Well I thought things were starting to look up at work but turns out it was a bunch of lies. As some of you might remember I was given a huge responsibility back in April to go build a water park out of state for work.
I I was told I would be paid X amount of money get X benefits and the list goes on and on. Well not one of them things ever happened. The whole time I was down there I was told my pay rate would increase and it never did. I sent a long polite email before the job concluded that if I wasn't given the back pay from the rate I promised or some sort of promotion or bonus I would be looking else where for employment.
Well ive been back home for nearly two months and nothing has happened. I have had several meeting with the GM and supervisors quarterly reviews and just meetings about the work on Ohio. Been told numerous times I have the most potential of anyone in the shop and the best quality work hands down. Was told I would get a $1.50 raise back on June 1st which I still haven't received.
So that brings me back to the email I sent. I seen a ad for a fiberglass fabricator on a local news website and sent them a resume. Had a email back the next morning wanting me to come in for a interview.
Walked into the interview and was hired on the spot simply from my resume and the fact I'm coming from my current place of employment. The new shop is booming and they can't get people with the skills or that can stand the smell. Toured their shop talked numbers and benefits and while the shop I'm at now pays better by a lot the new place really really wants me to work for them.
Our hourly rate was a bit off as the rate I'm at now well what I should be getting with the $1.50 raise I have yet to get anyways is only $.50 lower then their highest paid guy. They said though they will be able to match it just to get me there and after a few months give me the rate I requested once they get a feel for what I can do.
It's a half hour farther so an hour each way which so far has been the only down side I have found. They are willing to match my pay, start me with benefits so I don't have to wait a year, the hours are better it's 6-430 Monday - Thursday as opposed to 630-3 Monday-Friday and occasionally Saturday. The new place is also a union shop which I'm iffy about but it gives me the protection that I don't have and we desperately need at the current shop.
I am leaning heavily on taking the new job simply for the stress relief and better work environment. I have a meeting with the supervisor, owner, general manager, accounting guy and union rep Monday. From the phone call I had today the supervisor and the owner are willing to do what ever it takes to get me there it's the accounting guy who's being the tightwad.
Should be intresting to see how it all shakes out. My current GM and supervisor are aware and well one doesn't want to see me go the other said he's not gonna stop me from bettering myself. Then asked why I wanted to leave and what he had to do to get me to stay. I told him I'm sick of being lied to and treated like I don't matter but giving me all the work load alone of all our major product lines and not getting appreciated.
I also added that he told me I would get commission of any sales from me going to Ohio. Then reminded him about bragging that because of me and my late nights in dinner meetings with the owner of the waterpark company we just got a $589,000 order for water slides solely from my hard work and talking business and manufacturing with the owner while I was there. I told him I'll settle for .5% which isn't much considering how much the sale is.
ill know next week what I'm doing and if my current employer will do anything to keep me considering the two products I work on ships and brings in $40,000 in revinue a week from me alone and I'm the ONLY one with the knowledge or skills to do the two jobs because they have ignored my numerous requests for a helper.