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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. I'm sure that will all change lol
  2. They do offer a ride 115 with the electronics console but you will need to either find it used or a left over at a dealer. Look for a ride 115x or max. The radar I have found the same as above that it's not short guy friendly. At the demo show I took both the 115 and 135 out for a few hours did some fishing and racing against the native guys. Im 5'8 and had the seat all the way forward maybe .5-.75" left on the track to move up. But like mentioned above you can't reach your crate if stored in the back well area. I moved mine to the area behind the seat and left the well open problem solved but not the way I would like to do it. Its A great boat other wise it's quick maneuverable tracks great stabil it's just not for short people. Another thing to consider is if you fish with several rods out in front of you so you can just grab and throw follow ups or you have a search bait on one and another rigged with a jig or something to pick a area apart you won't be able to do this from a radar. Could cut a bullwinkle in half to hold one rod on top of the pedal drive and hold the other in your hand the rest the time but that would be the max. I was dead set on getting the radar this year but have decided against it. I'll be getting another ATAK this year just in 120 to go with my 140 and then be putting a torqeedo 403 light on it.
  3. First fish on the rod I received from Gary. Caught on a siebert outdoors sniper jig in 5/16oz. The rod is unbelievably comfortable casts a mile and the sensitivity is out of this world. I still want to get a new reel for it I have a gen 1 revo s on it now thinking of trying a kastking or sticking with my revos and getting a premier, alt or mgx. Again thank you @.ghoti. and everyone else who has mad it possible
  4. here's some of the pics and a little something about the build Gary .ghoti. Did for me. Im still a little lost for words and might be a bit rambling but I'll do my best I just did a practice run on this post on FB expressing my gratitude. This took me by total surprise and honestly couldn't have came at a better time as I have been battling some severe depression lately and this really picked me up when I have been feeling down. This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. I don't even know where to begin to thank everyone who has donated and helped with these builds. Gary did a great job on the rod and I almost don't want to use it as it's much nicer then my fleet of veritas rods but it was built to be used and I plan on breaking it in tomorrow on some river small mouth. Im still a little lost for words as there is more bouncing in my head about this than I'm able to put into words on here. Now for some pics I took after work today they don't do it justice. It won't let me do the pic of the spiral wrapped guides
  5. I reveived my rod last night, I was told it showed up Friday however I was away at paddlefest. I didn't even know it was there or in its way I happened to be walking to the bedroom after a long day and seen the tube leaning in he corner and knew it was a rod. I knew .ghoti. Had mentioned and sent me some baits in the past saying they were from sponsors as a thank you to our vets and that another package was on it's way. I was not however expecting this custom rod. I was completely speechless. I took some pictures last night but they don't do it any justice I'll post some tonight after work with a little more detail and some words worked up because I'm still in shock and I thank you everyone.
  6. He was hands down one of my favorites.
  7. I had a guy try telling me they are bedding on conesus but I went the next day seen no beds and water was 47*. The quarry's by my house were in the high 60s and 70 in the shallows and they arnt bedding yet either. I did find a mess of them right to wood cover Sunday before the storm some fat some not so much but non of their tails have been worn yet.
  8. I've got the dragonfly 4 and wish I coulda got a 5 or 7 sometimes it's a little hard to see the little screen.
  9. That's the radar the ATAK is paddle and motor no pedals
  10. Hit honeoye today from 9-130 I boated seriously around 80 bass all 2-4lbs. A lot of the 2-3 lb bass were hitting square bills and the bigger ones all were choking down a siebert outdoors fogy with a kietech trailer. It was a blast to say the least. We then jumped to conesus and in the 4 hours spent there my parter boated one large mouth on a crank and I got 2 smallies and a northern on a lipless.
  11. The ATAK is a great boat I'm a little biased being that I'm on the wildy prostaff though. Here's some of the reasons I think it's a great boat though you might want to consider. Sheds wind like a champ with its low deck height you won't be as effected by the wind. Not that you won't be affected at all but it's much less in an ATAK. Storage space is plentiful between the large area behind the seat and the large bow hood area you can really pack it with a lot. Not to mention the storage hatch in the rear that goes into the hull, when I went to the national championship I stored 7 rods in here for the 14hr trip. However getting rods out while on the water near impossible. The seat is is extremely comfortable last year I spent several 12+ hr days in that seat fishing. Now wildy has also released storage bags that attach to the seat for added storage. Stability you can stand on it jump in it rock it side to side your not going no where unless your clumsy and fall out. You will lose your balance and fall out before she ever flips. Though irs marketed as a shallow water fishing machine it really is good in any water. I've had mine in everything from inches deep creeks to a mile off shore in Lake Ontario diver duck hunting out of it. Its "fast" now everyone's definition of fast is different but for what it is she's pretty quick. I use a adventure tech oracle angler for a paddle and can just leisurely paddle the kayak fully loaded at anywhere between 3.5-4.5mph just paddling and when I really want to crank and try and race and where myself out I can hit over 5 no problem. The flex pod pod also makes mounting your fish finder a breeze and you can just pop it out and put it in your vehicle or house to charge. It is a bit on the heavy side but not terrible. I car top mine on a Buick rainier(same thing as a chevy trail blazer). It's all about technique not brute strength. I put mine up on the back on a pool noodle then walk to the back and pick it up and roll it forward on the noodle and toss another under the back and strap down. just some things to consider I could keep going but I wanna get out on the water this morning. If possible though I do suggest trying one first and several others get some seat and paddle time and make a decision. However I don't think you would be disappointed in the ATAK.
  12. I fished cypress day one and was battling wind constantly. I was getting bit on a small C rig and 3" senko just dragging it over points lots of dinks and one solid fish and lost another but the wind made finesse fishing near impossible. My buddy had a slayer and was having no issues other then back lashes and technical difficulties with FF battery dying and what not but boat position no problem. Even me in an ATAK which is a wind shedding machine I had a hard time staying in position even when anchored out on a ledge I got blown off just not as fast. Next year I will be in a radar with pedals.
  13. That's putting it mildly lol. I got my butt kicked. Struggled to say the least. Coming from fishing small tributaries chasing smallies to a giant lake in high winds I was completely out of my element. I did learn a lot and will be back next year hopefully I'll earn a spot threw challenges and the month longs. I've given up our state events other than the cayuga trail stop. I finished 296/359 and 130th in the hbbb with a 18.5" large mouth I got in the last hour of the last day.
  14. I was there finished horribly lol. Yeah the pedal drive guys have an advantage especially in that wind we experienced. Jed took second however and he's a paddler. I seen hundreds of kayakers while I was out on the lake and only saw two torqueedos the entire time and even in the parking lot only seen and know of 4 that were there. While I think there should maybe be divisions especially with how it's growing I don't think it will happen soon. At the same time I don't mind either pre fishing I was catching fish around the hobie crowd and fighting the wind with them just a bit more. I think my navionics said I paddled 17.3 miles on cypress bay on Wednesday in the 30mph winds we had. Now for the delay in standings yeah that was a bit crazy and I understand it to a extent but I think it was a bit much. They wanted to be absolutely sure of everything which is good but I think some things were still missed actually know they were. My 18.5/.25 held at 18.5 for the hbbb and king of the hill but was deducted to 18.25 for the NC. When zoomed in it does appear to not cross the line which is actually behind the raised line molded into the hawg trough. It just touches it though. I was in 296 and didn't limit either day so that .25 is nothing. Ive probably seen you posting on the KBF page and didn't know it was you.
  15. Good luck on your month long online they can be fun but also get old quick, that being said I do all the ones I can. Didnt win a ton necessarily last year but I placed in all but one and "profited" $1100 last year on them but once you figure in gas and all the soft plastics I went threw that number probably a lot less. Headed to to the national championship today I'll be in Paris Tennessee by this time tomorrow morning fishing.
  16. Like a bow mounted trolling motor or just a hand controlled clamp on one? Dont think its been been done but I would imagine you could do it. Maybe fabricate something for the plate area in the back. Or put a 2x4 across the hull fastened to the rails clamp it onto that.
  17. If you lived near me I would say drop it off and I'll have it up and going in no time. Did I'd you get right off the water when it happend? With glass boats when people crack or put a hole in them and continue to use the boat the water will hydrolic into the layers of fiberglass. What looks like just a 6" crack is really several feet in every direction of delaminated weak glass. We have had guys bring boats into the shop expecting just a quick patch job but then we get into it grinding and cutting till we get to solid glass to start the repair and it's a much bigger repair then they expected. Take it to to a local shop and have it estimated and then decide if you want to spend the cash on the repair or attempt to diy.
  18. I got it figured out now to learn to read and interpret the sonar and down imaging.
  19. I have not because I don't have a computer to do it with. I've tried looking at Lake Ontario I'm pretty sure the Great Lakes have been mapped.
  20. I just got a dragonfly 4pro with the navionics + package. I can't for the life of me get the navionics to work I guess. I can pull up the 3 different maps but when I try to look at contours of the lake it shows absolutely nothing just a very undetailed blue block of a lake/river. Do I need to download and register the card on a computer to get the detailed maps?
  21. Siebert outdoors sniper for me I have several in each weight they are offered in. I like black and blue and bama craw for skirt colors and pair them with rage tail baby craws for a trailer.
  22. I put mine on Siebert outdoors shot caller swim jig. Crushed smallies on it last year in our state championship on the last day driving me from dead last to 3rd.
  23. No problem, if you venture towards Niagara Falls you will be fairly close to the oak and johnsons both are roughly 45 minutes east of the falls. When in the finger lakes check out fuzzy guppies between Seneca and cayuga at Waterloo harbor he's got kayaks you can rent and float the Seneca canal and there's no shortage of smallies there.
  24. Where about in NY? No guides that I know of but if it's WNY I can show you some spots or point you in he right direction. Oak orchard and johnsons are both loaded with smallies. Both creeks are in orleans county
  25. Yeah he is him and I have gone back and forth in a few tournaments trading the lead only to have him edge me out on the last day by half an inch. I think he was the only one to catch a limit both days of our state championship also on Oneida lake.
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