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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. 97 chevy cavalier, 5speed I had all stick cars and trucks till I got married and had kids forced to get auto trans and haven’t had a stick shift since
  2. Sandy is a good spot as well trout and salmon are about to show up in there also if that’s your thing also.
  3. clayton86

    Sig p365

    Orleans, work in Monroe though. Today I had 5 pistol sales well finished 5 of the ones that came back with coupons all were Genesee county that were in before I started today(1-930 for me) went to the county clerk and added same day.
  4. Opened a bottle of whiskey my old unit had made and I like my whiskey so I ordered 2 bottles. It was made here in Rochester NY. My old platoon Sgt now he’s a CSM dropped it off to me at work last week took me a week to finally try some. It’s alright....
  5. clayton86

    Sig p365

    Yeah we were considering it over last winter before buying this house we’re in now. My kids from first marriage are here in NY and I couldn’t pick up and leave as much as I hate this state. Luckily the county I live in is pretty good about pistol permits they have a semi fast turn around once submitted and they give blank coupons so once I’ve got my permit the clerk asks how many I want and she just hands em over. All that does really is let’s me walk out of store with said gun on the spot then I’ve got 10 days to turn in the receipt to have it added to my permit. But yeah NY sucks the big one when it comes to guns mags on the AR have to be pinned or it be “feature less” meaning no pistol grip, flash hider, collapsible stock, etc. basically like Ca. Then there’s the stupid 10rnd mag but can’t fully load it have to stop at 7....yeahhhhh. Anyways gotta stop before getting political but yes NY sucks and I wanna move but not gonna happen till kids are out of school and my youngest starts kindergarten next week so I’m stuck here for a while
  6. clayton86

    Sig p365

    We carried the g2c at work and it went on sale last week 219.91 for one but being that it was a .91 ending means they were on clearance not to be stocked again. We haven’t had any hellcats in and with the way things are doubt we will anytime soon. Shields fly off the shelf also except the ez in 45 though a customer was asking for it 2 weeks ago and we didn’t have it and as he was buying the ez 9 the 45 version was being delivered and logged into the system. He might buy it if the boss(wife) let’s him when he comes in to pick up his 9. Way NY works can’t leave with the gun until you have a coupon from the county for it only 1 county near me gives em out blank, the others you gotta buy the gun we’ll all but a dollar get a sales slip then go turn it in and get it added to permit. Once done with that they give you a coupon to come and get the gun.
  7. I wish NY allowed it but they are considered song birds or something so we can’t hunt em.
  8. I’ve got a savage 10 fcp-k in .308 tack driver with factory loads so far. I bought a reloading kit to reload for my AR in 20practical but will also do the .308, 45-70 and 243 while I’m at it. I wanna get a good kid for the 308 since the factory ammo it likes is hard to come by even before all this pandemic panic buying.
  9. clayton86

    Sig p365

    Being in NY were capped at 10rnds
  10. clayton86

    Sig p365

    We do carry the shield 9 sell quite a few also. I’ll fondle it some more today when I go in in about a hour. There’s another gun shop bout 10-15 minutes down the road from our store that has a indoor range so you can try before you buy. I might run down there when time comes test a few see how I like em then purchase from our store.
  11. I do it myself at home we don’t do repairs at runnings. Was it you who emailed us asking they reached out to me the other day saying a guy did.
  12. clayton86

    Sig p365

    Applied for my permit here in my county in NY. Got my class to get my permit scheduled for the 26th of this month then hopefully get the approval and my permit shortly after that. been weighing out what to get my first pistol and leaning heavy on getting the p365. been watching tons of YouTube videos on it but wondering what y’all’s personal experience is with it. some others in considering is the p938, Taurus g2c, Kimber micro 9. not new to guns by any means but pistol wise recent experience is with the beretta m9 from in the army. Other than that growing up my best friends dad was and still is a big HK guy so grew up shooting his USPs I think they were I can’t remember exactly it was 20 years ago but I know they were HK. I work in a shop handling all the ones I’m considering every day I work which is also why I’m looking at them for the employee discount, it’s not much 15% on guns but definitely helps with the purchase
  13. Where did raider disappear to? I know he was slowing down on posts a while ago, but I haven’t seen him here for a while now.
  14. Whopper plopper seal would be the game changer
  15. Like j francho said just get the limit and plug away having a limit helps a ton in the NYKBF events. I stepped away this season but in the past just having a limit usually held ya decent in the standings.
  16. I’m over in Holley but work at the brockport runnings so not far from Rochester. I could do it if wanted. PM me and I can figure out what ya wanna do and cost.
  17. Yup plus with this whole pandemic on top of it. I work in gun sales and when some one buys a pistol they pay off all but a dollar then take the sales receipt we print for them have it added to the permit and are given what’s called a coupon to bring back to us for paperwork. They bring back said coupon pay off that dollar and leave with the gun. However background check is only good for 30days and Monroe county pushes people right to that 30 day mark since everything is through the mail can’t go to county office and add it like before.
  18. NY is the same I just got the last of my references today to apply for mine in my county since NY does carry permits by each county with them all being different. Once you have it per the county requirements your covered for the whole state. My county I had to get 4 references notarized that also live in the county and I’ve known for more than a year. Once I have the references I’ve gotta go pay to get my finger prints done and pay to have my pictures taken for said permit. Once all said and done it’s roughly $200 just to take the chance of them telling me no to carry a pistol. My county is one the fastest to give or deny them 4-8weeks average neighboring counties it’s 6-18months.
  19. The offspring are probably one of my all time favorite bands I’d love to see them in concert
  20. I’ve got Sirusxm in my truck and always have it on the octane channel that plays all kinds of metal. Then I have all the stuff I’ve got from iTunes that I’m always cranking up. No particular order but some of my favorite bands littering my play lists Red, Killswitch engage, Slipknot, tool, Nonpoint, Sixx a.m., the offspring, seven dust
  21. Busted into my bottle of red stag and a few bottles of labatts. Not a a big drinker like I used to be but lately that’s been changing some days more than others. I love me some red stag though
  22. I got a CZ527 in 17 hornet over the winter she’s a shooter for sure so far just paper punched with it but think I’m gonna throw the thermal on it next season for fox till fox season closes and it’s just coyote then switch the thermal back to the 243
  23. Grew up in a town that had more cows than people lol. I lived in town though then moved to a neighboring town a little bigger when I got married. Divorced now and back to another neighboring town that’s like middle size between the two. Currently in a house in the country part of town but bought a house right in town that was to good of a deal to pass up its wayyyyy bigger than where we are now and with kids that’s kinda important. It’s still a small town just have neighbors now.
  24. Went to conesus Saturday marked a bunch of fish and seen pike shallow but noting wanted to eat even the pike let me bounce keitechs off their nose no reaction. I ended up bailing and headed to sandy creek in Hamlin in the 2 hours there I got a quick limit but got hungry and left. Went back Sunday same spot I got the quick 5 and I landed 24 lost like half dozen or so that just didn’t stay pinned. Every one was on a underspin and keitech. Best day I’ve had all season though it’s still early. A good portion of the 24 were all small like 1 lbers 4 of em though were in the 3-4lb range.
  25. Yeah 6.3mph which on a yak is pretty fast. That speed it says it only has a range of like 8 miles but when I dial it down to just cruise spot to spot it says 40-50miles when dialed down to 3-4mph. My atak 140 paddles faster than the 120 I might get that one set up for the torqeedo and just swap em out depending on day and waters I’m fishing
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