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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. Yeah I was thinking about that before but I still think I'm gonna go with the O/U. Now I'm trying to decided on a 12 or 20. I was hammering ducks yesterday with the 20 I have had such bad luck or bad shooting with the 12 this year I switched to the 20 yesterday and I was dropping everything. Got my first drake white wing scoter and drake golden eye yesterday with the 20.
  2. My plan was to shoot as many clays and farm pigeons in the off season with it like I would hunt ducks so I don't need that 3rd shot. I know o said I don't plan on shooting trap but I will shoot some for hunting practice I want a hunting gun not a fancy trap gun. I suck at shooting ducks or anything moving with a shot gun I've been a rifle guy for so long last year was the first time I fired bird shot in 18 years.
  3. Not looking for a trap gun just a duck gun. Got bit by the duck hunting bug pretty bad and don't want a semi and have a pump I've been using. Really want the over under for being able to have two chokes one for decoying birds and one for farther shots or pass shooting.
  4. Hate that sound but that's because I hunt fox a few nights a week and that sound usually means I'm busted. Love watching fox though beautiful animals sneaky little things.
  5. clayton86

    Over under

    Now that I'm hooked on some duck hunting and been chasing rabbits while waiting for duck to open again I think I'm due for a over and under 12 gauge and maybe a 20 also. Nothing to break the bank really I mean it is a hunting gun after all for something that's done in some the worst conditions and thickest of brush. Been looking at the stoeger condor line leaning towards either just a field model with 28" barrel or the long foweler model with the 30" or the tristar not sure the model just seen it at Walmart for 337 in 12ga and did some research they seem to be good reviews on all of them and are all twice what i seen it priced for.
  6. I had a 99 ranger danger and loved that thing swapped out the crappy vacuum locking hubs with manual ones and beat the crap out of that thing. Wish I still had it honestly but I blew her up a few winters ago.
  7. Got a really mixed bag today. We went yesterday for day time predator calling and seen a bunch of rabbit tracks and pheasants out in some fields so we went back today for pheasant. Walked for for ever looking for pheasant didn't see any and I caught glimpse of some thing slinking along the hedgerow kicked it out and it was a mink so let it get away a little bit so not to ruin it and got it with the 20ga. Then driving we we see a rabbit acting all crazy in a field by some brush so we got out and headed towards it shot it and then seen the weasel run at it and grab it by the leg so got him also with the shot gun. Then went back to licking brush piles for rabbits kicked up the bigger rabbit in the pic. First ever mink or weasel we actually tried a little for them yesterday after discovering we can shoot them and don't have to trap em.
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  8. I had my boys first and then adopted my one daughter which is a long story but then my girl friend and I found out we were having a baby and turned out to be a girl. while my boys have a special place because they are my boys man my daughter really has me wrapped around her finger being the daddies girl she is. nothing beats the big hug I get from her when I walk in the door from work or being out fishing and hunting. She's also a little mini me also
  9. Here in NY we get 1 buck tag for regular season 2 either sex for bow/muzzle loader if you buy each license otherwise it's just 1 either sex of you go just bow or just muzzle. Then we get up to 4 doe tags per wmu some will give you all 4 and some you get none. Where I live I usually can get 4 this year was the first time in my 18 years of hunting I've ever seen my county run out of doe tags. this year I only went deer hunting twice as I have lost my passion for it I spent maybe 4 hours in the woods for deer this year. Got my buck opening day of gun and then a button buck on thanksgiving pushing but so did 4 other guys shoot the same deer. That was it for my deer season the last day is today the 17th last day of muzzle loader which wraps up our deer season. I personally like like to get at least 2 normally but like I said I've lost my passion for it I've swapped my venison space in the freezer with ducks and some coyote hides.
  10. Don't really watch any anymore but growing up I remember always watching them with my dad on my weekends with him. Shade tree mechanics is the only one I really remember though. I do remember cast members splitting and getting own shows though. Then the one where the guy always built trucks and had a guitar to go with the truck usually.
  11. I've been doing some duck hunting out of the kayak the last few weeks in some frigid temps I've been wearing some 5mm neoprene waders and my galforce hunting jacket that's "waterproof" it's been working well. My hands have gotten cold that's about it but my hands are always cold. I was out on Lake Ontario in 15-25mph winds with 3-4' waves and stayed dry other then my hands from picking up downed birds in the water.
  12. Man these guys are fun. Pulled up to the lake and seen hundreds of not thousands of buffleheads out in the middle and flying all over. We motored out to the middle set up and didn't see a single duck within a few hundred yards. We kept seeing them going into a cove so we picked up and moved and it was non stop shooting we went threw a box and a half each just about managed to recover 9 we lost 2 that dove and we never seen come back up. Adding another expensive hobby to the list of others I have. I'm gonna get munchies drake mounted I was gonna do my hen also but I think I'm just gonna do the drake for now considering I have two other birds I want mounted as well at $275 a pop.
  13. Went out Sunday for some diver ducks in the kayak and man what a blast I'm definitely hooked. I'm new to duck hunting and have always loved the way an old squaw looks and wanted one for the wall kinda like the pheasant of the ducks. Well Sunday we probably shot at over 100 old squaw together we got 7 lost 4 though that dove before I could put them down and scoop them up. Planing on going again everyday this weekend taking Friday off of work also to go might throw some puddle ducks in he mix if they are in my one buddies spot. And 2 of these are going on my wall a drake and the hen.
  14. Went out with some buddies this morning managed to get a mallard and merganser the only two that wanted to cooperate with us. Used the kayak to retrieve.
  15. I hate both holidays, growing up with my parents fighting over who gets me on the holidays to no me fighting with my ex which one of us gets the kids I have come to just hate all holidays.
  16. I've realized more and more lately I have become my parents more so my mother in a sense. All the things she used to yell at me for doing or things I did that annoyed/aggravated her now all are the things hat annoy and aggravate me and I find my self saying the same things to my kids as she did to me. Like the "stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about" the ever favorite "don't make me pull this car over". Then I used to always leave cupboard doors open in he kitchen and empty milk jugs or juice jugs in the fridge or the bags of just crumbs in the chips for snacks cupboard, used to drive my mom nuts now the kids do it to me and it drives me insane. Anyone else
  17. Honestly can't remember probably around 30 times in commercial airliners and maybe twice that in black hawks and chinooks in my 7.5 years in the army.
  18. I think it definitely is a bunch of people from BATM switched over it seems. I know from hunting with Brent and him having thermal on his gun and a scanner coyotes act totally different when there is no light they just come right out into the open no hanging up on the edge of the field or nothing. We called 15 last year in the two nights for the contest and woulda had more then them 5 we did get if it wasn't for them spookin when I went to my gun light. I took the money from taking 4th and bought that night vision so hopefully we do better this year. I just need a few adapters and my second IR light from kevinD and I'll have this up and running Look like this when I'm done(this is Kevin's set up from BATM)
  19. Just checked the tracking numbers on some stuff I ordered. Everything I need for my DIY night vision scanner will be here tomorrow.
  20. Yup Holley just off fancher, the fox with me holding it up I hit with the bergers he was looking back over his shoulder when I thought he was looking at me facing me but I hit him right between the shoulder blades taking out its spine. Big big hole, I was with monk from the forums and he said toss it in the back on top his traps. Foxes lungs were sitting in he traps when I took him out lol.
  21. Yeah I hear ya. I moved also and am 30-45 minutes from all my spots and I took a new job in Lockport and I live just outside Rochester I leave for work at 330am and don't get home till 6pm I'm usually to tired to go out but I still manage a day or two a week Check out some of the predator forums, predator masters and bark at the moon coyote club are two great ones much like here. Bark at the moon is kinda small and mostly NY based Rick is on there as well but if you check either one and look for "pmack" or "kevinD" they make some of the best lights out there blow any store bought light away. If you want hand calls look up red hat calls which is Rick ^^^^
  22. Skin em out got a freezer full of hides waiting for prices to go up or get tanned for a blanket I want to make. I got my hides from last year all tanned up nice hanging in my closet freaking my girl friend out lol.
  23. Kevin - I use a mossberg MVP in 204 with sightmark photon 4.6 night vision pushing 35gr Berger hand loads Rick - what you waiting for the contest lol
  24. as much as I used to love deer hunting I've lost my passion for it but predators on the other hand I love to call. Only been out a few times this year but started off strong. Switching from lights to night vision has been a big game changer. %5BURL=http://s1106.photobucket.com/user/acgeorge1025/media/29DE2A42-98F4-4C4A-B481-B2F03B411CE2_zpsjprfhbi3.jpg.html%5D%5BIMG%5Dhttp://i1106.photobucket.com/albums/h367/acgeorge1025/29DE2A42-98F4-4C4A-B481-B2F03B411CE2_zpsjprfhbi3.jpg%5B/IMG%5D%5B/URL%5D %5BURL=http://s1106.photobucket.com/user/acgeorge1025/media/D45778CC-474B-4035-AD08-A256EEAB81F2_zpseksalgpj.jpg.html%5D%5BIMG%5Dhttp://i1106.photobucket.com/albums/h367/acgeorge1025/D45778CC-474B-4035-AD08-A256EEAB81F2_zpseksalgpj.jpg%5B/IMG%5D%5B/URL%5D %5BURL=http://s1106.photobucket.com/user/acgeorge1025/media/D4066C18-85E8-442C-80FE-EC6F0AC930DE_zps0tkcsedc.jpg.html%5D%5BIMG%5Dhttp://i1106.photobucket.com/albums/h367/acgeorge1025/D4066C18-85E8-442C-80FE-EC6F0AC930DE_zps0tkcsedc.jpg%5B/IMG%5D%5B/URL%5D %5BURL=http://s1106.photobucket.com/user/acgeorge1025/media/5966ED8D-1EAE-495F-BF0E-9C858D80A5C9_zpsc3d9srep.jpg.html%5D%5BIMG%5Dhttp://i1106.photobucket.com/albums/h367/acgeorge1025/5966ED8D-1EAE-495F-BF0E-9C858D80A5C9_zpsc3d9srep.jpg%5B/IMG%5D%5B/URL%5D And Photobucket isn't working again I see
  25. J francho on multiple occasions even though he can't remember my name apparently lol. And felix77 in a few of the NYKBFC events including our state championship
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