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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. I got the Wilderness Systems ATAK 120 last season as a get well gift after my accident and being in coma. Last year just paddled it as is stock, this year I made some major upgrades to her. Torqeedo 1103ac Power pole micro Raymarine Element 9 Bow mounted Anchor wizard only had her out a few times absolutely love it but threw out the little bit of exercise I got paddling upstream and around the lake haha. The 1103 pushes her at a sustained 6.3mph top speed. the element is crazy detailed also love the hyper vision it has It’s definitely different.
  2. Been hitting Lake Ontario tributaries these past few weeks(sandy creek, Johnson’s Creek , oak orchard) been laying into fat prespawn smallies. At first they were barely hitting and fighting my rod would just load up and fish on. Last few times out they have become more aggressive like known for. Yesterday took my step son and his cousin out on Johnson’s I managed 2 bull head on a 7” glide bait haha, they managed to lose a hand full of 2.8 keitechs and jig heads in the river then hooked themselves continuously when I gave them rebel craws since they float and would be easier to get out of the rocks. Never hooked their skin just in clothes around ankle and shoes some how.
  3. I remember that Father’s Day tournament we did years and years ago in your bullet on Keuka lake and you throttled down at the Y of the lake and said they sit there running radar on boats and sure enough they were sitting there but we were A LOT slower going by then we were a few minutes ago lol.
  4. same here some of the quarries by my house are starting to open, oak orchard and the other tribs are open just blown out muddy and I’m not in the mood to fish for bass with the trout guys anyways though a few I seen got some smallies on the fly last week on the oak. Finger lakes are still locked up tent city on conesus yesterday when I had to go there for work.
  5. Yeah my follow up appointment yesterday my left eye is better than perfect or how ever they put it and my right is where is should be but said it should get better just to keep up with the drops. It’s crazy to me anyways my left eye is the one that’s been bothering the most with discomfort the right is like nothing ever even happened it hasn’t been dry feeling or any discomfort at all this whole time. Maybe that’s why the left eye is seeing better then the right I don’t know all I know is it’s awesome not needed lenses
  6. yeah it was painless the one nurse or what ever the lady was standing on my right thought I fell asleep lol. The Valium did help to. The irritation is getting better already the first day I was regretting the surgery because it was so irritated I hated it but after sleeping that whole first day the next morning was way better. When I’m out at night coyote hunting they don’t bother me at all in teen temps my eyes aren't irritated one bit.
  7. Well I had it done Thursday was pretty quick and painless like expected. My vision now is great doing the drops every 1-2hrs is kinda annoying but worth it. My left eye is the one that bothers me the most always feeling like I got something in it but they say that’s normal and will pass. It feels like when I wore contacts and was tired and needed to take them out Except there’s no contacts to take out so I just take a nap or go to bed.
  8. I’ve got the wilderness systems Atak 140 and 120. Last season was my first season with the 120. the 140 is a “rocket” by fishing kayak standards I guess haha. I can cruise at 5.5mph paddling with my fiancé’s “where are you dinner is done” text as motivation lol. I use the 140 for duck hunting also I’ve had it out in Lake Ontario mid January busting through ice to shoot some ducks. It handles those conditions awesome was just a pain to load into the truck all iced over took 4 of us to lift it into the back of a Tacoma. 120 I’ve only had for a season both the 140 and 120 are incredibly stable I can stand and walk around on both. The 120 is more maneuverable for the creeks I frequent. Doesn’t track as well as the 140 but it’s 2’ shorter so that’s a given. I've got a torqeedo 1103AC on order that will be able to be swapped between both kayaks.
  9. I’m not to worried about the kick and honestly it won’t be much different than a shotgun slug on deer. It will definitely be a fun one. Little pricey to shoot for fun at the range but that’s what my Henry 22 will be handy for fun range shoots with a lever gun.
  10. Yeah it was only in the southern tier and up north but they have expanded the county’s you can take them in a few years ago. I just put a vortex strike eagle 1-6x24 on it tonight. Probably zero this weekend when I put the thermal on my 243 off the 20practical. Our fox season ends next week so this weekend I’ll get the 243 ready for coyote only nights.
  11. Farm fed bear are tasty and now have season here since more are around so if given chance I’m filling that tag since it comes with the big game license automatically.
  12. clayton86

    45/70 gov

    I’ve always wanted a lever gun besides the 22 I have. I was torn between a 357, 44 rem, 45lc, or a 45/70. Well I stumbled on a to good to pass up marlin 1895GBL 45/70 so I scooped it up. It has a vortex cross fire 3-9x40 on it though which I’ll swap out I’m now torn between a 1-4 or 6, red dot or rocking open sights. I’m gonna start deer hunting again and rifles are now legal where I hunt it used to be shotgun only but they changed that a few years ago. The 45/70 will be a little over kill I think but at same time if a bear ever comes by while out I won’t be under gunned if I went with some of the others.
  13. I just bought a 243 on Sunday gonna be my new coyote/bobcat gun. Went with the ruger American predator and put a magpul stock on it. Haven’t shot that one yet only had it 3 days now no where local sells the ammo I want to try they all cary heavy deer loads I ordered and hoping it likes the 75gr vmax till I get set up reloading in my new house. Was eye balling a Henry 44 today. That will be my deer gun though for in the woods 308 and 243 can be field reach out and touch the deer guns
  14. I use the 20practical now much like the 204 just better on brass. 204 is based off 222 brass and the 20p is from plentiful 223. The capacity isn’t as much but they still scream I’m at about 3800fps. Built the AR so I don’t mind that brass gets flung off into the weeds where as my 204 I was always careful when ejecting and searching for brass after.
  15. I didn’t see this red do it just walking a hedgerow going for woodchucks and there was a fox up in a pear tree.
  16. Yeah I’ve seen a red do it when I was just getting into hunting like 20 years ago. Seen a wood chuck do it also while we were fishing.
  17. Cuz I’m predator hunting or the video is all over?
  18. Got this fox the other night and remembered to hit record on my new thermion. She took my shot I clipped both shoulders and she still ran about 200 yards. I’m shooting a 20practical with 35gr Berger’s. She was dead just didn’t wanna die in the field lol. You can see blood spray out with the thermal with each stride she makes. one of the toughest fox I’ve ever shot they tend to die rather easy. She has a beautiful coat gonna start tanning this one over the weekend.
  19. A SU edition toxic wade hogs but that one was gifted to me as a get better present from my accident last year. purchased probably the 3 phoney shads($130 a piece) I bought when I was still in the mindset that swimbaits are like all baits need several and every color should break in off haha my bank account quickly reminded me that’s not the case with swimbaits lol.
  20. Got my pulsar thermion in and mounted up zeroing it in the morning coyotes won’t stand a chance this thing is sweet
  21. The warranty is what sold me on the vortex. Should anything happen it’s always covered I already had my crossfire warrantied back in November I put it on the 308 and when I put the muzzle brake on it and went to reconfirm zero it broke one of the lenses inside the scope. They overnighted one to me and gave me 30 days to return the broke one because it was hunting season. I don’t deer hunt anymore so it wasn’t necessary but I’m not gonna complain. they are the nicest scopes I’ve ever looked through granted I never had nice optics till now. The viper with rings ran me $740 that’s the most I’ve ever spent on a scope not counting the thermal ups is delivering today hopefully....long story there smh.
  22. clayton86

    New glass

    So I splurged a little this week on new glass for 3 of my guns well 2 new scopes and 1 new gun that I’m putting a scope from a previous gun on. I ordered a pulsar thermion for my AR I use for coyotes that one in pretty excited for to ditch the night vision for thermal. however today I kinda splurged on a new optic for my savage 10fcp 308 that I’ve just had a vortex cross fire 3-9x50 on and always felt kinda restricted by the weak scope. Well today I sprung for a vortex viper hst 6-24x50. Ditched the crossfire to put on my new 17 hornet and the viper is going on the 308. just from mounting it and playing with it in the store then several review videos I’ve watched on it I’m more excited for this set up than I am for the coyote slaying thermal I’ve got coming in. anyone else here use the viper scopes? Gonna zero it Thursday along with the 2 other guns needing zero from getting new scopes.
  23. I’ve been considering it big time. After getting hit by a truck last year though I bounced back fast and have a high pain tolerance I’m still in a ton of discomfort I guess it would best be described. Some how according to the doctors my back wasn’t messed up getting clocked by a f150 at 50mph rupturing several organs breaking my neck and brain damage but yup back was fine....yeah ok it sure bothers me now though. Hear to many good things about the CBD to not wanna give it a shot between my back, knees, head aches and stomach being messed up it’s gotta hell at least one of them.
  24. Yeah I knew already my prescription needed to be steady which it has been. Being 33 I don’t expect it to change anytime soon to be a issue. The place I’m using says right on their site they won’t be the cheapest if that’s what looking for and shouldn’t be when it comes to vision. They have a good reputation from all I’ve looked up and researched. Been wanting to do it for years but funds were always a issue before I can afford it now and don’t have to go the cheap route so gonna pull the trigger and have it done if the screening appointment next week goes well.
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