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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. Don't know about by the school. If you come out Thursday shoot me a message I might be able to meet up with ya after work. Parking wise for the quarry I pull down the little dirt "ramp" on the left in the pic. I never fish the one on the south side of the road other then threw the ice. That's ones the big swimming spot always packed with underage drinkers jumping off the cliff. I stick to the big one on the north side and the spill way just north of that one
  2. Lyndonville above the falls is pike and bass go threw the weeds and go into the channel up past the school flipping all the timber. Below the falls is smallie central go behind the fire hall and walk the trail to the north or kayak it but you will scratch what ever you float in. Hulberton quarries are on canal rd between fancher rd and hulberton. The one closest to fancher is private but the big one on the north side is where I usually go and them two big large mouth came from its also less then a quarter mile from my house.
  3. I've been having a lot of luck a little east of buffalo tons of nice smallies and some nice large mouth. All fish are coming from johnsons creek in Lyndonville and the hulberton quarry's
  4. I fish a small creek few times a week for smallies and I park upstream put my kayak in and float down hammering them all the way down then turn around and hammer them all the way back to my truck. I use weightless flukes, small poppers, shakey heads, jigs, mans minus 1 cranks. The creek o fish is only 3' at most in some holes the rest is less then a foot. Smallies are scattered all over and in good numbers and size.
  5. Any one with any info on this lake? I've got a kayak tournament there next Saturday
  6. With the wildy boats and others besides hobies you just pedal backwards and your going in reverse no reaching down to pull a lever that spins the fins on the hobies backwards. Also if I'm not mistaken hobies need 18" of water to work. With the helix pedal drive in our boats they slide up and out the way so there is no draft or very little depending on how far up and out you move the drive. The he one I see making a big wave will be the pescador pilot at only $1800 for a stable pedal driven kayak it's gonna be impossible to beat on a budget. As far as the ATAK 120 I will have one in my fleet as soon as it's available. Then I'll sell the 140 and put that towards a radar 135 with the pedals for tournament and big water fishing.
  7. Radar Pricing: -We have a limited edition that comes with both Helix MD & PD and accessories for $4899. -Base level Radar 115 is $1349 -Base level Radar 135 is $1499 -Pedal Drive is $1100 -Motor Drive is $1999 http://www.wildernesssystems.com/us/experience/news/article/flex-pod-os-console-compatibilities
  8. I'd get one in shark just to mess with people in the lake
  9. Word is and don't hold me to it but rumor on the pro page floating around is $1800 for the perception pilot and $2600 for the radar with ruder and pedal drive. $1700 for the ATAK 120. Again this isn't solid but it's been the most consistent "rumor" even to us Prostaff guys. Im contemplating selling my ATAK 140 for the radar 135 and a ATAK 120 for the creeks and rivers I hit.
  10. Pedal drive on a budget!
  11. Well word got out before icast Wednesday so I thought I'd share with you guys here.
  12. Headed to either conesus our boughton tomorrow in the kayak. Either one I just need some solid fish for the KBF tournament.
  13. I've been getting a number that calls be 3-4 times a day now never used to leave a message but now they do. Can't understand the robot but she butchers my name then goes on to say I've been awarded $7000 in a settlement. Wish this one wasn't a scam but I'm sure it is.
  14. It's not advice it's just what I heard they were called. I took my ex wife on my canoe once it was a disaster lol
  15. You know what they call tandem kayaks?......divorce makers. Just saying lol. Being a a wildy rep I am gonna suggest their boats but one I don't think anyone has mentioned is a commander 140. Not a tandem kayak but it's a hybrid hat you could easily put her in and handle it solo. Then like mentioned is the ATAK with the helix drive. Kayak ways 86lbs helix motor and battery is 15lbs so total weight before adding gear is 101lbs which is lighter then any other kayak with a similar set up. It's also a lot of boat to transport and on a Honda Civic is gonna be crazy looking as is any of the above kayaks.
  16. I got a similar call two months ago NYC number guy with a heavy Middle East accent saying he needed my bank info to settle a debt to the IRS
  17. You got mendon ponds, cranberry long and buck ponds,Irondiqoit bay, braddocks bay and if you already ventured to Batavia your not that far from my neck of the woods and you can hit the oak, johnsons, or lake Alice.
  18. Could almost buy two for 1200 they were on sale at paddle fest for $640
  19. Congrats, I've always been a gun owner but since my daughter was born last September there's been a influx of more purchases for the sole purpose of scathing away would be boyfriends lol.
  20. I wanna get out on silver in the next coming weeks in the kayak see if I can't keep up with some these guys in the month long tournaments putting up 18-20" fish and I'm in a 16-17" fish slump I can't seem to break out of.
  21. Strongly leaning towards getting the dragonfly 4 with navionics for my kayak. Anyone have any experience with it? I've heard some say they have issues but that's all been from guys who don't have the unit everyone who has it seems to love it and those with issues said their customer service was top notch.
  22. I had worse about two months ago soon as I got to Cincinnati for a job. Not a cloud in the sky 90* out and k was standing on a concrete pad cutting FRP(fiberglass) I beams and C channel with nothing to blow off the dust. The glass like intensified the sun or something my arms were blistered over every square inch. When end fishing I either wear UA fishing shirts like mentioned above or my Columbia PFG shirts. They look hot but are actually cool. I also wear a buff over my face from salt armour.
  23. I've got a old school milk crate also I suppose I'll go take a pic of it in a little bit. I'm in the process of designing one now after work I've got one side of it done the rest have all been trial and error for thickness and durability. Making one out of Kevlar with tinted resin to make it look like carbon fiber. Best part is it's free other then my time after work.
  24. I took the commander out at paddle fest back in May I'm a little undecided on it. I like it and don't like it at the same time. I have been been taking my ATAK down some super shallow creeks this week without the seat attached basically a paddleboard. I'm gonna add the anchor trolley kit and a stake out pole so I can leave my paddle behind and it will be just about perfect for the trips. Only down side is the ATAKs size in the little creeks if I get turned broad side it's to long to really turn well with out doing a 3 point turn or getting out and man handling it around.
  25. Look into a perception pescador 120pro can be had fairly cheap and they are a great little boat. I'm on the wildy prostaff and perception is one of the sister companies. At a demo day we sold out of them on the first day I put a few bigger guys out on one they all loved it were able to stand up even. I messed around with a coosa over the weekend as well very slick boat as well but I think they may be a bit out of the price range I'm not sure though. Another option is the ride 115 can be picked up used fairly cheap also.
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