Ever since being on this project I'm starting to see a whole different side of things. I've always been the employee and still am but never had the responsibility of hiring people that much or dealing with time cards.
Ive been in charge of the project for only 3 days now acting as the foreman and having to deal with this temp agency directly and signing time cards and what not. This temp agency is garbage. Now I know most people who are at temp places they are there for a reason but this place can't give us one good employee. Actually I take that back they gave us one and he's pretty good gotta show him how to do stuff but tell him once he's got it and he's off to the races. These other ones though complete garbage, can't lift anything heavy, can't read a tape, can't read period!, on the phone constantly, disappear, late, leave early....
I had had a guy sent to me the first day I took over they talked him up like he was the savior for all the bad eggs they sent us before a carpenter with all his own tools. WRONG!!!!! This guy can't read, can't read a tape measure, yeah has all his own dewalt power tools but he don't know how to use any of them. Then he was 2 hours late the second day gave me some excuse about his kids getting on the bus so I cut him some slack kids I get it I have kids. Then he uses kids as an excuse to leave early but now he has a son and not a daughter he mentioned in the before excuse. And he showed me a picture of his ONLY child a daughter but then left early because his son was at the baby sitters and his sitter was sick.
Then this guy is on the phone all the time I timed him yesterday a few times he was on the phone over by his truck for 1 hr and 17 minutes all together yesterday. Not to mention texting while on the job itself. I made some comments to him about his phone use and he fired back that I'm on mine to and I broke it down for him that I'm the new foreman I'm constantly on the phone with the concrete foreman, trucks that are delivering our parts and supplies, the owner of the park, the owner of the company that hired my company, his temp agency I'm on my phone working taking care of things for the job not talking to my gf. He apologized and went back to work...that is till his phone rang again.
Well today when I signed his time card there is a "comments" section well I left a comment alright I listed all the times and duration of the phone calls he wandered off the job site for and suggested they deduct said hours from his pay. He didn't even notice I wrote it till he got to his truck by the looks of his reaction when he looked down at the paper just before getting in to leave. Wonder if he will show up Monday since I was told to keep him till a replacement comes next week for him some time.
Sorry bit bit of a rant but holy crap I now have a new appreciation for my boss and all the excuses and crap he has to put up with from employees not showing up and being on their phones. It's unbelievable and now I know why that guy is at a temp agency and doesn't have a steady job.