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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. Been thinking of canceling my cable tv despite the protest from my brats. I'm sick of paying nearly 200 a month to watch the Disney channel or listen to it play in the background since o don't spend much time in the living room. We limit the kids time on the tv but it's still pricy considering I don't watch tv at all and I'm paying all this money for kids shows. I can cancel cable and keep Internet for $20 a month saving myself $150. We already have Netflix and the kids have a xbox and PS3 so do I really need a streaming device? If so what ones do you recommend
  2. Can't believe it hasn't gone this route yet.... ive got a few brooke thomas- shouldn't need a explanation fly fishing with rebeka redd or April vokey Also no explanation of why but they both are exceptional fisher women. Bow fishing with Jaclynn crooks- perfection right there. on a more serious note I'd say Ike or Zona
  3. Nope I'm done snip snip and congrats fly. I'm done now after I got my girl...3 boys(one is a step son) and 2 girls one of which I adopted.
  4. Glen wood is the worst lake in he area in my opinion. Now fishing he outlet of glenwood below the dam not the lake itself now that's a different story that spot always produces
  5. Oh I thought you ment put in the oak off 63 in the swamps. Yeah I put in at 3 bridges and hit each branch and hammer pike and bass.
  6. Any luck putting in the oak there
  7. Thanks, I love it my nephew has one in223 also real shooter. I might buy another in 308
  8. Scope is 30mm light is 1"
  9. Thanks, got the light mount today I gotta a few more tweaks and tunes I want to do to the set up. High rings for the light to clear the battery compartment and lower rings for the scope so I have better cheek weld because I got none now I gotta hold my head up off the stock.
  10. Got it all mounted up just missing the T50 aftermarket IR light I have it just not the picatiny riser to mount it but it's on it's way. Get that in and then I'll sight her in and get out after some coyotes.
  11. Yeah I gotta look into one of the mini dvr recorders but it's definitely in the future of the set up. The he whole start of this upgrade was we did a contest two weeks ago and took fourth but we had called in 15 coyotes but every time I went to my light they scattered like roaches. Fox don't mind the lights but are getting light shy and coyotes won't tolerate it period. My partner for the contest runs all thermal but I can't swing a $10000 for thermal scanner and scope. Now with the night vision the animals won't stand out like sore thumbs like with a thermal but I will be light free and we can turn some of our singles into doubles or more. We can pick a coyote count down and both shoot at the same time. The ones we called that only he shot they didn't run off even after their buddy was in the dirt they stand around looking for what's going on. We called 15 and killed 5 hopefully next time we call 15 we kill 15. And get it on film.
  12. I ordered it off amazon prime at 915 this morning and selected the free two day shipping. You would think two days it's Wednesday so should be in Friday but nope says guaranteed ship date of Monday the 15th. The guy built my light tonight said he will have it to me Friday. i still need to figure out what I'm gonna get to scan with I can't afford thermals like my hunting partner. The guy I did the contest with runs a flir scout thermal scanner and then a pulsar thermal scope on his custom savage 11 in .17rem i might go with a night vision monocular and another built IR light because the IR will still reflect the eyes it just won't be visible to the naked eye. My thoughts are scan see the reflection the switch to the guns NV to ID the animal. The same partner has the same scope I got on his back up gun which is also a custom 17rem. Oh also I can hook up a mini dvr to it and record the hunt/shot threw the scope
  13. My coyote gun just got a big game changer for the rest of this season and next season. Ordered a photon XT night vision scope and am having a custom T50 IR light built for it to give it a 300 yard range. Its gonna be mounted on my mossberg MVP in 204. Pics will be up soon as I have it.
  14. I bet raider would enjoy it
  15. We killed our yote there hours before we saw the eagle.
  16. Went up north by the 1000 islands with my buddy for a predator calling contest. Had a pretty epic weekend. Called in 15 coyotes killed 5, called 2 gray for killed 1, called a bobcat in didn't get a shot and seen one driving into camp got out snuck down the hedge row and my buddy has a 22hornet/12ga combo gun and had the 12ga barre selected on accident for a 75yard shot on a bobcat. End of our first day calling we seen a mature bald eagle also at one of the spots we called in a triple at and killed one of the 3 that came to the call.
  17. Send em to NY specifically niagara county in March I'll take care of 5 a day.
  18. Almost hit 50* today all snow is gone and news reports of guys going threw the ice on a few of the lakes.
  19. Awesome. i just started duck/goose hunting this year and I'm hooked. Went most the season not hitting a thing or hitting them but they seem to have had bullet proof vests on. Then at the end of the season I smoked a goose and everything clicked and I have dropped everything I shot at even got a double with one shot and one handed because my sling was tangled in the pop up blind door. Im anxiously waiting our March goose season.
  20. Maybe 4-5" here in western NY
  21. My sister moved to VA a few months ago and posted on FB about being stranded at home in her apartment. Told her she's been out of WNY not even 6 months and forgot how to drive in the snow and she has a awd "suv"
  22. Even in that storm last year where we got all that snow out where I am in Orleans county we didn't even get a dusting. I remember being all excited to hunt in the snow and we litterly had green grass well 30 minutes west was seriously buried.
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