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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. I didn’t know what to make the title but that basically sums it up haha. So for work I work for Loomis as a “money man” as everyone seems to call me at job sites. I deliver and pick up money from banks and stores as well as service ATMs doing replenishments and deposit pulls at certain ones. The way people act at ATMs while I’m servicing them never ceases to amaze me. When doing drive up ATMs we have to take the cassettes out and bring them to the truck or we are inside a kiosk that holds the ATM. Every week I get people who drive either around my truck jumping the curb or back in from the exit and try accessing the ATM and they get all ticked off that it’s down because I’m working on it. The other week had a guy all irate and angry he stormed into the branch and was chewing them out because I was blocking the atm. Then theirs the people who come into the bank when I’m doing the ATM in the branch and I hear and see them over the surveillance cameras while I’m in the room behind the ATM doing my thing trying to use it when the screen is either black or says “out of order” then I can watch them walk in and talk to the girl in front pointing to the ATM and complain. Then this week I had to do what’s called a deinstall on ATMs in several Walgreens on the first of the month which was awesome planning on their part. During deinstalls we take all the money out and lock the safes open so they can work on it or replace it. I went back today to put them back in service and had to store clerks and managers tell me people were still trying to use it when I left the safe open and power turned off they then got mad at the store for it being down. It’s just crazy how oblivious people are today when it comes to things especially when it comes to getting their money. People who drive over the curb and around my truck to get to the ATM are probably the most entertaining though I’ve had a few blow tires out or smash their mirrors trying to get between the truck and either the building or pillars holding the roof over the ATMs never hit the truck shockingly though. Then of course there’s all the people who ask if I’m handing out free samples if I’m doing the ATM in a store. I know some of y’all have probably seen us in your area servicing banks, stores and atms. Hopefully not being like the people I described other than asking for samples that’s just humorous.
  2. I’ve been pulled over while traveling to new spots coyote hunting and always end up talking guns with the cop. Usually get pulled over or greeted at the truck when I get back from the field while coyote hunting. Hearing shots in the middle of the night or seeing a light out in a field draws attention. They are usually in awe over my thermal set ups and want to look through them. Oddly though being in NY they never check or care about my AR if it’s “compliant” my hunting ones are because of the chances of being stopped don’t wanna risk it. The only thing I’ve been asked about the legality of my gun is the caliber. The county I was in you must use a rifle smaller than .22 during deer season so need a .17 or .20cal I’ve got both in AR platforms just for that reason while coyote hunting .17-223 and a 20practical.
  3. Peregrine Falcon or osprey
  4. My alien gear holster does that to my 320 but it’s a duty gun and it just wipes off with a little bit of pressure and a remwipe rag. I’ve got a vedder for my 365 but I like the hidden hybrid better.
  5. Wow hopefully they take care of ya.
  6. They sell little heater rods you plug in and have them in the safe usually there’s a spot in the safe to run the wire. I’ve got them one in my safes in the man cave I don’t go into often like my pistol safe I go into every day. I keep the moisture packs in my ammo cans though
  7. Everyone in my family is diabetic but me makes me wonder sometimes haha. Both sides of my family are cursed with health issues I suppose. Moms side everyone has or has had cancer. My dad’s side diabetes and heart problems. The men don’t make it much into their 60s on dads side both him and my grandfather passed at 62. I like to say I watch what I eat but I don’t. I mean I don’t do fast food and all my monsters I drink are sugar free but that’s about as far as I take it. So far knock on wood not diabetic or have cancer that I know of anyways.
  8. I get “spam” texts and emails from we the people every day
  9. I’ve got one for my sig 320 full size in winter months when I can conceal a full size no problem. I like it but it’s also the only IWB holster I have for the 320 so nothing to compare to I normally open carry it. Their belt though is awesome I wear that everyday
  10. My fiancé is late for EVERYTHING. It drives me nuts even the kids know “mommy is always late” when ever it’s her that has to pick them up or take them somewhere. My 5th grade teacher used to always say “if your early your on time, if your on time your late, and if your late that’s unacceptable” when he was going over being on safety patrol. I’ve always lived by those words and then add being in the army I'm very punctual. My last job actually complained that I was always early the owner didn’t like it the manager didn’t care and told him it could be worse I could not show up or always be late like other employees they had. At my current job I can’t even access the building till 5 min before shift so I just sit in parking lot and listen to music till I can go in usually about 10-15 minutes. I can’t stand being late I get extremely irritated and ticked when we go somewhere as a family and not being on time. There’s been times I have left without them or with my daughter and just waited for her to come separately.
  11. Where do I start with my dad. I would do anything to have him back or go back in time to see him again. I have a lot of memories and regrets I suppose could say when it comes to my dad. Growing up I spent every other weekend with him we would either fish, build model cars or planes, rockets and in summer go to air shows. He always said that he was soaking it all up because he knew once I turned 16 and could drive I wouldn’t come around anymore. I’m sure I denied it but he was 100% correct. Once I got my license I went from seeing him every other weekend to once or twice every few months and on holidays. He spent the last 20 years though battling heart disease/failure on top of diabetes that cost him both his legs first one 15 years ago I think it was second one in 2020 when the whole thing was kicking off. Had his first heart attack in his late 30s early 40s I believe which took him out of work for the rest of his life as a trucker. He passed last July from heart failure after spending 12 weeks in various hospitals at age 62. My dad never raised his voice or yelled at me but I was always good when I was with him. Worse he ever did was tell me he was disappointed in me once when I did something and that hit me harder than anything. I definitely got my love of fishing from him though, stories of him taking me fishing in the creek behind the house when I was still in a stroller and putting a snoopy pole in the stroller with me. Have a bunch of Polaroids of him and his buddy from the airforce holding up trout they got. He was more into trout and pike though.
  12. I love me some wings I used to be able to put down a good number of em. Favorite are probably DUFFS in Buffalo then probably Anchor Bar. There was a place by me growing up a town over that was awesome they breaded them with cornflakes and grape jelly I guess. Mr Ed’s it was called then it switched to Poneys when the owners changed. When I was in college Hooters was doing an all you can eat wings during March madness I did 66 in one siting. Quaker steak and lube used to do all you can eat also but wasn’t a competition like the hooters thing was so never really pushed myself or kept track of how many.
  13. This is something I thought about after my accident 5 years ago. Never new it was a actual theory just something I thought of on my own looking back at my accident and constantly hearing people say I’m lucky to be alive and must be blessed/some one looking out for me. Always thought what if I really DID die and my friends and family are going on without me and this is just a dream or different life kinda like the Jet Li movie “The One” but not that bad a** lol. Anyone else ever think about quantum immortality? I’ve read a few different theories about it I don’t get the whole suicide version of it. Definitely makes ya wonder sometimes at least me since I’ve had a few close calls I guess getting hit by a truck 5 years ago being the latest.
  14. I treat mange every fall with doses of 25gr, 35gr or 62gr HPs………. Hate getting mangy ones but doing them a favor before winter hits em
  15. We have an old cat that pukes or craps in the dinning room every so often. He’s like the dog though and will go to the door and ring the bell to go outside. He won’t use the liter box but goes outside. Luckily our one dog eats what ever blaze (the old cat) deposits on our hard wood floors. I’m looking forward the day the cat passes. As dark as it sounds I can’t wait I’ve offered to put it and another cat down several times to the fiancé a heck of a lot cheaper than a vet will be. We’ve got a zoo at our house not counting the kids…5 cats, 2 dogs, 3 sugar gliders, bearded dragon, salcata tortoise, and a fish tank with hundreds of guppy’s in it if I had to guess plus a dozen various other fish. We had 2 bunnies and 2 Guinea pigs but those died. Cats are the worst in my opinion though I liked mine but mine died last summer had a bengal that my ex wife got me he was 13.
  16. Get professional help if haven’t already. As men we tend to not seek the mental health help when we need it. I know it took me a long long long time to reach out to a therapist. I started to go to the VA for mental health this year. Same issues severe depression and a little anxiety. I’ve gotten better about it since going. I used to just go fishing or to the range for my own version of therapy it helped for most my life but the last few years fishing wasn’t helping at all. Range worked for a different take of group therapy but ammo and shooting gets expensive and it only freed my mind for a hour or two. I'm kinda against taking meds but that’s just me I know it helps a lot of people. Closest I get to meds is tums when I have heartburn haha. When I was younger I used to drink heavily to cope now I rarely drink, a 6 pack will last me months where in my 20s a 30rack a day was easy.
  17. This past week we took a break from installing security systems and cameras for customers and put a new deck on the bosses house.
  18. Wednesday my boss sent us home early due to air quality and we were working outside. Work in Rochester I guess from what my boss said RPD was stopping people that were running trying to exercise telling them walk home and stay inside.
  19. I’m gonna tell her that’s what she didn’t do causing it to explode and to do that next time. I googled how to actually do it she wasn’t wrong it can be done she just skipped an important step. Poke a small hole in bottom of the shell before putting it in the cup of water and microwaving it.
  20. My fiancés reply to an incident she had the other night. She texted me at like 1130 at night that she made a big mess for herself. I woke up in the morning saw the text and asked her what she was talking about. She said nothing but the microwave and the stovetop under it was really really clean. Went down stairs to make my breakfast before work and sure enough they were spotless deep cleaned. Asked her why she decided to clean them so well in the middle of the night. Her reply “ I wanted hard boiled eggs and……” I cut her off and asked her sarcastically “did you really microwave an egg?!?!” She said that she saw it online that you can make hard boiled eggs in the microwave so she tried it and it blew up. I started laughing and told her duh everyone knows you can’t microwave an egg. I learned that the same way she did when I was a kid but knew it was gonna happen I was just being a troublesome boy for my mom. Now all weekend I’ve been making comments “it says it online so it’s gotta be true” every chance it get. She doesn’t think it’s as funny as I do.
  21. I need to lose some weight my doctor at the VA wants me to also. They don’t want me to lose as much as I want though. I told them I want to get to my post coma weight which is also what I weighed post deployment 8years prior to being in coma. I would have to lose 50lbs or so to get to that weight they said just try and get down to 190-200 which is only 20lbs to lose. Did a diet few years ago with fiancé and we lost weight and kept it off for a little bit but are now both the biggest we’ve ever been in our lives not huge by any means but just big. good luck with yours
  22. I use thermal for coyotes. The old flir had that red hot feature the pulsars I run now just do white hot or black hot. used to have night vision before jumping to thermal. There’s no hiding from thermal though. I’ve got several videos through the scope smoking coyotes. I got the set up 4 years ago ran me $7k for the scope and scanner. Pulsar helion and thermion.
  23. I had an oops with my old iphone4 getting wet several times. I swear the old iPhone was built better than the new ones. I shattered the screen when deployed it fell out of a HMMWV and hit pavement shattered the screen. Paid haji $5 in Kuwait City to put a new one on and worked like new. Once back I was fishing and leaned over to land a steelhead and had it in a chest pocket and it fell out and landed in the river. Rice trick got it working again. Then when kayaking I accidentally kicked it overboard in 8 fow and soon as I heard that splash I instantly knew what happened. I saw it on bottom emptied pockets and dove in and got it. Paddled back to shore put it on dash of my truck to dry in the sun. Once done fishing that day I drove around blasting the heat in July to dry it. It worked doing that for 2 days. phone still works last I knew/tried I can’t find a charger for it anymore and one I had is chewed up. I used it as a iPod while working on my rod building.
  24. Get checked out like others have said. my right hip bothers me from time to time especially when weather changes like fall to winter winter to spring. I’ve already got a big plate holding my pelvis together. I guess the screws holding the plate have extra bone growth around them that’s in the hip socket I guess. They said they could go in and remove the plate and screws and grind the bone growth but it’s high risk. Told me to live with the discomfort and come back when I’m older if it’s unbearable this was when I was 32 I’m 36 now.
  25. I used to swear quite a bit being military then working in the trades and trucking. I’ve cut back I don’t swear nearly as much as to. my fiancé on the other hand “duck” is every other word out of her mouth even around our daughter. I’ve made comments about it and she says she tries not to around her but then the next breath is f this f that F off lol. then theirs my nephews and step son 14 and 15 year olds they curse so much it’s insane. Playing video games and just talking they would make a sailor or trucker blush with the words that come out of their mouths. Fiancé used to make a big deal of them cursing but then they pointed out that every other word out of her mouth is a curse word and I had to agree with them and she doesn’t care anymore.
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