The media does what they do because it gets results. And, what people think about him
is their own business. But, if they are going publish what they think about him, even on a forum like this, they should have the nerve to accept the fact that someone is going to respond with what they think about what they had to say.
I didn't "blast" anyone. I simply said their comments said more about them than the person the comments were about. I don't know them any better than they know my father (though, in fact, I know a little more than nothing about a couple of them), and nothing stopped them from leveling judgement. So, again, if someone is going to say what they think about somebody else, they ought to be adult enough to accept a response. And, incidentally, this was not my purpose in coming to this site, although it's been the unfortunate consequence.
I'm sorry if the "God bless" bothers you, Glenn, but you're the one who said it was sad when morals take a back seat. My morals tell me to maintain civility towards those I disagree with, and, no matter what they say, to wish them well. And I meant it then just as much as I meant what I had to say, which was fairly benign. Somebody's son telling you that your judgement of his father is off? It doesn't get any more mild than that. If that's what you call an "attack", what happens when somebody gets really snotty? Do you just spontaneously combust?
Grey Wolf - I can't respond to the PM you sent me, and you obviously meant to keep what you said private, so I won't elaborate. Suffice it to say that you have no idea what you're talking about. And yes, I thinks it's safe to say, since you know my name and I don't know yours, that I've got more than you.
To the kinder messages & responses I've received, thank you. I do appreciate it. I don't expect anyone to absolve Dad of what he did. Nor does he. It's just that there's more to it than the news cared to report (and some of the reports were just completely wrong), and anyone who knows him should know better. That's all.
Guess what. I'm still going to sign off with--
God Bless,
Scott Crumpler
PS - And I mean it.