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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. What's the fishing like in the Cincinnati area? I'm gonna be there on business living out of a hotel on my free time I'm gonna try to fish to help pass the next 6 weeks.
  2. No getting screwed over this time I got everything in writing. Just got off the phone with my boss I leave tomorrow morning it's the only thing he screwed me over on was the time frame.
  3. Well all my constant over time and what seems like impossible work loads has paid off. My gf has been complaining for the last two years that I do all this for the company and get no return on it I've been passed over on promotions, lost wages, lied to, center of attention by haters and written up all while staying late and coming in early when asked to get certain projects out the door. All while getting 100% accuracy and quality ratings and hitting every deadline given. Two weeks ago the owner said I have been doing so well on the hitachi/anseldo Breda cars with doing it 100% alone from the mold work, gel coating, machining, assembly, and shipping something that took 4 guys in the past 700hrs to complete and got stuff rejected constantly, I now do alone in under 200 hours and getting faster with each set with no rejects. We get paid to do it in 225 hours so for the first time in history of the project(4years) we are making money on it. Anyways he said I deserve the pay of 4 guys for doing 4 guys worth of work at the rate I do with the quality I do. Which I knew he was blowing smoke because he's not going to pay me that much. Well then we took on another project that is crazy big and we're having issues meeting the requirements till I stepped in and added it to my already busy work load. With this project we need to train guys to go and install the parts... That's where things got interesting. The crew will travel making more money and benefits but at the cost of being away from home for 10 days to 6 weeks. Everyone jumped wanting it but it was quickly cut down with drug testing and just common sense on managements part. Pretty much I was the last man standing. My my attention to detail, my quality of work, my work ethic just landed me a supervisor position the head guy the only guy the go to guy for this large multimillion dollar contract. It was short notice but I walked in today at 6am and was grabbed by the GM and asked if I object to going to Cincinnati for 4-6 weeks to install the new waterpark going in at Coney Island. Great pay, rental car, hotel and food paid for. Only downside is being away that long without the chance to come home till done since its 6 day work week 10-12hr days. The girl friend is a little upset the kids are used to it from me being in the guard. I leave tomorrow to make some serious money pay off some debt and get my savings built maybe a toy or two for myself also. So if anyone is from the area im going to be bored when not working and want to fish and explore the area. I'll be there tomorrow till the park is complete.
  4. My boys fish and have tagged along hunting but in NY it's illegal for them to shoot or carry a gun to participate till 12yo. I hate it personally think it's almost discouraging
  5. That's awesome!! I wish New York would allow youth to hunt that young but they can't till 12 and then the youth hunting starts.
  6. All decent movies besides hurt locker. i still say go fishing but I probably will be inside in the cold this weekend also so I don't have much room to talk.
  7. Make sure it's legal first it's a big no no here in NY even if your not hunting you can't feed wild life but some how putting road kill deer out and sitting waiting for coyotes is legal.
  8. Enlist in the army you can eat them blow stuff up and get paid......... i always dug for the buffalo chicken, sausage and gravy, boneless pork rib imitation. Best three there is. If you can find one and want to really challenge yourself get a veggie omelette one and actually eat it bet ya can't lol.
  9. I used to do it now all my trucks just sit and collect dust. I been thinking bout selling them since I haven't fired them up in about 4 years and nitro is EXPENSIVE!!! I always stuck with traxxis trucks I'v got the Revo 3.3(two of them) ones decked out nothing stock on it the other is mostly stock besides power upgrades. 3.3 tmaxx and a 2.5 rustler. They are fun and sound like weed whacker on roids but a pita to tune and expensive to feed and fix.
  10. Well then if that's the case shoot me a pm sometime I'll give you a few spots in the area you can put I and hammer some fish. The addressfor the main launch is below but if you have a canoe it's a haul to the far end where they like to spawn 1762 Clark Mills Rd Waterport, NY 14571
  11. Great fishing in my opinion, it's 125acres average 30fow deepest is 60fow https://www.trails.com/tcatalog_trail.aspx?trailid=XFA057-085 I catch mostly small mouth when I fish it but if you run to either end where it gets shallow there are some nice largemouth to be caught. I've done a few tournaments on the lake and seen 30lb bags come in. DEC also started stocking walleye last year I believe also. There are also pike....like a lot....they suck
  12. Lake Alice is in the "town" of waterport it's also called waterport pond on some map apps. There were some boats out there today when I drove by but the dock at the launch hasn't been put out yet.
  13. Anthony my trooper buddy sent me a pic the other day at the dam of 30 steel head all schooled together just past the cable at the dam. I haven't been yet this year to the dam or Alice but might fish it today once the women gets up and out of bed to take over watching the kids. I had a few hits at johnsons creek the other day and missed em all. I did get a 10" pickerel at the Holley falls last week on a wooly bugger fly.
  14. Expected to see they hired you a blonde secretary but nope.... Nice view get a pair of good binos lol
  15. I've been out a few times only luck has been a 10" pickerel. My hunting buddy has been fishing the canal with some luck going after carp and has seen some bass I'm planning on joining him this week for the bass but life keeps happening and I don't get out
  16. I made it out in the kayak today on johnsons creek. Didn't have even a hit but I was mostly just enjoying the scenery of ducks, deer, geese usual wildlife I've been trying to kill over the winter. Wind wanted to send me to Canada my arms feel like jello from the paddle back. Lake Alice is now wide open also I went but today to fish oak orchard but all my split shots where at home so I left.
  17. Yeah I scoped lake Alice today on my way home from work a few holes open near the dam and otter creek it should be open the rest the way by the weekend. I'm gonna try to get the kayak out Wednesday afterwork gonna try johnsons creek at the mouth of the lake. Probably hook into some steel and hopefully a bass if lucky but usually don't get into bass till closer to April
  18. I'm gonna try lake Alice maybe Wednesday after work gonna swing by today or tomorrow to see how the ice is. If not Alice then probably the oak or johnsons creek off rt 18 in kuckville is a great spot for early small mouth and trout
  19. Being a infantrymen for 7.5 years I spent lots of time behind the M4/AR platform and some time infront of the AK platform as well as behind it. Both have their pros and cons. Personally I like the AR platform it's more consistently accurate and basic maintenance keeps them reliable with little effort. How ever a huge weakness for the AR/m4 plat form is skittles wrappers....... Long story but true story I'll give the short version that guy had skittles from MRE stuffed empty wrapper in mag pouch which then found its way into the star chamber with s round. AK will always work but you also run the risk of old ancient crappy corrosive ammo taking away the reliability of the AK. AK has the scary factor to it when it goes off you know exactly what is making that sound. I feel the range is pretty limited. Many say it is with the M4/ar also but I personally consistently can take my beat up M4 with an acog and hit a e type silhouette at 800m. Either one is good in a SHTF ww3 situation. Ammo is plentiful no mater what country you are in for the most part.
  20. Check this page on Wednesday he usually updates it but it covers both lakes well all three counting Ontario and all the tributaries in Orleans county. It's fairly accurate but more geared towards the salmon and trout guys but he touches on bass in glenwood and Alice once season stars coming around and he gets reports. http://www.orleanshub.com/fishing_hotline.html
  21. I took the kids last year to the show I might go again this year because my buddy is working a booth there and can get me in for free. I wasn't impressed last year but then again I didn't get to look around much chasing kids most the time listening to them whine to fish for the trout in that little set up they had. But if a drive for me about hour 20 to get there
  22. The ramp does end abruptly J Francho has been there a few times he might be able to explain better. I kayak so the ramp don't matter to me much and I have some private spots to launch up stream more by the mouth because I hunt " the flats" which if you head up from the launch to the second bridge all the land on the south side till you hit the next section of the oak is all called "the flats" it's all private land that I deer and coyote hunt but there's a boat launch on the guys land also I can use. Saves me from paddling a few miles up the lake to get to some of the prime spawning areas. That at lake also does yes get very very busy and crowded come sometime I usually like to hit it during the week to weed out some of the crazy. But for the most part people tend to stay between the two bridges so once you go past kenyonville bridge it's just fisherman. lots of docks and Lilly pads on the lake but also some DEEP rock cliffs and channels along the north side of the lake south side is all docks and some nice coves. And now I'm depressed and want to go fishing dang it
  23. I have a handful of memes about vaping none BR appropriate.... that said I agree with sass they have got to be the most retarded looking things seeing people walk around with. In in many states they are treated the same as cigarettes as you have to go out side, can't use it in the car with kids, ect. Not to mention lots of reports of them blowing up in people's faces. I dont smoke nor do I drink I quit smoking 8 years ago so I don't see myself ever vaping.
  24. Lake Alice is my baby anytime you guys wanna try it give me a shout I usually kayak it though it's big and a longggggg paddle some days it's worth it. I also fish from the bank from time to time. The dam below Alice on the oak had fresh steel and a few Browns right now also
  25. Yeah forgot to mention I have Amazon prime to so I really have no need for cable. I'm cutting it this week. Free up money for new fishing gear.
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