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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. And it's only the beginning of winter
  2. Follow her on fb also you won't be disappointed
  3. I posted this in the south east sub forum but it's gotten no responses yet so I'm gonna try it here maybe more people will see it here. Were planning a family vacation cation to hobe sound Florida this spring to spend a week with my gfs sister. What's some good spots to fish in the area I'm getting a day or two to go off by myself and fish. I see lake okeechobee isn't to far by the looks of it and hobe sound is also right on the coast. We are drivin down also so I might take the kayak with me I'm just wondering bout gators if I take it and go in some the canals or okeechobee.
  4. We have done all that we clean the spots with bleach water though. When we catch her in the act we tell her no and quickly escort her outside. The kids and the baby sitter tend to lack in it though the kids while the gfs son will just sit there watch her then calmly be " the dog just peed on the floor" my son has always wanted a coon hound and takes her out constantly and works with her and will pick her up like a baby mid act and carry her outside while talking to her about being bad. We control what she eats and how much with he exception of when she goes outside for long periods of time I've noticed she's been hitting my coyote bait pile eating the deer and goose carcasses. Nothing like checking the trail cam getting excited its loaded with pics only to find out 3/4 of them are your puppy and not coyotes or fox. Ill try the pennies in a can trick also. She's been good today laying on the couch with me because I'm sick with the flu.
  5. Most kids cartoons have adult references and humor that goes right over kids heads
  6. She hasn't been spayed yet and I mentioned it to the gf that I think the peeing thing is a medical issue due to they are huge puddles not just a little dribble here or there but giant puddles. However she she doesn't go in her kennel when we are away or at night. She also doesn't have accidents in the house when my gf is home with her on her days off if seems to be when the sitter is here or when I'm home.
  7. No but we are watching Red Dawn the original with Swayze with Top gun starting next.
  8. As some of you remember we got a puppy back on October a walker-blue tick. We made her a family dog inside despite being bred for running coyotes or coons. Also being a hound some think they are some of the dumbest dogs but I disagree even though she is starting to make me rethink that lol. Shes 6 months old now we've had her for 3 and she's STILL not house broken. I've never had this much trouble training a dog. Actually just the house breaking she knows all other commands and what not. I can open the door let her take off run around the yard and into our woods soon as I open the door and call her name she comes right back which is crazy considering what bred she is that her nose doesn't take over. I will take her out with me hunting or just doing yard work be out anywhere from 30min to 4 hours she will do her thing out side but soon as we come in she goes on the floor in the house every single time. I've rubbed her nose in it and put her on the chain, just put her back outside, left her in the kennel and only taking her out to go potty then back in hoping it will click on her little brain that outside is for the bathroom not my floor. We take her out several times a day or let her have free run for hours some times, the kids play with her constantly outside so she uses up her energy so she's not destructive and it's worked well till Tuesday night the first and only time she has chewed and destroyed anything and boy did she. In one night well we were asleep she ate my artic muck boots, wifi router, Xbox power cord, toys off the baby's bouncer and took a crap right infront of my bedroom door. All in one night I found it all when I woke up for work in the morning I threw her in the kennel and left for work I was so angry I had to just leave and woke the gf to clean up the mess. shes now kenneled at night and not allowed to lay with the kids like she used to. im lost with what to do I've never had this much trouble with s dog and it's mostly the house breaking. Chewing is to be at expected and she's kept it to her toys till the other night and that night cost me a couple hundred in boots and a router. I think I'm gonna actually trap a coon and get her trained for hunting maybe running with me and the kids and playing fetch and what not isn't enough. Any thoughts
  9. Not judgmental at all, the divorce has been rough on the kids but I keep close tabs on his behavior at school. He is doing very well all his teachers say he is one of the best behaved kids in the class and always offers a helping hand to anyone in need. At at my house he's the same way no outbursts no behavior issues either I mean there's the occasional having to repeat myself or things get heated between the three boys playing but nothing out of the ordinary for two 6 year olds and a 4 year old boys playing. When hes he's with his mother though the way him and his brother act is embarrassing I asked them one time why they are so bad for mommy and their reply was they don't like her all she does is sit on her phone talking to her boyfriends. He does shoot his BB gun or 22 but never unsupervised either I or his papa take him out to shoot and he's very adimint about talking his actions out when shooting "safety off" shoots "safety on chamber open" gun always stays pointed up and down range.
  10. Or you can teach them right from wrong and how to talk. I drop the f bomb like crazy my kids don't swear they know the rules. No swear words till you can grow a beard
  11. There's no nudity or excessive gore in either movie barely any gore for that matter. I watch it and he will come in and watch them with me. Heck I can't wait to see the comments roll in about my son knowing about guns
  12. My 6 year old that is. He's always had a facination with the military his first 3 Halloweens he dressed up as "me" wearing ACUs and my beret. He he constantly watching fps Russia or demolition ranch on you tube and reviews on guns and gear. Honestly kinda upsets me that he's more into that then normal kid stuff. Today I was watching black hawk down and he came in from playing outside with his brothers and seen it and was glued to the tv. He was standing there being off the guns nd even the optics on the guns. "He had a M4 like you daddy" " he has a CCO on his m4 dad" "oh that guy has the pig(m60) like papas in his war pictures". He then during the scene when they are trying to clamp the guys artery in the guys leg he turns and asked me why they don't put a turnaquit on him and push fluids!!! Seriously kid your 6 how do you know about that stuff. Let alone know they should have used one but didn't. Hes 6 going on what 25 year old vet. He loves the lone survivor movie and American sniper he will sit and watch them with out getting up or loosing interest. I have a feeling he's gonna go the military route out of high school and not college. I know when I was younger but not that young I was obsessed with air force fighter jets as my dad was a mechanic in the airforce and took me to air shows and gave me his photo album of all the jets he worked on. So I guess it's to be expected my oldest looking up to me is obsessed with the grunt life. He still plays and does normal kid stuff though it's not all be like daddy.
  13. The gf has family in hobe sound and we're discussing going for a week with all the kids. She said she wants to give me a day or two break from the kids to fish. I see its on the coast and lake okeechobee is near by. Any recommendations where to go? charters? Right now it's looking like April we will be going
  14. Brooke Thomas she don't have many videos yet and they arnt very informative but I can't stop watching them lol.
  15. Yeah I wanna see progress pics..... Doubt we will lol
  16. They have these deals all the time I've got a bunch of them.
  17. Yeah I looked more into it found the original pic. Would be a sweet catch if it was real
  18. Seen this on Facebook earlier said it was thought to be extinct but was caught back in April in WV and the photo kept secret to protect location and the fish. Any truth behind it?
  19. Smoke detector because of the LED on the board
  20. Cracked corn also rots if your gonna feed corn do whole kernel
  21. I used to have some major anger issues actually still do I just handle them differently idk if any better but definitely different. I used to be like you controllers smashed and thrown or my phone even. Can't tell ya the number of holes I've had to fix in the walls or even a tail light once. Now I tend to tell if it's me getting worked up in an argument or dealing with stupid people I've made some grown men cry with me yelling and saying crap to them. So that's not necessarily better way but it takes A LOT to get me to that point I can put up with a lot of crap before blowing my top. I tend to just do as others said though if I feel my blood starting to boil. I go fishing or hunting, walk away do something anything to take my mind of the situation. Once calmed down I come back. Took a while for my gf to get used to of in the middle of an argument me just putting shoes on and heading out the door and ignoring calls and texts till I'm cooled off. Same with gaming or other stuff I just pick up and walk away and do something else usually alone.
  22. How has no one said this one yet I see a little silhouetto of a man,Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango?Thunderbolt and lightning,Very, very frightening me.(Galileo) Galileo.(Galileo) Galileo,Galileo FigaroMagnifico.I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me.He's just a poor boy from a poor family,Spare him his life from this monstrosity.Easy come, easy go, will you let me go?Bismillah! No, we will not let you go. (Let him go!)Bismillah! We will not let you go. (Let him go!)Bismillah! We will not let you go. (Let me go!)Will not let you go. (Let me go!)Never, never let you goNever let me go, oh.No, no, no, no, no, no, no.Oh, mama mia, mama mia (Mama mia, let me go.)Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, for me.
  23. Ill make a road trip to come take care of them for ya raider.
  24. HMRs are a blast to shoot. I use mine to go after European starlings they are considered a neusance in NY hit one with the 17 and a vmax they get vaporized. gords after Halloween are fun to line up and shoot with the 17 also.
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