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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. Our series doesn’t allow motors unless you have a disability and doctors note. Next year we may change it but who knows I know I’ve brought it up several times to the other TDs. Pedals are huge in my series everyone has some pedal drive kayak. Me I stick to either my ATAK 140 or 120 I’m at a disadvantage either way this season though after my accident in November. I don’t have the strength or stamina to paddle for long or stand I’m still to shaky and unstable trying to sit or stand and the waters only 45* this past Saturday which if I fall in trying to stand again I’d rather it be warmer water.
  2. Definitely isn’t I’m talking sandy creek in Monroe County I know there’s another one up north as I head to coyote hunting camp that would be in the closed zone
  3. I’m gonna be fishing the north tip of Cayuga Saturday and the Seneca Cayuga canal pre fishing for a tournament that’s Easter weekend.
  4. The savur butt they have like a salt tab like inflatable vests when it melts or what ever it has a spring loaded Eva ring that pops out with 60 yards of braid tied to it. I personally don’t use them but install them on rods for customers. It’s not carbon fiber which has been my go to handle material
  5. Made it to sandy creek last Wednesday managed 2 brown trout on a lipless trying for smallies. My buddy who took me on his boat managed a brown and a stew head one on a Ned rig the other on a drop shot. We were trying to find some early bass but no luck. 3 days later our buddy went out and crushed some stud smallies same spots we got our trout judging by the pics on FB.
  6. I don’t fish tournaments there but it’s my go to lake for swimbait bass. Being in a kayak I can’t zip all over so I tend to stay close to the main launch. I’ll pull them from the docks right near the launch and across the lake straight from the launch.
  7. Yeah that’s like me being 10 minutes from oak orchard I avoid it like the plague during the salmon/trout run. Nothing like rubbing shoulders well trying to fish.
  8. Checked some creeks the other day they are opening up what ice is left is all broken and just wedged in blocking off the water and drifts from going out to the lake. Had two days in the 60s since then though hopefully be out fishing by next weekend I’m itching to bad
  9. 4.4ozs it’s the 8” slow sink. River smallies in western NY
  10. We’ve got a tournament on silver June 1st I’m kinda pumped for I’ve always caught giants on that lake it’s why got me into this swimbait game
  11. Anyone out yet? Gonna go scope out some spots to get out for the first time in 2019.
  12. How much does a spro BBZ-1 swimbait weigh
  13. Agreed I’ll be out to scope some spots locally as well. Careful using live bait for bass early in the season it’s illegal in NY up till the 2nd or 3rd Saturday in June when season opens
  14. @J Francho idk I don’t even remember taking a F150 at 50mph to my side lol. That’s like the only thing I’m dealing with from the accident is my memory is shot my body has healed and bounced back good it’s my mind that still struggles but I guess thats normal to how I was lol
  15. @J Francho not that I can remember since being out of coma.
  16. @Gundog Yeah it’s killing me not being able to be out doing stuff or working but I think I’ll be cleared to work again soon. PT is done and I seen my neurologist earlier in the week and they are don’t with me also said I don’t need to be seen again. Few more doctors to see in a week like 3 in one day and I’m sure they will all fee the same since I’m bouncing back rather fast considering the condition I was in
  17. Oh yeah I’ve been buying a ton of new gear for fishing to use this season being stuck home and not working or able to do much has been painful on the wallet lol. Even that coyote hunt was my first time out all year I managed a few duck hunts before the accident but missed all of deer season and late duck. The coyote spots were all park and short walks like 50yards across flat level terrain.
  18. We start at sun down and hunt till sun up but we have thermal scopes and night vision on our guns and scan with thermal scanners. During the day works also some states don’t allow night hunting. Our season closes at the end of the month. Heck Saturday night we didn’t go right out even though it was dark but it was snowing bad good and even with thermal it’s hard to see through the snow and even harder with night vision.
  19. Yeah it felt great to get out. Waiting for all this ice and snow to go away so I can fish. We had to keep all the stands close to where we parked the truck since walking through snow was kinda tricky I still have a pretty good limp that who knows if it will ever go away it has been getting better though till I’m tired or been working it a lot walking.
  20. Spent the weekend coyote hunting with my buddy. We do the NYS contest every year came in tied for second this year so it went to total weight and we won by 30lbs. My first time out all season after getting hit by a F150 at work busting me all up.
  21. Yeah I had my first PT today I’m definitely sore and feeling it but in a good way. Don’t see the PT lasting long though not at appointments being once every 2 weeks they have me down for because I did so well on day 1. Now just to lose the weight I put back on since leaving the hospital can’t get out and stay active like I used to be between the injury and these freezing temps.
  22. Yeah the relearning the walk part has been kinda goofy I’m slow now my 3 year old definitely out runs me lol
  23. Just got X-rays and word from the doctor today that bolted me back together that I’m good to go for walking. Now to start small and rebuild my legs to put up with some of the conditions that and my lungs could probably use some work to after pneumonia and the one being deflated in the wreck.
  24. We got hammered here my wheelchair ramp off the porch disappeared it’s completely covered and the snow is level with how high the porch is. Kinda felt bad my gf had to shovel out our driveway I can’t right now and it took her hours
  25. I go to rehab twice a week currently but had my last speech therapy today my memory and brain functions are all back and good to go. I’ve got 1 more occupational therapy left to get test to see if I can drive again since I’ve passed all the other tests with flying colors she cut my last 3 appointments of the schedule. I’m just waiting on getting cleared to walk again on the 22nd and I can start physical therapy more than what they have me doing at home. Hopefully won’t be much longer that I’m out of everything.
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