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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. 10 + 10 and 11 + 11 are the same thing
  2. I work in a job that comes with a lot of stress I suppose. Get trusted to drive around with millions in cash and deliver it to customers and fill ATMs. Get stress of being robbed or cross loading ATMs that are multi denomination. Besides that stuff you also get bad management now since all the OG managers are gone. Company started going down hill from the top corporate level and they all left. We have all “new” managers who are from our competitors that are failing and losing customers to our company and the new management is making us like our competitors which is upsetting customers. Then you have today’s workforce that is extremely lazy and those of us that have good work ethic get punished to pick up their slack. Friday there was a case a few of us were complaining about it that we have one co worker who refuses to come in early or stay to complete his route and it’s been that was for going on 2 years. They cater to him and take stops off his run and give it to a select few of us that will get it done. This guy had a pretty localized route and they gave me 4 of his stops that was out of my area just to lighten him up along with a few other guys. We have a run that covers southerntier and into Pennsylvania hours away from this one guys route and he got stops off him to make it easier. They weren’t time frame sensitive stops so he did them on his way back to Rochester. I'm pretty relaxed about it the whole job I have zero worries or cares if some one tries to rob me. Luckily no one’s tried I get asked it by random people weekly “have you ever had to use your gun”. Had people run their mouths about it and make empty threats but nothings came from it. Idk if it’s because it doesn’t phase me and I usually put one hand on my gun when they do or what. Same with co workers not pulling their weight. I might complain a little but management knows they can put it on me and my work bestie with minimal push back and we get it done. I mind and don’t mind at same time. Others don’t want the hours I’ll gladly take them so far for 2025 I’m pulling 60-65hrs a week I’ve got no problem coming in early to get everything done that needs to be.
  3. Fishing isn’t as big for me as it was in the past and everyone knew me for it. this past year I’ve gotten back into playing paintball. Not into the tournament scene like used to be but go to a “local”(1.5hrs away) field and do open play and practices with the pro team. this time of year everyone knows me for coyote hunting though. Once end of march when season ends and warmer weather I’ll be back to the guy who fishes and plays paintball every weekend.
  4. I live about 25 min from Rochester but want to move. Been looking for jobs and apartments there last few weeks
  5. How’s the fishing in the area of Clayton Georgia? Planning on going there to visit and possibly move to one day. Nothing particular drawing me to that area other than the name coincidence haha. I just think he cool to live in Clayton Georgia when my name is Clayton George. since fishing is a big part of my life and who I am I need to be able to without long drives.
  6. Another complete scrooges when it comes to Christmas or the holidays? this is the best part of Christmas….its over. not a fan of Christmas I personally hate it haven’t been a fan of it most my life. Yeah as a little kid I’m sure I liked it getting gifts and I always got double having parents that are separated I got two Christmas’s one with mom one with dad. I try to enjoy it now for my daughters sake my boys are older they know the deal and don’t ask for or expect much oldest will be up this weekend and he wants to go hunting so we’ll do that. I’ve spent most the day on the couch just with eyes closed didn’t nap just laid there trying with all the background noise of how each kid got x amount spent on them and blah blah blah. If there was an option to work today I would have jumped all over it and told daughter and fiancé it was “mandatory”.
  7. Coyotes are the primary thing I hunt nowadays. I live out in the sticks they are all over every night I only get to hunt Friday and Saturday nights. I work in the city though and there’s dead coyote all over 390/490/590 highways in Rochester. They don’t last on side the road very long though deer will sit dead on the shoulder longer than coyotes do. A black one was on the side of 390S last winter I passed it in work truck at 0730 it was gone when I went back by a hour later. If I wasn’t in my work truck an armored ford transit hauling cash I would have grabbed it myself. I see far more road killed coyotes in the city limits than I do out in the country where I live and hunt them. I don’t think they harm pets nearly as much as people think they do. I’ve gotten several properties to hunt by them reaching out to me on Facebook or friends to kill them on their property to protect their pets. Fox are off limits but coyotes they want eradicated.
  8. Was gun opener here in NY over the weekend. Sat both Saturday and Sunday mornings. Didn’t see anything but squirrels Saturday and Sunday had 3 yearlings come within pistol range for me but I let em walk. I’m hoping to get one with my 45acp this year.
  9. I fell asleep 2nd round of the first fight and woke up as Paul was going to the ring in the dually. I wish I just slept through it it’s opening day for deer here and I’ve gotta get up and go to the stand in 3 hours. Oh well
  10. Tried to go this morning before work and turned alarm off instead of hitting snooze. Woke got out of bed what I thought was 2am grabbed my phone to get ready to go and realized it was 354am and I have to be to work at 5am so no gym this morning. got out of work early only had a 8hr day as opposed to my usual 10-13 hr days. Went to the gym after work and that was a huge mistake. Gym was packed then got more packed when highschool kids got out of school. Only managed to get 3 exercise is for chest today incline dumbbell, incline smith and flat barrel press. Kept having people walk past me as I was doing barrel press and had to stop mid rep so didn’t hit them they were so close. I packed up and left after 25 minutes. Might go to the gym that’s in the school while my daughter is at cheer practice. Get a little more in hopefully I’ve never been to this one just heard there’s one at the school and it has cables I’ve heard.
  11. Been going still not as consistent as I was though were super short staffed at work. My only chance to go is before work so I get up at 0145 during the week and hit the gym 0230-0400 then get to work before 0500. Some days I hit snooze to many times haha. Tough when fiancé works 1900-2300 and I just get short naps in while she’s at work with our daughter needing me. started a new program like I’ve been doing. Not new but finished the 10 week ppl program now doing the 12 week FML program again and half way through week 3. It’s a 5 day week program. Chest/calves, back, legs, shoulders/traps, arms/abs. Alternating weeks high rep then low rep high weight. I’m definitely seeing progress and improvement my weight is kinda staying consistent. I dropped 25lbs when I started this life style I’m back up some where I’m fluctuating 205-210.
  12. clayton86


    Yall can’t do 10s? Here in NY it’s gotta be 10 or less. I have exemption being armed guard though. At least for my pistols I can’t carry an AR for duty though
  13. clayton86


    I like the vortex strike eagle I’ve got 2 personally. Have a 1-6 on my 45-70 and the 1-8 ffp on one of my AR10s. I’ve had to deal with vortex warranty once on a cross fire I had on a bolt 308 I had. Broke an inner glass I emailed them they shipped a new one out to me no questions asked had it on the rifle in 3 days. Just had to ship the broken one back and they covered return shipping. I’ve got vortex optics on all my rifles but 1 and that 1 is only because vortex doesn’t make a thermal optic so I’ve got a pulsar I bounce between 3 set ups for coyotes and just change the zeroing profile.
  14. Been doing 6 days a week for the last 9 weeks in the PPL program I’m doing. This past week though I only went 3 times Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Did push on Monday pull on Wednesday and just cardio yesterday and a little bit of core. Been nursing a slight shoulder injury so took time off to not stress it. Wasn’t a gym injury but might as well have been with how I did it. I’m too stubborn at work to use a hand cart when banks ship coin if it’s just a few bags. Few weeks ago a bank shipped half bag of each denomination other than pennies which was a full bag. Carried it all out to the truck leaving my gun hand free like supposed to do plus my route is down town in the hood areas Rochester so want gun hand free just in case. Was roughly 90lbs in a coal sack instead of on a hand cart. Shoulders been sore since. Tomorrow I plan on starting week 10 and going the full 6 days.
  15. Nope, fiancé and her mom both are vaccinated and boosted both have got it multiple times with the shots. I’ve never got it or the shots and live with them and kiss my fiancé when she she had it. Yet I never got it and have to test when she has it in order to go to work. Always negative
  16. Getting back into paintball after a 16 year break. I do a lot of predator hunting October till end of march. Waterfowl a bit also but most my buddies I did it with all stopped and it’s a lot of work setting up decoys just for myself especially when the limit is only 2 mallards and you’ve limited out in 1 shot at first light and they weren’t water swatted just a lucky shot at 40 haha. I do a lot of reloading and shooting also. Was building rods for a while also but that’s slowed way down no one can afford custom rods now even when I barely charge over cost of parts. gym 5-6 days a week but like a jay said it’s more a lifestyle than hobby.
  17. Red - unstoppable Any given sin - (I just) died in your arms State of mine - something in orange - careless whisper - the thunder rolls Stone sour - wicked game Tommy Vext - terrible things
  18. I was same 16-21 I was playing in tournaments every chance I got and tried out for Rochester rhythm and Brooklyn style. Made it on style then joined the army like a week later and never played just went to a practiced. My oldest played last weekend with us he really liked it and said he was gonna ask my mom to buy him gear to start playing. My boys ask my mom for all the expensive stuff they want and she buys it haha I’m not complaining.
  19. Anyone else into paintball? I used to be huge into it I started playing when I was 11 I’m 37 now. I did take a 16 year hiatus from it though. Started with woods ball like most then moved into speedball and doing tournaments. Worked at a field part time nights and weekends till I joined the army in 2008 and that was the last I played up till this past March and now I’m back into playing every 2-3weeks just doing open play recball. The sports definitely changed since I stopped the guns now are fancier for better price don’t need to drop a grand or more for features that you get in a $300 gun. I’m still rocking my old gear when we play though still have a ‘98 shoe box shocker, ‘03 SFT shocker and an auto cocker. Other than my shoe box they work fine so don’t see the need to buy newer ones.
  20. Disturbeds sound of silence
  21. Still going strong in the FML program I mentioned previously. Second day of week 11 in it this morning got 1 week left in the program I’ll finish it just in time for our vacation to Florida next weekend. the app keeps record of previous work outs so I can click the little clock in the app and it will show previous sets. Some of them I’ve improved almost 150% others it’s not as much but big improvements in all workouts. I've put on weight though from when I was at the lowest I weighed myself a few weeks ago. Shirts and pants are still looser fitting like I’ve lost weight but number on scale is a few(6) higher so gotta be muscle weight gained. At first I wanted to be 190-200 but I’m stuck now 210 seems to be where my body likes.
  22. Daughter made me a card and coupon book at school. All the coupons are kinda pointless though haha. I don’t sleep in and that’s one of em. She’s 8 so yard work one I guess have her pick up sticks before I mow. Do dishes I could use but her mom will just re do them haha. My boys texted me saying happy Father’s Day but that was it from them. I have a small urn with my father’s ashes in it that says “fishing in heaven” so I fished with him watching down but I do that every Sunday already.
  23. I’ve got 3 I suppose. The one I was tagged about that some of the long timers here know and probably the “worst”. 5.5 years ago when working as a tow truck operator I was winching a car out of a ditch when a ‘99 F150 hit what we assume was the same black ice and spit out striking me. Shattered pelvis, ruptured liver, kidney, spleen, lung collapsed, fractured neck and TBI. Was in coma(induced) for 3 weeks. Made a full recovery and unless I told you you would never know I got hit by a truck 5 years ago limp is gone only thing I have to show from the accident so to speak is the scar from hip to hip from when they put the plate in to fix my pelvis. When I was doing commercial roofing I fell off a roof about 20’ when they had me lower a wheel barrel by hand since the crane was gone and it had to be taken off the roof. They said I was knocked out for a minute before coming to dusting my self off and going back to work haha but they stopped me and told me to go sit down. Then first day of summer break after 6th grade being young and dumb. Mudding on the 4 wheeler with best friend we decided it would be a good idea to hit a corn field that was flooded at top speed……wheeler hydro planed threw us off Clay went one way I went another. Wheeler landed on me upside down the curve on the seat is basically all that saved me. I didn’t have a scratch on me lots of mud but no injury’s. We found my glasses sticking up out of the mud where I must of face planted and glasses stayed and I kept going haha. 3 accidents most recent one was worse. I think I’m invincible some times lol
  24. Started week 5 of the program I’m doing it’s a high rep week. Called for Slight incline dumbbell press 15, 15, 15, 30 reps did 15@ 40lbs 12@40 15@25lbs and 26@25lbs so fell short a few sets but went to failure. incline barbell 20, 20, 30 did 20@75lbs 20@75 and 30@75 decline barbell 3 sets of 20 did 3 sets of 20@75lbs Cable flys 15, 20, 30 did 15@30lbs, 20@30lbs 30@20lbs Machine incline press 3 sets 20 reps each I ended up with 10@72lbs 12@72 9@72 I was pretty smoked by this block. Then was calf’s single leg smith machine calf raises. 4 sets of 20 I did 20@95lbs 20@75 3 times felt great the I feel the high rep weeks more being so high rep I can really push myself to failure. The lower rep high weight weeks when I do fall short it’s usually by 1 rep but I do a bit heavier weight. tomorrow it’s back day which is like my 2nd favorite thing to hit shoulders are my favorite but that’s day 4 in this plan.
  25. Eating healthy is my biggest struggle I have cut back a lot of unhealthy habits mostly my energy drink consumption. I’ve seen his videos about taking TRT. Only PED I suppose I take is pre work I take in morning before gym and creatine. I work out M-F before work and take weekends off for rest. I try and get plenty of sleep only get a solid 8+ on Sunday and Monday nights though occasionally Friday nights if I can sleep in on Saturday but it’s tough even when I don’t set alarm to be up. Fiancé works 7-11 and our daughter wants to stay up and wait for mommy. I usually get power naps in though on couch till mommy gets home then I get to go to bed but I wake up at 0250 to go to the gym.
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