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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. My gf spoiled the crap out of me this year. Mossberg MVP varmint in 204 ruger, vortex crossfire scope, 8 boxes of ammo for the 204, primos bipod trigger sticks, 10rnd pmag for the MVP, TOA speaker upgrade for my caller, havalon skinning knife, under armor jacket, and she said I got more but not till tonight when the kids go to sleep..... Im sure I'm forgetting some but it was a good year the kids got equally spoiled just with age appropriate gifts no guns this year. sadly all I got her was a jacket she wanted, under armor hoodie, picture frames, one of them digital picture frames, and I'm gonna try and stay awake tonight to receive my other gifts lol.
  2. Went out and got the new 204 bloody last night. Called in this vixen from about 350 yards out to about 80 when I shot her. 204 didn't do any damage to the hide but man was it straight jelly inside when I picked her up I could hear it sloshing around then skinning it this morning really showed what that little bullet doing 3900fps does to these things.
  3. Meh idk bout the update once I scroll past all the advertising to get to what I wanna see it's not bad just take some getting used to I guess.
  4. Anyone have any experience with the stuff. I have several guns needing to be refinished and thinking about doing duracoat on them for the fact that you don't have to bake it like you do cerakote. Wondering how much to get I have two 870s to do, a Marlin 917 and a savage axis. I'm still undecided to do the new mossberg it's got a purrty laminate varmint style stock on it. The axis I want to do in a kryptek pattern the stencils are a bit pricy though. I would most likely be applying with either my airbrush or hvlp gun but I also have cases of prevale sprayers at my disposal.
  5. I'd hold out though the weatherby is a nice rifle. I used to use a .243 same bullet as the 6mm rem. I just don't believe in getting rid of guns but I do trade like your saying though like I just traded a first gen savage 11 204 that had been used and abused for a brand new savage axis in 22-250. I traded the 243 mentioned above for the savage 11 204.
  6. I to love plinking with small caliber rifles even hunting with them(see my mossberg MVP thread) I have several .22s a Winchester model 69a, glennfield 25, Marlin 15yn, Henry lever gun. Then have my Marlin 917 17hmr which is my go to gun and my truck gun that thing takes a beating been used and abused and neglected but I know anything within 200 yards on a calm day isn't safe. I've been wanting to get a 17wsm but can't justify it till I figured out I'll give the hmr to my son then get the wsm for myself and keep the hmr till he's old enough to take it himself in like 8 years lol. I like the smaller calibers in centerfire also just bought a second 204 ruger.
  7. 70 today in medina, ny
  8. Gf bought me this for Christmas might have to keep this one(gf the gun is obviously staying) Mossberg MVP 204 varmint Vortex crossfire II 3x9x50 with Vbrite reticle My new coyote Slaying rig or atleast that's the plan with it woodchucks should probably watch out as well.
  9. Yeah I seen your post at BATMCC bout the house and move. I'm back on working days so if freed up my nights to hunt again. Ill have to get ahold of him one these nights. Kinda stuck till after deer since my .204 still hasn't showed up and they ordered it Black Friday it shipped the following Monday still hasn't showed up to the shop.
  10. Yeah that was a rough night idk what was wrong with my stomach besides 0 food and 3 monsters drank for the day then sub zero temps just got to me. Dan is hit or miss on hunting he never went last year and this year he says he will be out more according to his Facebook posts we will see.
  11. I know a lot of people who use a .22-250 for deer personally I would prefer something bigger but I might if no other option just work up a heavier deer load. Ricks referring to coyote hunting here in NY it used to be rimfire only during deer season once deer closed or was free reign on any caliber. Now it was changed last year to centerfires SMALLER then .22 so the 204 or 17rem 218bee but not my .22-250 or a .223.
  12. Thanks, I've taken a bit of a break since the fly rod build between fishing it and hunting I haven't had time to build anymore but some are in the works.
  13. Got a email today from geeks about the new bass line of rods. Gonna have to order some to do over the winter even though I just got moved back to first shift at work I gotta cut into family time to do my rod building.
  14. Yesterday was the last day for the early season starts back up Dec 26 for 20 days j think it is. Went out a hand full of times never knocked one down. Monday I had a mallard come into my lap I blasted it watched the pellets hit all around it in the water as it cupped in even had feathers falling. Thing took back off must have had a bullet proof vest on. Yesterday we went in the afternoon didn't see one duck till after shooting hours and we were picking up and had 12 come into our spread as we were picking up the decoys.
  15. Well I went to shoot it today but got stopped by the old man who owns the property. We just got done pushing it for deer and on the way back we put a can up on the burm 220 yards from the trucks to shoot at. Got it all loaded up and situated and he came over saying we can't shoot because hunters could be out there. Even though we were the hunters that were just out there and swept the whole woods for deer and trespassers and found neither(did kick out two coyotes though one of which was jet black). His grandson argued no one was out there and we were shooting at the burm we built for shooting but the old man didn't approve so I packed it all away. One thing I noticed with out shooting though is that Walmart special center point scope has got to go. My bushnell rimfire that's on my 17 was clearer and crisper at 200 then that center point which is 4x16x50 and the bushnell was 3-9x32 and lives on my hmr tucked behind the back seat of my truck and takes a beating but that gun and scope are the most reliable and accurate rifle I own.
  16. I have the vortex 3x9x50 crossfire II with V brite going on the MVP when it comes in. Thinking a crossfire or viper 4-16x50 for the 22-250. Got a good buddy who is getting reloading equipment this week for his 30-06 and 300blk he said just get the dies and bullets and we will cook up some loads. The new rule about the smaller then 22 centerfires is pretty lame here but I'm also in one of the few counties left that are still shot gun only.
  17. Just traded one of my .204 rugers for a .22-250. Took a little bit of a hit on the deal but didn't feel like arguing with the guy on who was getting the better deal. Last year I traded a Marlin X7 in 243 for a savage 11 in 204. This year I just traded the savage 11 204 for a savage axis in .22-250. Guy tried telling me the axis was a $500 gun and I disagred but the axis has features over the 11 I liked so talked him into the trade. A little back story I bought a mossberg MVP varmint in 204 giving my self two 204s my buddy had two .22-250s a Remington 700 and the axis. He messaged me on FB that he's always wanted a 204 and was intrested in trading one of his 22-250s. I have always wanted a 22-250 and had two 204s. We met up he loved the gun but didn't like that it had a blind magazine and neither did I he didn't mind the pencil barrel I hated it. He had a brand new we'll just about new only 10rnds threw it still in the box axis with detachable magazine. We did some talking and after a hand shake he had his 204 and I had my .22-250. Now o can't decide to leave it as is other then the scope(center point 4x16) or throw a new stock on it Boyd's most likely. Kinda wanna leave the plastic stock and just dip it and put one of my vortex scopes on it. But at the same time I hate plastic stocks and want to put a Boyd's on it. Either way it's a new gun back up coyote gun still haven't shot it myself by plan on changing that tomorrow.
  18. No ice hear probably won't be any for some time
  19. Think I heard one tonight while out coyote hunting
  20. Sure it wasn't just raider
  21. clayton86


    I ordered a mossberg MVP predator today it will be in in 1-2 weeks
  22. Scott have you seen these yet? I've been wanting to get some and make grips for my bow or a rod grip. http://beyondwoodproducts.com Kinda like acrylic and wood combined.
  23. I hunt for fur mostly I look for all energy dumped in the animal as well no exit exit is bad. I started using a 204 with 32 and 40gr vmax factory loads. So far the 40gr a little far back on a running fox will split it in two....seriously not exaggerating if it wasn't for its spine it would be. I'd post pics but they are kinda gross. Bad hit and fix are fragile to begin with. Deer hunting we have to use shotguns so I get what I get with that some times I get pass threws some times I don't.
  24. clayton86


    That's what I'm also thinking also. I already have a 204 and it goes just about every where with me with my caller. I live for predator hunting. I have a 204 already but to be honest I don't like it. The round I love the tiny pencil barrel and blind mag on the gun I hate.
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