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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. I started going to the gym again in January. Been going everyday before work. It’s kinda turned me into a gym rat haha. Down 20lbs when I started I was 226 now I’m fluctuating been 204-208. Watching a bunch of you tube videos a lot of the Ryan Humiston stuff. Downloaded his SWOLE app and doing the FML program. Just finished week 4 yesterday starting week 5 tomorrow. It alternates low rep heavyweight weeks with high rep weeks. There’s days in the program I definitely see why it’s called FML haha.
  2. We’re in total path of it or what ever also. Road billboards have been warning of sever traffic Monday to expect extreme delays or something of the sorts. We’re working hall day Monday boss said get all we can done till 11 and then get our arses back to base. It’s a Monday so my route will be down town Rochester driving around with millions in cash. it doesn’t get me going really my daughter wants to watch it from back my truck so I’ll probably do the 4 minutes of watching for her then I going fishing since out of work early
  3. Both my .223/556 aren’t hunting rifles I prefer 62gr varmint grenades out of the .243 around 3800fps
  4. I’ve got buddies saying they are still seeing them antlered. A few have found sheds. A buddy asked me if I seen any bucks while coyote hunting since I see tons of deer while out at night calling coyotes. I said I seen some that might have been since big bodied and alone vs the herds of smaller ones with a few larger ones in it usually all does. He said he’s got em on cam still holding I haven’t noticed holding still with the thermal though.
  5. Heat, I tolerate both especially with coyote hunting I upstate NY it get cold with the wind and snow at 0200. While can layer up it’s uncomfortable with all the layers or take a leak 2” of pecker out of 6” of layers is not an easy task haha.
  6. Kinda how it is with us. There’s days we leapfrog down the road. Friday actually was with another driver. Mostly because I wasn’t following the order it said he does. I was doing some of what it said to do last first. I was doing a few ATMs before they got busy on a Friday. I don’t get how a computer doesn’t see that when it tries to supposedly get us to spots when they aren’t busy. I was doing ATMs as it had him doing commercial stops all around me gas stations, Home Depot, Lowe’s, town hall collecting taxes. In one aspect it made sense when it had me doing the atm at the bank later in the day when the bank opened since BOA doesn’t open till 10am and closes at 4pm even on Fridays. I always knock out the ATM first thing I do in the morning that way when doing the branch it’s just one quick in and out when people are there.
  7. What’s everyone’s thoughts on this rabbit hole? They are incorporating it in a sense where I work. A few of us see it and completely disregard it and kinda brag about being better. They call it optimization at work and vary our start times to it since a computer tells them it’s best to start routes at X time and follow in a certain order to avoid traffic patterns and busy times. There’s days I crush time and mileage doing it in my own order that makes sense to me basically eliminating left hand turns when I can. Then other days I meet the time it says usually when stops push me to the 10 min limit they get or I say screw that limit I’ve got time and sit and wait for them to get their shipment ready. Then there’s the whole AI aspect in investing, selling, warfare etc. I just know at work they are trying hard to incorporate a computer program telling them the best times to start us and where to go at what time and order. Some guys follow it to a T and they are always the last ones in or run into issues on the road.
  8. Yeah it’s crazy that was 5 years ago wouldn’t even know it looking at me either hair covers the scars on my head and I’ve always got pants and shirt on so can’t see the other scars. Limps gone speech and memory is back other than the accident but other than that I’ve made full recovery. Heck typing this thinking bout it since going back to the gym for the past month even my hip pain/discomfort is gone for the most part.
  9. I seem to feel worse when I get more sleep. Sunday and Monday nights I can actually get to bed at a decent time since fiancé doesn’t work those night and I don’t hunt since I work in the morning. Nights I get to bed and get around 7-8hrs of sleep or more I struggle to get up and fight sleep all day. Night I only get 3-4 alarm goes off and I’m up no snoozing alarm and struggling through day being tired. More sleep = feeling exhausted all day, less sleep = feeling great.
  10. What’s “normal” sleep for everyone? a coworker and I been talking bout sleep schedules. He says my lack of sleep makes him tired haha. I usually don’t go to bed till 1130 midnight on work nights and get up every day at 330 to go to the gym before work. weekends in the fall/winter months I coyote hunt all night usually start around 1130 midnight when fiancé gets home and I’ll hunt till sun up lay down sleep for 3 hours or so and start my day. I always say plenty of sleep when dead. Used to drink like 3-4 energy drinks a day but since started going to the gym every morning I’ve cut down to 2-3 a week maybe. I don’t feel tired or slow and I get very minimal sleep. he thinks I’m not producing what ever makes ya sleep or something idk neither of us are doctors we just deliver money to banks haha. anyone else skimp on the sleep
  11. Anyone into playing numbers or what ever? It’s confusing to me listening to people at gas stations when I’m there emptying their safe for work which is always next to the lotto machine. “#, #, #, # mid day box 50 cents” or “#, #, #, # straight for a dollar 10 drawings” or something along those lines. I hear it 100x a day if not more on my days I’ve got a lot of gas stations or bodegas to service. I get the regular lotto or but the whole pick 4 numbers or how ever many for mid day or evening straight vs box makes no sense to me. then you have the people that come in drop $100 on scratch offs step to the side just scratch the bar code to scan for a winner lose it all drop another $50 win back $20 and be all happy. Then there’s the people that win scratch offs constantly somehow. My sister in law is one of them she’s just lucky when it comes to gambling I guess always winning scratch offs and we went to the casino last year just to waste money we started with $50 each not much but just wanted to get out of and do something different. Casino by us is just slots I lost my $50 fast so did my fiancé but her sister ended up going in the smokers section and we texted her wanting to leave out of money and she was up $1500 or something like that. Not a fan of gambling either lotto, casino, fantasy football or anything like that. Especially now I work hard for my money I don’t risk it on stuff I don’t even fish tournaments anymore used to win them but last few seasons before taking a break I was just donating money.
  12. I’ve often thought about getting one but don’t really have a “need” for it. I barely deer hunt and when I do I’m in hard woods or brushy terrain so the 45-70 wins there. I mostly coyote hunt where the 06 will be to much and I don’t need another coyote gun I have hard time deciding what to take as it is (.243, .20practical, .17-223, 17hornet, 12ga w/ 4buck)
  13. I prefer my 243 but also love my wildcats. I basically just hunt fox and coyotes. NY has a law where if deer is open and rifle isn’t allowed for deer you can’t use .22 or bigger center fires for furbearers until after after deer season then you could use a 50bmg if you pleased. I hunt spots that are in a restricted county and live and hunt in unrestricted. So from October till January I use either a 20practical or .17-223 pushing either 35gr Berger or 25gr Hornady. Once deer is over(last week) I switch to the 243 pushing 62gr varmint grenades. everything else listed would probably just use 45-70 or 308.
  14. Yeah we would do that also when his short hair pointers were working them. He ran labs also and they would just run the birds over to get em to fly
  15. We were talking about pheasants this morning in the duck blind with zero ducks flying. I used to pheasant hunt in high school but they are rare here in WNY. My buddy’s dad used to release them for a state program to try and help their numbers. Could always tell the wild birds from released the tails were much longer and when flushed they would give one flap of the wings and be gone clear across the field if you didn’t get it. The released ones would struggle to make 50 yards it seemed and dogs would get right back on em.
  16. I gave up on deer hunting 8 seasons ago I would go out opening weekend or thanksgiving to push with my best friend like we did growing up but that would be about it. I deer hunted more this season than I have the last 8 years combined. Saw deer almost every sit but all out of range and when they were within range it wasn’t shooting hours yet. We did a push 2 weeks ago I got a button buck after it was shot at several times by the other guys I couldn’t let it go past me and not attempt the shot. I ended up hitting it on a wide open run doing Mach 3 across the field with my 45-70. I really wanted to get one with the pistol this year but never had the chance. This is the first weekend I haven’t gone for deer and season ends tomorrow and I have zero plans on chasing deer. Switching gears to ducks and coyotes which is basically all I’ve hunted since giving up deer. Way less boring than sitting in a tree for hours harassed by squirrels.
  17. I hunt all winter then soon as ice is gone or icy temps I get back on the water fishing. Heck today it was in the 60s in upstate NY and my hunting buddy with no ducks flying made the comment we shoulda went fishing. Do a little cast and a blast if we have a warm day like today. Fish and have the shotguns with us on the boat.
  18. I have yet to get it everyone in the house has had it I’ve showed symptoms same time gone for tests and done the home test never have came back positive. Guy at work had it last week he just wore a mask when was in the vault with people but kept on working. I guess fiancés aunt and cousins had it when we were there for thanksgiving but none of us are sick following being around them. Kids had a stomach bug but that was it.
  19. I’m the same all the previous comments might has well been Chinese made zero sense. I go when the kids want to and if it was scored like golf I’d be good probably lol. I’ve bowled single digit numbers many a time lol
  20. I don’t deer hunt as much as I used to. When I used to a lot we were limited to shotgun only in my area. Recent years rifles were opened up in my area and I hunted more this season than I have the last 8. I carry my marlin 1895GBL in 45-70 and my sig 320 full size in 45acp. I got one last weekend with the 45-70 none were close enough to try the pistol. The one last weekend I thought would it was running right at me then cut and started running quartering towards the trail so I whacked it with the 45-70. Was on one of the few drives we put on towards end of season.
  21. I got one punching mats with a Tokyo rig and put boss a few years ago. Went 17.79 though I had a record bass for a minute. In the kayak also it was a blast have pics but won’t let me upload them.
  22. I get that at least once a week people commenting they always wondered how money got in the atm. Then they ask why I take it out just to put it back in. We usually unless it’s a “cash add” take out X amount and put in a set amount. Usually more around the 1st of the month. It prints a receipt that says so much was taken out this was how much it charged in surcharges and this is how much is left. When you bring back better match what it says it should. A few have been busted since I’ve been working there skimming a little off when servicing them.
  23. I’ll let ya know what ones I just did so you can go get your fresh bills lol. They mostly have me in the gates chili area but Wednesday and Thursday I’m down town Rochester upper falls, genesee rd, Hudson, Lyell and lake ave area
  24. The last two weeks only thing I’ve been putting is brand new uncirculated money if that tells ya anything also…
  25. I’ve heard conspiracies that all atms will be gone by 2037 for the whole cashless thing. Bank of America prefers you use the atm for everything deposits withdrawals everything. Their atms hold the most at least of the ones I do several times a week. Depending on day and when in the month I’ll swap out between $200k-$375k in cash and usually anywhere from 20k-150k in cash deposits take out and double or triple in some cases in checks. It’s fascinating for me anyways servicing atms and safes in gas stations depending on where they are located. My atms in the “hood/ghetto” corner bodegas easily go through 40-60k in 2 days around the first the month. The safe points behind the counter in nicer parts will maybe have 1/3 of the cassettes filled but in the other parts the city where atms get used a lot they fill the cassettes in the safes several times a week. Then there’s the people who ask if the gun on my hip is real while I’m holding a brick of 20s($20k) going into the atm. I laugh and say yes.
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