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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. The next job I'll have the authority. This go around it wasn't even planned to have me here in charge on my own but they figured I could handle it and the other two had business to attend in Virginia and Maryland as well as back in New York so they figured give me the chance to run it while they were out I just couldn't fire the temp like I wanted to but I reported his work to the agency and to the next guy up from me. They are keeping him onboard till the agency can get some one else.
  2. I'm not the boss though I was just stand in while the other bosses were out the one is on his way here now with my fishing gear woohoo. I was gonna send the habitual cell phone guy home but was instructed not to until a replacement was lined up. It will be interesting tomorrow with Adam back and running the show again. This is whole project is a learning experience for me. The plan is to have the fiberglass company make the parts for these parks the slides, I beam covers, stairs, covers for the water blasters basically anything that's fiberglass we are now making. So me I'm here learning how to do the installs and see how it all goes together so I can go back and tweak things and make the installs go smoother. I've already tweaked and modified a bunch and got us more contracts for parts since being here though. The he out look of the whole thing is to give me the knowledge and experience to make the parts the travel to install them with a crew composed of temps. The company that designs and sells these parks is expanding rapidly and so is the glass company I work for. They thought is to farm out a install or two a year to my company and send me on an install. And as it stands right now I'm the ONLY one from my company who can do this so the reward for me doing all in doing is high but at the same time so is the failure if I fail which I won't I can't I'm not going to allow it. I'm not sure the exact numbers I heard 10% for the parks they contract to us with the next to being 9million and 13 million so 10% that's a nice bonus for my company on top of the weekly contract we have of supplying them with parts like we have already been doing. So I'm learning im dealing with stress and managing the site and giving my input they have made some changes already from my suggestions just on how things are constructed on the job to make it easier, efficient and cosmetically better. I don't have total control yet all I could do over the last 4 days was deal with it as it came but didn't have the authority to can anyone. As far as the co worker and the drug thing he's fired as soon as we return home unless as I quote my GM " you better bleep be a bleep rockstar on the bleep job and never leave claytons hip the whole bleep time your there then maybe you can earn my trust back and keep your job be like Clayton bleep like Clayton I want you so dog tired at the end of the day you get back and pass out with no will to do any drugs kill it on the job so Clayton can report back that your a rockstar" i assured him I would make it happen so we will see I got faith in him and me to keep him on the right path.
  3. Isn't Kuwait fun! Haha cute pups I spent 10 months at KNB bouncing from there to all over when I was deployed but KNB was "home"
  4. It's definitely stressful to an extent and I handle stress pretty well kinda why I was given the responsibility on the first place just wasn't expecting THIS much. I made the comment to my GM that I should get baby sitter pay he agreed he plays his baby sitter 5/hr to watch his kids after school so he will cut my pay to that... Joking obviously. I'm pretty sure my co worker has his head on straight now he worked hard today and went and got a fishing pole so he can go fishing with me when my stuff gets here today. Since he is supposed to be attached to my hip and he likes fishing and I'm obsessed with it he's gonna spend his free time fishing with me now.
  5. In in the same boat except not retiring I'm paying off credit cards and debts acquired in my divorce. Can't wait till I'm done with them
  6. Back on track we are going to the job site today to fix some of the temps screw ups before the big boss man comes back tomorrow and I don't have to deal with the temp agency directly anymore. Gotta go fix all the cut it at 57 5/8ths cuts because they can't read a tape and I have gaps in spots that are highly noticeable. That and they can't cut the line straight either so one side is like a 1/4" longer then the other. Kept the temps home and just me and the co worker are going we had a nice long chat last night he broke down crying. He also got the stuff from the one temp I mentioned that was a good worker.
  7. In regards to my co worker OD we basically are keeping it hush hush because of the job it happens to be the weekend the owner of the company we are here for trying to get a deal with is out of town. It doesn't look good when they call our company requesting them to send two responsible guys and they get a druggy and me who doesn't drink or smoke and I'm on the job site 45min early every single day and the last one off it usually. Like in my other post I've been busting I disagree lately in every aspect of my life trying to make changes and it's all coming together paying off. The he guy realizes he messed up he just keeps saying he almost died. Thought he was getting heroin and instead got fetynal and something else mixed with it but it wasn't heroin. He said he did a line at the stop light and then pulled into the gas station where he passed out and went into a seizure over the steering wheel. I let him have it when we got out of the hospital about how much his niece looks up to him and his sister always caring for him. He's 33 no kids no gf with a little bit of a wild side down here making 27/hr he goes out drinking almost every night but I'm usually with him to keep it to a minimum I eat he drinks and eats and we split so we can be to work early. Today we got off work and he said he needed to go get some stuff while I was washing up I gave him the keys and thought nothing of it. Now how ever he is grounded from the car and can't leave the hotel with out me. Except we made a deal he is to stop drinking and get a gym membership down the road it's his only time to go out without me even though I want to go to the gym.
  8. Yup it didn't happen on this job site but back home in the shop the guy who started same day as me I remember measuring a door way for a custom generator hut we were building " it's 38 and three lines from the end you know the bigger of the lines not the little ones" and then it was kept changing every time. I purposely buy the tapes that don't have the easy read on them.....it makes sure no one else uses it hahaha
  9. Oh it just got better. Except this isn't the temp this is the other guy from my company that they sent with me even though they were warned to send anyone but him with me and I protested to come alone. This guy has a drinking and drug habit so it makes perfect sense to give him a raise of 5/hr and send him to a city right..... Well I just got a phone call well in my hotel room that I needed to come to the lobby it was extremely important. soon as I get to the bottom of the steps I see the sheriff uniform.. First thoughts was my guy got a dwi on a Saturday afternoon heck still might be the out come in waiting to see still. Get greeted by the cop and told my co worked over dosed on heroin and is in the back of an ambulance being rushed to the hospital. Now I get to play baby sitter woohoo
  10. Ever since being on this project I'm starting to see a whole different side of things. I've always been the employee and still am but never had the responsibility of hiring people that much or dealing with time cards. Ive been in charge of the project for only 3 days now acting as the foreman and having to deal with this temp agency directly and signing time cards and what not. This temp agency is garbage. Now I know most people who are at temp places they are there for a reason but this place can't give us one good employee. Actually I take that back they gave us one and he's pretty good gotta show him how to do stuff but tell him once he's got it and he's off to the races. These other ones though complete garbage, can't lift anything heavy, can't read a tape, can't read period!, on the phone constantly, disappear, late, leave early.... I had had a guy sent to me the first day I took over they talked him up like he was the savior for all the bad eggs they sent us before a carpenter with all his own tools. WRONG!!!!! This guy can't read, can't read a tape measure, yeah has all his own dewalt power tools but he don't know how to use any of them. Then he was 2 hours late the second day gave me some excuse about his kids getting on the bus so I cut him some slack kids I get it I have kids. Then he uses kids as an excuse to leave early but now he has a son and not a daughter he mentioned in the before excuse. And he showed me a picture of his ONLY child a daughter but then left early because his son was at the baby sitters and his sitter was sick. Then this guy is on the phone all the time I timed him yesterday a few times he was on the phone over by his truck for 1 hr and 17 minutes all together yesterday. Not to mention texting while on the job itself. I made some comments to him about his phone use and he fired back that I'm on mine to and I broke it down for him that I'm the new foreman I'm constantly on the phone with the concrete foreman, trucks that are delivering our parts and supplies, the owner of the park, the owner of the company that hired my company, his temp agency I'm on my phone working taking care of things for the job not talking to my gf. He apologized and went back to work...that is till his phone rang again. Well today when I signed his time card there is a "comments" section well I left a comment alright I listed all the times and duration of the phone calls he wandered off the job site for and suggested they deduct said hours from his pay. He didn't even notice I wrote it till he got to his truck by the looks of his reaction when he looked down at the paper just before getting in to leave. Wonder if he will show up Monday since I was told to keep him till a replacement comes next week for him some time. Sorry bit bit of a rant but holy crap I now have a new appreciation for my boss and all the excuses and crap he has to put up with from employees not showing up and being on their phones. It's unbelievable and now I know why that guy is at a temp agency and doesn't have a steady job.
  11. Happy birthday fellow Clayton
  12. I seen a hilarious meme about hi point guns but it would definitely get me banned
  13. I'm working on this beast right now plumbing and wiring it all in to the water blasters, depth charges and other cool fun stuff for kids to soak each other with.
  14. Yeah that also a lot is finally coming together. No i no I haven't made it to elk horn yet my fishing gear will be here Sunday one of the guys who left today is gonna pick up my gear and bring it back with him Sunday
  15. Gotta do it. Like I told my gf you want a successful man your gonna have a busy man. I've gone from just a fiberglass guy who came to learn something new to several job offers doing it full time, as of today I got left in charge of the whole operation which started a little rough with a temp no call no shows and the two Texans that supposed to know how it goes a little better then me were 3 hours late I got it all reigned in now. Making great time which has me a little worried that things are going to good if you know what I mean. Talks of me possibly doing a giant project next year in ocean city or another in Virginia some where. The owner said he wants me a phone call away to be able to go lead some bigger projects. Ill get some progress pics up later it's coming along nice.
  16. Awesome thanks, I'm haven my gf mail my fly rod and one of my casting set ups this week. Stopped at BPS down here and got some leads on some other spots also. Funny you mention speed traps cuz y'all fly down here I take 275 back and forth to work and the hotel I'll do 80mph and people fly by me like I'm standing still.
  17. Where about is this? I'm in Ohio for 6 weeks on business and been wanting to fish I'm down in blue ash. I just got permission to fish the private lake at the job site that the county record bass was caught out of.
  18. Yeah we passed kings island on the way in. This place does seem a little fairish so to speak. It's mostly waterpark with a big concert hall off on the side. Either way I'm gettin a big pay raise for the training and talking about sending me to Brazil to do a park next year and one in Puerto Rico. Not holding my breath on the out of country or the PR parks but I'm supposed to travel a few times a year to over see parks after I build them in the shop.
  19. I'm here for 6 weeks working at Coney Island in Cincinnati staying in blue ash. We work 6 days a week then have Sunday's off so I'm gonna be trying to get out on my days off maybe after work on some days also depending how beat I am.
  20. Elk horn creek you say that I might have to go do next weekend. We're building at Coney Island so the casino is right next door and the track. Then I heard there is another one farther down the road. I'm not a gambler though.
  21. I had posted in the regional sub forum and got some spots to fish but what else is there to do around here anyone from the area?
  22. Finally a day off after killing it at the job site. The whole thing is completely new to me but I've caught on quick. The owner and I have been talking and bouncing ideas off eachother. We ran into a hiccup yesterday and he couldn't figure it out for the the life of him he stood there looking trying to figure out why and how to fix it, I took a look had an idea showed him and bam fixed he was impressed. After that I got pulled off doing some of the manual labor and went and looked and prints and the lay out of everything and came up with a easier fool proof system different from what he's been using for the last 16 years. Heres what were building its all fiberglass no steel beams nothing that's all fiberglass. Once we get the structure up all the slides and covers all that is what I make back home in the shop and now I'm putting it all together.
  23. First day down, the owner of the company we are working for loves me and the guy I brought. We caught on super quick and all our cuts and measurements were spot on. I got extremely sun burnt but it's all good. Working right on the river in Cincinnati. Thinking bout fishing the whole time. Now to go have a few brews with the owner and his foreman.
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