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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. Anyone ever had this done? I’m going next week for an appointment to see if I qualify for it or what ever. I’ve been wearing glasses/contacts for a little over 20 years now and it’s becoming such a hassle. hopefully I can get the lasik done and be good to go. Little nervous about it but it is what it is I mean what’s some lasers to the eye to not have to wear contacts anymore lol.
  2. I love this weather means $$$ for me since people don’t know how to drive in it. Even after all I went through last year this time of year is nice for us tow truck guys.
  3. 65 when I left work tonight last warm day in the forecast I seen this weekend calling for highs in the mid to low 40s and frozen mix. For upstate NY it’s warm for this time of year
  4. Been up a few weeks now by all the social media posts from guys on the oak, Johnson’s, and Bert dam. I was gonna hit sandy today but then I went out and decided it was to windy to kayak in not being as die hard as I was before. So I walked the canal and tried the quarry by my house managed one small bass and got cold lol came home now relaxing waiting for dinner
  5. Looks like the winter lul has started early this year lol. I made it out last week for a few hours in Johnson’s creek above the dam to steer clear of all the salmon snaggers. Managed like 5 pike and lost what felt like a bass but never saw it but it didn’t fight like the typical pike does hooks pulled though and I lost it. Hopefully getting out this afternoon if the rain lets up probably my last time out this season with duck hunting starting Saturday that will take up my free time.
  6. Almost been a year and other than the limp and hip/pelvis pain I’ve pretty much fully recovered. Memory is back though wish it wasn’t a lot of times and they said that will be the slowest to come back is recovering brain injury but seeing how fast I bounced back from everything else from it not surprised my brain has recovered as fast as it did.
  7. Being up in the tow truck I see it all day also. I’ve called the “help truck” and police for back up for calls I’ve had on the left shoulder of the highway. I’ll call the customer tell them to wait in car while waiting for them to come shut down the lane or block some and have their lights or the big “move over” sign to give me working room while hooking their car and getting off the highway. I’ve actually had a lot of the sheriffs fist bump me and shake my hand knowing I was hit already and take extra steps to ensure safety now.
  8. almost been a year (November 13) since I took a F150 at 50mph on the highway here in WNY as a tow truck operator. Put me in coma and all busted up but for the most part fully recovered I just limp everywhere now. Being back to work towing for the same company my heads on a swivel even more now but yeah people done care they are to busy on their phones while driving not paying attention.
  9. Never fished the lake in the fall just spring and summer in the fall my visits there are with a shotgun for ducks. I e always done well on the east banks of the lake any time of year I’ve been there ducks and bass
  10. Thanks knowing me and the the way I am though I won’t try it or go on other meds even if they say to I’ve just had a lot of people tell me to try it and see. A lot of people saying “wow they never gave you Percocet or hydros or anything for pain you got hit by a truck!” In my head I’m thinking no you just want them if they did anyways lol.
  11. I’ve been thinking about possibly trying just wanted to research it before talking to my doctor about it I always get side tracked with fishing and look it still led me to it lol. As as many of you know that have been on this forum for some time know I was in a bad accident last fall and should of been killed. I’m still suffering with some pain from it but don’t take anything for it even in the hospital once I was out of coma I didn’t take anything thought the option was there. My hips I guess it would be are in a lot of pain at times keeping me up just about in tears. Getting hit by a F150 while making me F150 proof I joke about I also feel 30 years older limping everywhere especially with the weather changes. The little shops that specialize in it I guess are on like every corner in the city. I might try it idk yet gotta do some more research on it.
  12. My buddy did it’s been 3 weeks since they said they would send free replacement guides. He’s tired of waiting so he gave it to me over the weekend and said he’ll pay for new ones and the repair cost. Not my rod and the inserts didn’t break the guides are just gone like not wrapped tight or epoxied good. I just had the same thing for a repair on a Shimano Expride for a $300 factory rod I sure did find a lot of quality issues with it.
  13. Anyone know what size the running guides are on these rods the 7’ MHF a buddy just gave me his to fix brand new and two guides popped out. I’d measure the other guides but the battery died in my calipers.
  14. I’m like right in the middle between Buffalo and Rochester I’ve been having my worst year ever but at the same time I haven’t been out even a fraction of time I usually am. I stick to the Ontario tributaries mostly I grew up on Johnson’s creek and oak orchard now in close to sandy creek so I hit that usually right at the mouth of the lake and do okay last year did great there this year I can probably count the number of fish on one hand. Like I said I haven’t been out nearly as much as I normally am.
  15. We go by length winning bag was 56.25” he had 3 18.75” bass. I know some were caught deep in drop shot on the north end majority came from the south end weed edges.
  16. We(NYKBF) had a tournament there Saturday no one had a stellar day I fished for fun well scoring fish all day. I managed a few dink bass and a decent bowfin.
  17. Kayaking the finger lakes area should check out New York kayak bass fishing we have a tournament Saturday on little sodus then Onondaga in 3 weeks. I hit conesus tonight after work at the south end but didn’t get anything didn’t fish long I was to tired and it’s about 45 minutes from my house
  18. I built one a few years ago the 7wt I’m a beginner fly fisherman used it a few months after I built it and haven’t touched it since. As a beginner can’t really speak that it does one thing or anything good but it worked well for me to sling streamers for small mouth.
  19. For the enclosed milk crate or like wise check out the wilderness systems krate it’s enclosed has a nice storage lid and 4 rod holders that are attached.
  20. Managed this hangry girl today.
  21. Silver was a big let down today for everyone in our tournament by far our biggest turn out for an event. 63 guys tackled that lake today from kayak in that ridiculous wind. 63 anglers, 51 bass submitted....normally with less guys we see numbers in the hundreds. Of those 63 guys only the top 4 had a limit(3 bass). I know that lake can do better but didn’t today. I managed 1 bass a small 16.25” guy on a siebert outdoors spinner bait.
  22. Love my ATAK 120 and 140 for river fishing and throwing big swimbaits. I’ve developed a small addiction to phoneys and toxics plus many others but just those two brands alone I’ve got a unhealthy collection of lol. Id suggest test paddling some before you decide on what you want
  23. Yeah I didn’t get on the water till about 10ish and went north. Launched at the perry beach which that hill was brutal to launch and drag up. Went up that creek till it hit the road we turned around and started working out way back and left like 12-1ish I think.
  24. Hit silver lake today to try prefishing for the tournament we’re having there in a few weeks. Managed 1 pike while there didn’t even lay an eye on a bass all the guys in boats we talked to said same thing lots of pike but no bass. Left silver decided to see how sandy and Johnson’s creek were but both were up several feet and chocolate milk colored. Same with lake Alice just not high water levels but very dirty. Ended up trying the quarry on my road and managed another little pike and then a 17.75” bass they were guarding beds there already could care less what we put in there.
  25. Made it back to sandy creek yesterday and the day before caught 4 smallmouth both days. Wednesday got 1 on a 2.8 kietech, one on a Carolina rigged goby soft plastic, two on a lipless crank. Yesterday they all came on a Siebert Outdoors spinner bait.
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