acre lot I hunt they all are there together just don't let your deer sit over night if you can't find it.
I wouldn't use a pellet pistol unless it shoots crazy fast. In my the law is 600fps I believe and I haven't found a pistol that does that yet in the stores.
Buy one of ricks calls though if you want to hunt them.....
Trying to get ya a sale Rick lol
I wouldn't even try to shoot a group or zero till broken in but with 45 rounds you should be close. What process do you use for break in? It's been a while but I did 1 shot clean 1 shot clean for the first 10 then cleaned after every 3 shots till I got to 20 then ever 5 till it was broken in. Think my 243 took about 30-40 rounds to get it where I liked it.
I got my 204 I traded my 243 for and it doesn't like to come clean at all or really shoot for that mater the guy said it shot good but I can't get it to group for me. But I'm extremely picky when it comes to accuracy of my guns I want Sub MOA regardless I do mostly fox and coyote hunting and fox don't offer much of a target to shoot at once you take all that fur out of the equation. I gotta try some 32gr out of the 204 and see how she likes them he told me it liked factory hornady 40gr but it shoots them at about 3" groups at 100 and 8" at 200.
Fishing is therapeutic for me along with hunting. I don't do well pent up in the house I fish year round since taking up ice fishing and I also deer and predator hunt which keeps me busy from October threw end of March.
I fished literally every single day from ice out till October 1st when deer and coyote opened. My girlfriend never understood how I could go for 8hrs and catch two fish some times no fish and come home happy. It's not about the fish they are the bonus just being out in nature.
Haven't checked but this rain should help. Here's the county fishing report its released every Wednesday.
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