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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. Still being one with the whole healing process though I shouldn’t be lol.
  2. Yeah I guess I ripped mine out also along with the tube going into my lungs. Apparently I tried ripping out the catheter also but didn’t get to but almost lol glad they stopped that one. I was fighting everything they had me hooked up to they had to pin me down with 5 people and then strap me to the bed. All kinds of stubborn when trying to get healed up.
  3. Thats my goal i think I’ll be good to go my recovery so fars been ahead of schedule other than walking they want me to keep weight off my legs/hips/pelvis while all the plates and screws are setting in my pelvis. Supposed to go January 22nd to see when I can try walking and being more active.
  4. And stubborn lol. I guess I kept trying to rip out my lung tube that was keeping me alive and all the hoses taped to me along with a catheter I almost ripped it all out or off but it took a bunch of nurses to hold me down I guess. I don’t remember any of it other than once I was up trying to lose the neck brace. But yeah took a 99 F150 on the side of 390s @50mph which sent me 60yards down the road.
  5. Yeah that’s been tough I do my exercises each day like they said to not walking or standing very long has been tough since my pain levels are way down. Certain movements of my legs and pelvis almost bring tears to my eyes others are fine and pain free.
  6. I own a ford doesn’t help but I plan on going to the auction with work for a new truck the Ranger needs to go
  7. Thanks everyone I’ve been released from the hospital but still recovering and unable to walk I’m suppose to stay off the legs/pelvis till the 22nd of January. Got a bunch of new fancy scars lol. I’ll include some pics of me in coma and once I was woke
  8. How I spent November after stopping with my body a F150 that was spinning out
  9. If any of you follow me on FB or Instagram you might of heard or seen that I was recently(November 13th) I was involved in a bad accident while at work or of your from WNY heard about it on the news or radio. a little background I’m a tow truck operator and was finishing up winnching out a vehicle from a ditch on the side the road on 390 in Rochester NY. I had finished with the struck vehicle when a F150 hit some black ice stared to fish wait went off the road at 50mph and struck me as I was putting stuff away in my tow truck. Sent me flying down the highway about 60yards my mom said. shattered my pelvis in 4 spots, broke the two little bones on my skull that connects it to the spine, ruptured a kidney, spleen, liver and suffered severe brain injurie. Spent 5 weeks in the hospital 15 days of which was in enduced coma. My memory was shot when I first woke up but is slowly coming back more and more every day still struggle with short term but long is coming back stronger every day. I’m still in a wheel chair till the 22nd of January when I find out if i can put pressure on my legs more than the stand and pivot I can do now to change seats. Which I think that appointment will go good I feel great considering the situation. They sent me home just before Christmas which was cool being home but pretty immobile considering how I used to be. End goal is to be up and walking in time to bust the kayak out when the weather snaps out of the cold funk and do some fishing. Heres some one pics of me hooked up to all the machines keeping me alive at first then when I woke up and gave my boss some thumbs up about how I was feeling. And then coming home to my 3 year old who was missing me like crazy.
  10. Would’ve been easy this season that just ended. Last season I was top 5 every event and cashed a check 3/4 the time. This season was a major fail for me I did every event and never finished above 15th till the very last one that was on my home waters I took 2nd after leaving a active school thinking I had 1st locked in and a 4 mile paddle ahead of me to get back I left earlier than I needed to.
  11. Benn shoot me a message if ya like I can point ya in the direction of some spots I’m only 10 minutes from the BP campus I live in holley
  12. I’ve got a bunch of KO sWaver 168s I really like swim identical to my R2S wavers
  13. In NY it depends on the water. If both sides of the water are posted you can’t even anchor you can float an fish but cannot anchor or wade. I got into argument over a land owner earlier in the year about this. Called the NYDEC and was told if the land is privately owned on both sides I can float threw but cannot anchor and fish there
  14. Orleans county here I’ve been down to Chautauqua twice in the last month bass fishing on Chautauqua lake was miserable but Walleye out of Barcelona harbor was awesome caught over 30 Walleye.
  15. I built a phenix usb790h that I use for all my bull shad/wake/gills. I fish out of a kayak 90% of the time I built it with a 13” handle it works well from the kayak. I would look into one built on that blank or order the factory rod offered in it
  16. Got this one yesterday he broke my fish grips and mangled the hooks on my plopper.
  17. Went out for 2 hours after work this morning didn’t do half bad.
  18. Bass were chasing blue gill hard in the Seneca cayuga Canal so naturally I threw a bull gill swim bait and on the 3rd or 4th cast this fatty crushed it in about 2fow. Lost several others on a savage gear blue gill after I casted off my bull gill. I’m really tempted to drive the 1.5hrs back there tomorrow and hit em again.
  19. I’ve been using my immortal 72m that Ghotti built me for them with good success but I also love that rod for shakey heads and sieberts sniper jigs. I’ve been wanting to build a judge for some time now. Next week Planning in ordering the judge and an eternity MH for jogging around cover.
  20. I’m looking to add a rod for cranking mostly square bills 1.5s up to some 8.0s. Also throw some other treble baits as well. The main rod I’ve been leaning towards is the judge 70Mcg or the 710Mcg cut down to 7’6” off the butt. Any experience with this blank? I’ve already got a reel seat and guides and notified a certain some one I’m gonna need another masterpiece made up for a handle soon.
  21. Personally my entire crank box specifically my square bills are 99% knock offs and they catch fish tons of fish. Actions are all good my only ones that aren’t knock offs are my 8.0s I've got a bunch of whopper plopper KO as well and they work great. My S wavers are about 50/50 KO to real thing side by side they swim the exact same. Yeah maybe theres some super subtle differences but maybe that’s why it works its got a subtle difference from everything else they have seen
  22. Bloomfield and you can get a pass to fish boughton Park there’s a bunch of fatties in there. Bloomfield and you can get a pass to fish boughton Park there’s a bunch of fatties in there.
  23. Decent morning for me on johnsons creek after work for a couple hours.
  24. Finished up the rod that Scott built a grip for me for. This is the grip he posted a few weeks ago. I put it on a Phenix USB790H blank with the alps textouch seat, Fuji guides in a spiral wrap with 30* transition, used fish hawk candy apple thread with no CP to finish it all out. I’ve paired it with a Tatula HD. Wish we had some sunshine to get better pics but on this January 102nd this will have to do.
  25. What part of up state?
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