How much wobble we talking about? There will be some but not a lot there has to be for clearance so the unit to spring up into zero draft. If it was tight then the unit wouldn't slide up freely.
Also the two we have to demo one is a pre production one and it doesn't have the two knobs on the side to control there speed for the drive to come up so it wobbles a little more. The other is brand new off the line and has the knobs so when tightened you can take some wobble out but like I stated before there needs to be some to allow the drive to come up.
Personally I'm not a fan of the radar and I'm on the wildy staff. It's a great boat don't get me wrong it's just not for me. I'm a little on the short side so with the seat all the way up I just reach the pedals comfortably but then it makes it so I can't reach my gear in the back with out a stretch. So I didn't like that about it. I also like to have several rods on the deck laid out infront of me just to grab and cast. Can't do that with pedal drive.
Other then them them two things the boats great. Stable and fast we had a radar 115,135,slayer 12 or 13' and an ATAK 120 all head to head in race a few weeks ago. All three pedal drives were about the same speed no one left the other in the dust. It tracks well seats comfortable but it's the same seat as my ATAK which last week I did a 42hr long tournament and other then two short 4 hours naps after the 10pm check in I was in he seat the whole time.
Just what I've noticed about the radar from my view. A lot of people love em it's just not my style of fishing really.
If you don't mind me asking where did you demo the radar.