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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. I don't see pedals as that big of an advantage. For the advantage of being hands free to fish while on the move you have more disadvantages of the weeds and structures that's gonna slow you down or break your drive. We have a few pedal guys in the NYKBF series mentioned and they don't always win most the time they don't with the exception of Greg Blanchard but that guy can flat out fish. I however will be moving to pedals this season going from the ATAK to the radar 135. Im still on the fence about motors though NYKBF doesn't allow them but I allow them in WNYKBF since it's only 4 events and there's a few guys with them. I see it as a unfair advantage and at the same time don't mind I feel you still gotta know what your doing wen it comes to preparing and executing on tournament day. maybe as the sport grows and more people have motor drives they can split and have own category in events. However with torquedo sponsoring KBF I don't see motors ever being banned from it.
  2. How's the southern part of the state looking? Specifically Kentucky lake I have the KBF national championship there in 2 weeks. Would be nice to take home that fat payday how's the fishing been down that way.
  3. Everything froze back over sunday lake Alice had 1.5" of ice at the launch, johnsons creek locked up solid I walked across the thing. Oak was mostly froze except at the mouth of Ontario so I fished that with no luck from the kayak. Checked johnsons on way home found a spot under the bridge with open water but not much and managed to pull a steelhead out of it.
  4. You do not have to participate in all events. I'm another tournament director but for the WNY series. State championship will be any 3 live events to qualify so could be one from Felix one from myself and one from the finger lakes series. There is also AOY for each series so you would want to fish as many as possible unless you don't care about AOY @Felix77
  5. 75mph winds today new structure to fish anyone lol
  6. It's so depressing I was out a week ago the creek was 47* went out over the weekend and had 2" of ice on it I wanted to cry
  7. Xcalibur xr50 in red craw is my go to.
  8. Got into them last week on johnsons creek next to oak orchard. Water was 46* a little stain but not much. 6 bass 1 northern 4 trout. Got into them last week on johnsons creek next to oak orchard. Water was 46* a little stain but not much. 6 bass 1 northern 4 trout.
  9. I got my first six smallies of the year last week Friday. 3 on a inline spinner when targeting trout once I realized small mouth were in the creek I tied of a lipless and got a few more and found the trout with the crank. Water was 46* a little stained just up stream from Lake Ontario.
  10. Yes it's quite a few miles up though probably 10 or more miles. There's a few beaver dams and farm bridges across the creek but they have pipes under them for fish to go threw or over when it floods.
  11. Throw a lipless crank or suspending jerk bait SLOW. We had ice last week this week everything is open I hit the creek yesterday and got into them. I fish a small tributary off Lake Ontario this was all within a mile of the mount to the lake and in 46* water temps and raining on and off. Fished 3.5 hours got 6 smallies 4 trout and 1 northern.
  12. I fish a Lake Ontario tributary that's absolutely killer on smallies. Got out yesterday first time this season since last week we had ice. Water last week was 35* in the section I paddled but yesterday it was 46*. I was crushing smallies on lipless cranks. They stay all summer though the bite does slow tremendously and you gotta really look for em but they are there.
  13. Haven't hunted from any of the ones you mentioned but I did a bunch of diver duck hunting from my ATAK 140. It's a blast I might set up my ATAK just for hunting and rig the new radar for fishing.
  14. Yeah it's a hike. Three of us are leaving Tuesday night driving threw the night then pre fishing wed and Thursday. I'm pumped hoping to order my new fish finder and some stuff this week for the trip.
  15. That's the issue I don't want to be compliant lol. Gonna go with free float hand rail, fixed skeleton stock. But I want a pistol grip and detachable mag but that's where it gets dumb in NY
  16. I'll be at the Kbf national championship next month then I do all the Kbf regional challenges. One of our local events is a Kbf trail stop also on Cayuga in april. I'm a tournament director for WNY Kbf hoping to partner with the big series this year
  17. I'll definitely be posting pics. It's going to be a intresting build with being in NY and the ever changing uNYSAFE act.
  18. Just ordered a barrel to do a 20 practical build. My buddy messaged me about a deal x-caliber was having buy one get one 50% off so we both got barrels for a 20 practical build. 10 week lead time I went with a 20" stainless Sbr taper mid gas. Same buddy has a extra Anderson lower he is gonna sell me for $50 and what ever the transfer fee is usually $10-20. Leaves me with plenty of time to get a upper and then all the parts.
  19. I've always wondered but never really dug just know what my crazy grandma has told me and my own deciphering of military uniforms in family photos. I know I have Italian and polish that my moms parents were with a side of Russian in there as well. Dads side of the family German and Scottish or English. I've thought about doing the ancestry DNA thing but don't know if I trust or believe it. And I don't have a "normal" last name where you could be oh yeah he's Irish or polish since I'm not a mick or ski. George is my last name often confused as my first name
  20. The bufflehead we shot this year in the finger lakes were all high higher then mallards then would see the spread do a big loop and come in about 10' off the water and decoy in. Golden eyes were all on Lake Ontario and they flew like 10-20' off the water and would just with out warning cup and drop right in always singles maybe doubles where as the bufflehead we had some good sized flocks come in. Old squaw and Scoters here on Lake Ontario all fly skimming there bellys off the water it seems the little buggers are hard to see coming some times.
  21. Now the buffies I had tasted better then the goldens, but then again I cooked the buffies and my gf cooked the goldens.....
  22. It's the air pro max seat. Wilderness systems ATAK 140 is the kayak an absolute beast
  23. Everyone asks me this and yes I eat them had it for dinner tonight actually. I marinate them in Worcester sauce, minced garlic , onion, hot sauce for 1-24hrs the cook in a pan like a steak since I'm out of propane for the grill. Turns out great I love it my 16mo daughter can't get enough of it. Got some scoters to try soon shot a drake white wing and a hen last week. The drake is going on the wall such a cool looking bird.
  24. Wasn't all me just 4 of the drake golden eye took a newbie with us let him take most the shots
  25. Got my first golden eye Friday the 13th.
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