Anyone into playing numbers or what ever? It’s confusing to me listening to people at gas stations when I’m there emptying their safe for work which is always next to the lotto machine.
“#, #, #, # mid day box 50 cents” or “#, #, #, # straight for a dollar 10 drawings” or something along those lines. I hear it 100x a day if not more on my days I’ve got a lot of gas stations or bodegas to service.
I get the regular lotto or but the whole pick 4 numbers or how ever many for mid day or evening straight vs box makes no sense to me.
then you have the people that come in drop $100 on scratch offs step to the side just scratch the bar code to scan for a winner lose it all drop another $50 win back $20 and be all happy. Then there’s the people that win scratch offs constantly somehow. My sister in law is one of them she’s just lucky when it comes to gambling I guess always winning scratch offs and we went to the casino last year just to waste money we started with $50 each not much but just wanted to get out of and do something different. Casino by us is just slots I lost my $50 fast so did my fiancé but her sister ended up going in the smokers section and we texted her wanting to leave out of money and she was up $1500 or something like that.
Not a fan of gambling either lotto, casino, fantasy football or anything like that. Especially now I work hard for my money I don’t risk it on stuff I don’t even fish tournaments anymore used to win them but last few seasons before taking a break I was just donating money.